Alcohol Free Lager

:lol:becks blue lager is a nice one i drank that with my second and hubby even drank it by mistake and never noticed !!! tesco do a quite nice alc free rose but must admit had the odd drink with both of mine and after 12 weeks i might with this one have too many wedding s !!!! xxx
I treated myself to a very low alcohol cider from tesco's last night, didn't finish it but it defo satisfied my craving for beer I've been having recently!
I drank the odd glass of wine with ds n I've had the odd beer n glass of wine all way threw this pregnancy. It's what ever u r confey with x
OMG i am dying for a drink now!!! I stopped drinking about a year before i go pregnant so think how long i have gone...maybe longer!!! Nice earned drink when baba is here i think xxx
they sell alcohol free rose wine in tesco thinks its 3.50 bottle x
You can get caffeine free d.coke xx in response to the d.coke part! lol x
Alcohol free beer is fine to drink, except that some are really nasty! Hubby bought 8 cans of kaliber the day we found out and it tasted so bad I didn't miss beer at all, lol!
I think cobra's alright though.
I used to drink the non-alcoholic beer, there is something like 0.05% alcohol in it so can't see the harm in that. I think even orange juice if left out for a bit can have more alcohol than that in it.
my OH has recommended Becks Blue as well, he says it really is just like drinking normal lager but is totally alcohol free YAY. We sell it at work so I might partake in some.

I really couldnt do caffine free coke, thats my must have ;)
Caffine free D. coke tastes totally different, it's like the naughty bits in it add the yumminess.

My first craving has been for ice cold lager, never really been much of a drinker, so it's really confused me, may have to see if the alcohol free stuff does the trick
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