Am I ovulating? **NEW pics added**

Crazy eh?

I thought the lines only stayed dark for a couple of days too.

Well, I'm going to disappear for a few mins to do my opk! Will be back when I've got the piccies, so around 5.30! It's going to be the longest half an hour EVER! ;) x x
How exciting :) see you shortly miss j x x

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MissJ - I always feel like I come in and rain on your parade but hun, I really don't think you've even had your surge yet. Not just going from my own tests, but Maybe's, Positivity's etc are also much darker than yours at the point you get the surge.

And Tracey's looks exactly how a positive should. I think this is the difficulty with those cheapy tests, there is so much "what if, is this it? etc" that it can be very frustrating.

And if you read the pack, it does say it is very likely you will get two lines; I always had two lines. But unless the test line is darker or as dark as the control line, it's not a positive petal.

If I'm wrong I'll eat my hat x
Thanks girls. :)

Jen you're not raining on my parade - you're being honest. :)

I've been saying all day that it sounds way too good to be true (but still secretly buzzing) but hey there's always hope and that's not such a bad thing. I'm not expecting a BFP right now, just a positive opk. It's been so exciting because of the coincidence of my roll of dark lines 14 days after CD19's opk lol.

Not everyone has a line as dark as the control so it could go either way right now I guess. I'm prepared for the BFN more than I am a BFP anyway.

I asked the opinions of the ladies of Tri 1 and 2 because it's good to get varied opinions, I value all of them. :D

Oh and in these pics, the lines are fainter than what they are in RL. Which I've also said. :)

Just off to dunk my OPK - if it IS fainter then that's fine, if it's darker then that's also fine, either way I'll still keep going with them.

x x
MissJ I love your attitude!! You've just lifted me out of my doldrums with that xx
Thanks girls. :)

Jen you're not raining on my parade - you're being honest. :)

I've been saying all day that it sounds way too good to be true (but still secretly buzzing) but hey there's always hope and that's not such a bad thing. I'm not expecting a BFP right now, just a positive opk. It's been so exciting because of the coincidence of my roll of dark lines 14 days after CD19's opk lol.

Not everyone has a line as dark as the control so it could go either way right now I guess. I'm prepared for the BFN more than I am a BFP anyway.

I asked the opinions of the ladies of Tri 1 and 2 because it's good to get varied opinions, I value all of them. :D

Oh and in these pics, the lines are fainter than what they are in RL. Which I've also said. :)

Just off to dunk my OPK - if it IS fainter then that's fine, if it's darker then that's also fine, either way I'll still keep going with them.

x x

I thought you were saying you were hoping for the OPK to pick up BFP...? Sorry, perhaps I've misunderstood x
Is the pic coming soon? I'm all excited to see it :)
Thanks girls. :)

Jen you're not raining on my parade - you're being honest. :)

I've been saying all day that it sounds way too good to be true (but still secretly buzzing) but hey there's always hope and that's not such a bad thing. I'm not expecting a BFP right now, just a positive opk. It's been so exciting because of the coincidence of my roll of dark lines 14 days after CD19's opk lol.

Not everyone has a line as dark as the control so it could go either way right now I guess. I'm prepared for the BFN more than I am a BFP anyway.

I asked the opinions of the ladies of Tri 1 and 2 because it's good to get varied opinions, I value all of them. :D

Oh and in these pics, the lines are fainter than what they are in RL. Which I've also said. :)

Just off to dunk my OPK - if it IS fainter then that's fine, if it's darker then that's also fine, either way I'll still keep going with them.

x x

I thought you were saying you were hoping for the OPK to pick up BFP...? Sorry, perhaps I've misunderstood x

Hi Miss J,

I have to say, that I thought the same as Jen and I was going to say before that you shouldn't get your hopes up but didn't want to be controversial as everyone else said the opposite!

Where's Louise B when you need her??! :wink:


Ive been away for 2 weeks ago look at all this I have missed!!! Im not taking a break from PF ever ever again! Its taking me 4 hours to catch up on everybody lol!!!

MissJ -I was stuck in Limbo last month and and decided to get a Boots pack of OPK's on around CD32 .. started to get positive-ish OPK's for 5 days... Then BANG AF smacked me in the face! Sorry I don't mean to try say that your AF is gunna get you, but what I mean to say is anything is possible!!!

Anyhow! I got my finger crossed for you!!

How are you today missj? x x

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Hiya girls!

I'm *so* sorry, I had literally just put my opk down and hubby's car pulled up so had to log off and sort his din dins out! I did get a pic, not to worry! It does have colour but looks like half the line is darker. :confused:

Oh well, will just upload pics to PB. :thumbup:

Oh and for Jen and Maybe, noooo lol I'm not using the opks to detect pregnancy, I've kept on with them to see if I get a line like the control with my surge. I was just saying it's funny how I've gotten a few in a row with lines 14 days after my CD19 test which is my first darkie test. Which everyone else then noticed and they gave their opinions so I thought I'd ask the ladies of Tri 1 and 2, thinking they would hit me with some straight talking sense and even they suggested doing a HPT. I haven't got a HPT so I'm not doing one. :)

I have been doing some reading up on these strips where LOADS of women said they NEVER got a line as dark as the control and apparently some emailed the company who told them that even if the line was partially as dark, it's deemed positive! :confused:

I have the link somewhere, I stopped reading at about 1am this morning.

So for all we know (it is possible) I have ovulated and been blessed with a short cycle but like I've been telling hubby all along, I feel like it's almost a tease because I know my cycles can be long therefore I feel more inclined to believe that I have not ovulated. But it doesn't stop me hoping I actually have already...if that makes sense??

Louize, I'm prepared for AF to show her ugly face and knock all my positivity out of me but until she does I'm going to keep walloping her with my happy stick (no, not ov sticks!) and beat seven bells out of her in the meantime. :p

Pics are uploading!

x x x
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Yay glad you're back - I worried a little bit when you didn't show the pic :hug:
Well these ov sticks seem to be a blooming headcase!! Can't wait to see this pic and have a goosey at them.
How do you feel symptom wise about if/when you ov'd? Around the 19 mark did you get any ovv symptoms that would support a surge? xx
Sort of, think I said I had achey feelings, like a real intense ache on my left side for a couple of days. To be honest I didn't notice much else!

I'm just going to get a pic of the test this morning. :)

x x
Here we go. Bit of crappy quality though. :(





x x
Hey hun
I keep looking again & again & to me I think CD35 & CD36 look the darkest
Looking at them on the table and they all look a similar colour! Lol weird eh?

Will keep going with them and see what happens. :)

x x
The feeling of aching on the left side sounds like ov to me :)
So either way this is good - either you ov'd on 19th and these lines are picking up hcg OR you are ov'ing now and still in the game :yay:

Have you always had nonstop lines? xx

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