Animals around newborns and babies?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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Hiya ive got two cats and I do understand how carefull I will have to be when lil baby here. I will always keep my eyes open and intend the cats to never be in the same room "unattended" and at night seperated.

So I am a cat person::) love dogs just never had one.

Un the lead up to birth and straight after I will be staying at my mom and dads. They look after my brothers 2 sausage dogs mainly while he works but one of them they literally have 6 days and 6nights. Just abut cautious thinking im going to be in their house and nervous about dogs. See one if them doesnt like children and will snarl when a kid goes to stroke her apart frim any kids in the family. But these dogs have never been around a newborn. And my brother and dad are the kind if people who joke around too and would probably see nothing wrong with holding dogs right next ti baby.

Dunno if im being OTT but if I tell my dad now he is the kind if person that does simething all the more if u have an issue and I really dont want myself to snap while im there demanding to go home when they are doing the lovely thing of putting me up.

Its funny cus u bet uf I said anything now they wud say cats could do anything but I feel I can judge and trust my cats alittle more as im not use to dogs.

What are your thoughts and advice? Xxx
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My husband brought a puppy home 3 weeks ago which i was pretty suprised about, but it had been abused its inly 12 weeks old and its tiny. We have two other children who now absolutly adore it. She is a good dog, toilet trained and my husband does deal with it. ive had the same thoughts about putting baby down on the floor and her being in her bouncer, but like i say she is tiny and really good around my other two children. we have a small puppy cage, so we put her in and out of there.
My grandads dog is very good around my children ive always managed to leave them on the floor, i think its the way dogs are brought up x x
Awww lil puppy :+) sound perfect dogs! Its reassuring to hear that. The last thing I want to do is let my nervous behaviour offend my brother or mom and I suppose to some extent if I just acted normal the dogs might ?! .
Im just scared of being too overprotected. My friend who came round the other day has a 4 year old. And after the visit she said Ishe was worried about him being around the cats and I said oh dont worry they were alittle scared but soon came back from under the sofa when you had gone. And she said no I had been worried about them attacking her son :s I did find this hillarious as her son was the one chasing them evrrywhere I was concerned about my cats lol and to me I see them as harmless , she had no pets so I suppose alot of people have little trust when its npt their animal. Xxx
your a human and so to the dogs you have authority. their owners are usually the pack leaders and if the pack leader shows them a baby and tells them not to touch then they wont. they would protect it as a part of their pack. as for cats they will probably not pay a lot of attention to lo til it can grab them. the only reason cats would go near it would be food, curiosity or to curl up in a warm place, thats why we dont leave them alone with a baby, they would accidentally smother it. if they dont like being grabbed by baby they will stay out of reach usually. they will only swipe at a kid that wont let them go. kid then learns not to grab the cat. either way having animals around a baby isnt too difficult to handle as long as you introduce the dogs to baby and only allow them to behave appropriately towards it. if they growl or bare their teeth then punish them accordingly and they will soon learn
It's not going to be easy with my doggy as she gets overexcited around any human and goes straight for a kiss.

Fortunately she knows baby's room is off limits, so she wouldn't be caught dead in there. And we'll have to do some calming down practice before baby comes.
I have 2 house rabbits who pretty much hate most humans unless they come equipped with dried apple (Parsley growls at our visitors :roll:) although they love us two to pieces. Because they have angora in their coat they both moult by the handful and I am considering whether to give them back to their breeder before I give birth. I would be heartbroken but I am worried their fur could cause lung problems for the baby. If we get a house rather than a flat I will have them outside but if it's a flat they will probably have to go :(
My mum has a dog and she is 6 and a half. My eldest nephew is 5 and she was fine around him when he was a baby. My sister has 4 altogether now and each one she has been great especially with the youngest - she follows her around making sure she doesn't get into anything. We know she is still an animal so MUST be watched at all times round the children. As long as someone is there controlling the situation and the animals know that, nothing should go wrong.

Ask your parents and your brother how they think the dogs will act around LO and see what they say. Don't make it an issue, just casually bring it up.
I think it depends entirely on the dog! I personally would never leave any animal unattended with a child, it goes without saying! At the end of the day, they're animals and no matter how well trained they are, they still have the animal instinct if they're grabbed in a way they don't like!

My mum and dads dog is 14 now, he's very protective of the girls, but at the same time he's old and snappy now! We keep them separated as much as possible! The girls know not to go near him and he takes himself off and hides from them :lol: the closest they get is a stroke if we're sat right next to them! He's only a little westie!

My OHs dog on the other hand bounds right up to them, gives them kisses etc and I have no problems with that! And he's a big lab-cross!
If you are really worried then you could always use a moses basket and stand while you stay at your parents? The dogs are little enough that if they knock the stand then they shouldn't be able to knock it over but it will also keep your baby out of the reach of little noses? I wouldn't worry too much, the dogs will probably be totally disinterested in the baby (mine all stay well clear whenever possible!) and its not like the baby is going to be on the move while you stay there! I would be more worried if you were going with a crawler/toddler - they should have no reason to dislike the baby as they are fairly inanimate objects when they are newborn, the only thing mine don't really like is crying babies and they generally disappear whenever one turns up!
your a human and so to the dogs you have authority. their owners are usually the pack leaders and if the pack leader shows them a baby and tells them not to touch then they wont.

Not neccessarily.........the whole pack leader theory is incredibly flawed, out dated and not applicable to domestic dogs. It was based on a study of captive wolves which is therefore like comparing human behaviour to that of gorillas in the zoo!!

I understand it will be difficult as this is not your dog or your home but you need some ground rules especially if the dog has already shown that it is not at ease with children.

My 9 dogs are already experiencing a change in their environment in preparation for a new arrival.:) Their training has stepped up, area's they are allowed into redefined (they were never allowed in the lounge or upstairs anyway), routies varied, borrowed pushchair going out for walks with them
and 'leave it' & 'back off' commands strengthened.

There is somewhere a fab book about introducing your dog(s) to a new baby in the house, think it was a USA based book but the author is a forward thinking modern positive trainer and the advice was very good. I'll find the link somewere!!

Baby gates between rooms are a brilliant way of keeping dog and baby at a distance but also allowing the dog to see and hear everything that is going on. How about suggesting this to your parents/brother to ensure everyone (including the dogs, so they see you are considering them too :lol:) safe and happy?
lol oh theres a theory? i was just referring to how my dogs and my mums dogs act. im the boss, my mum is the boss, they listen and do as theyre told. sounds like good tips there :)
lol oh theres a theory? i was just referring to how my dogs and my mums dogs act. im the boss, my mum is the boss, they listen and do as theyre told. sounds like good tips there :)

Oooooh yes there are loads of theories on this subject and further theories and papers debunking and disproving the 'evidence'!!!!Unfortunately many old fashioned trainers jumped on the band wagon and started brandising terms such as 'dominant behaviour' around (think Mexican Midget on the TV:roll:) without realising the repurcussions of their actions!!!

But that's a whole other subject for another thread!!!

Dogs DO need rules and boundaries so you are right in what you say Bev, my lot do as they are told too!!
Do you have to stay at your mum and dads?

Sorry but that whole situation is really very uncomfortable to me. If one of the dogs already growls at kids, it can in no way be trusted. Not in a million years. I wouldn't even let family kids near it... some dogs just don't like kids and it only takes pushing it a little too far and your baby is missing an ear or the end of it's nose or whatever.

I know that is pretty grim, but it happens all the time and it's too late.

My mums sausage dog nearly had my nose off - it just came out of no where for no reason and planted it's teeth into my face.

I would not leave your baby around dogs that are not your own without you being there.

Cats are easy. You just need to close doors :)
I think the cats vs dogs argument could go on forever, cats are no way safer than dogs, however I am a dog person and do think that quite often if people are doggy then they are often not into cats too and the same vice versa! This is no big thing and I think people just have to accept that they like what they like and are more comfortable around what they know. I think not staying at your parents at all is a bit dramatic, its not exactly like you are going to be leaving a new born baby lying around on the floor is it?! Maybe think of it as an advantage that they are only sausage dogs and therefore its pretty easy to keep your baby out of their way? I really can't imagine that if these dogs aren't keen on kids that they will go and seek out your baby - if dogs don't like children it's generally because they are afraid of them. I totally agree with Cazza - you can always put up baby gates etc to have a dog free area - my dogs are used to kids being around having been a nanny however I have also upped their obedience indoors and reaffirmed their commands such as leave, off and on your beds, they do not come on sofas or go upstairs anyway. I have also put a moses basket on a stand and taught them to leave it/not touch it - they are spaniels and like to put their paws up on things :)
Could you have a quiet word with your mum and see what she thinks about your dad/bro and whether she could be another pair of eyes that is on your side?! She may also be able to have a quiet word with your dad without making a big deal of things? x
its the same with any animal, they should never be left unattended with a baby, some are naturally snappier than others. ive had dogs that were viscious when they came to mine and ive trained it out of them. i had a housemat who's dog was viscious and he wasnt happy when 'his' dog started listening to me and doing what i said and wouldnt dare look at me funny. im confident i can make my dogs accept my baby. the fur issue is what it is, furry pets shed fur, some more than others. unless your child is naturally allergic it shouldnt harm them to have a bit of fluff around and obvs im assuming ppl will be quite vigilant hoovering up the stuff too lol.
You can get dogs to accept a baby and obey your commands, yes, but the minute said baby grabs the dogs tail, game over! They're animals, as are we! Think how we react if someone touches us in a way we don't like, instant reaction is to swat them away, dogs are the same, except they use their teeth...
Hi Hun I've got three dogs one of which Is a great Dane. None ever show any aggression and I don't believe would attack a child/baby however accidents happen and a dogs idea of fun isn't necessary a babies.
We've bought a baby gate to introduce a new boundary obviously this will not always be in place but at times of over excitement or changing etc it will be!
We have also started to introduce extra stimuli into the house e.g lots of squeaky baby toys as they can get used to all toys not being theirs ( we also get to judge reactions etc) maybe it's worth doing this to see how they react.

Personally I'm not a fan of little dogs I've always found them quite nervous hence barky and snappy but that's just my opinion I'm sure people wouldn't appreciate my dane in their house lol

Good luck with it x x
WOW thank you to every single reply, It's been really intresting reading everyones thoughts , opinions and advice, every single one has great points THANKYOU. The world is very you either like cats or dogs lol!

See i feel confident with my cats as a couple of you mentioned, shut doors etc and without sound like a freaky cat lady yes i can see why the cats would be inquisitive ie for warmth , curiousity and i would deal with that thanks again for pointing that out :) also i suppose my cats are my responsibilty and feel i know them and can control them etc.

I have got a moses basket and stand etc and plan on using that i am concerned really of just one of dogs behaviour. Not Boris as he is disabled (on wheels he slipped a disc in his back, he is 14 and has no teeth lol so all he would do is bark) But slinky is very snarly as as someone mentioned Ive heard sausage dogs suddenly snapping and literally biting peoples faces off!

When my mom and dad walk slinky if any child comes to stroke my parents have to say no. As she for some reason snaps / snarls at children but with adults she fine, even me, shes bowls me over licks my face, i trust her with me but its not like i have the authority to control her etc.

My brother and sis in law had the dogs at the time where she had an etopic pregnancy which resulted in hysterectamy unfortuntaly. This has meant that they literally treated the dogs like children to some extent (Hopefully you know what i mean) and because my mom and dad look after them like most the time and have done for about 7 years they are so so close to them too.

Just dont want to offend any of them but im also scared that if they start like holding the baby by the dogs to say 'hello' I will just want to get in my car and go home and do this by myself which will then result in lots of hurt people and tears. My mom n dad letting me stay there is a really big deal for me as I iwll have support and extra hands and if all is well will only be for a matter of days or a week after birth. But my dad seriously when he know something does your head in he does it even more for attention which when its something to do with someone else its funny but i dont wanna play when its to do with me lol!.

Just scared as no one has had a newborn in the family so firstly my dad may actually be really protective over lil one I suppose its the not knowing.

When i took the car seat there the other week I asked for it be stored upstairs in one of the bedrooms with shut doors as its beige and didnt want dog dribble on it me mom didnt look to pleased and said, well if you had kept it at home all the cats would have been over it etc

So I prob will mention it to my mom as one of you said, maybe mention how i think dogs will be etc? rather than make it an issue. I keep thinking i should not moan as its not my house etc but its becoming quite an anxiety for me now and really i may not have anything to worry about and all this was wasted worry! But its a big thing really cus if my parents hold the dogs by baby or vice versa i wouldnt feel safe baby staying there by itself without me in the future. I just really want to get off on the right foot without offending anyone in the family but overall knowing lil babas safe :) xxxxxx
Also what you could do (i know it sounds crazy) a doll! Get the dogs used to the idea theres going to be a small person around! and see how they act to it.
I'm sure people wouldn't appreciate my dane in their house lol
Awwwwww who wouldn't appreciate a Great Dane?!?! They're lovely! (of course, my house would need to quadruple its size to acommodate one, but that's another story)

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