Age Gap with your OH

Minxy said:
Am I the only with a toy boy? :oops: (Apart from Tankett :wink: )

I'm 3 and a half years older than OH, but still look younger. Ha!! :lol:

Nothing wrong with a toyboy, is there Minxy?? :lol:
2years between me and OH, we love the fact that we wont even be 40 when Jamie starts university lmao!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
There are [Removed personal information] between me & OH, think it's quite a nice gap.

He's still a silly bugger most of the time though.
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Theres 11 years between me & my OH. I'm 22 he's 33. It's never been an issue between us and other people dont realise the difference. I hope thats because he looks younger than he is & not cos i look older lol :doh:
There is 21 years between me and my man. They do grow up around 40. He is 43. We are perfect together. I am of breeding age, and also willing to do lot's of things. He can look after me and teach me things. I do not get the whinging and immaturity of a young man, plus he tells the truth..
theres 6 1/2 years between me and dh im 26 he is 32 we have been together since i was 17 but have known him since i was 12.
My oh is 11 years older than me I'm 32 and hes 43 and he's still the immature one :D
Dont think they ever get out of the lads stage, or is it just my bad luck?
Well mine has. He is the same age. He can still have a laugh with younger people. Just as well having me and his brother at 22/23, but he knows how far to take it. He is also great withthe children but is different arund adults.

Obviously he has learned to focus his immaturity. He is great in all other areas, and manages to keep me in check..
Theres 10 yrs between me n my bloke, im 17 he 27!
my husband is 18 yrs older thane me... he's just turned 50 and a daddy!!! :D The age gap has never caused any problems for us! Although we had to agree on just the one child due to DH age. He wanted us to have a baby before his 50th...

I have a toyboy too lol. i am 29 and my husband is 24. Most of the time not an issue but think sometimes thats half the reason we had our little drama last week ( seperate post ). I think as long as you love each other then age should have nothing to do with it. I love having a toy boy x
16 years between us, I'm 34 and he is nearly 50. Not any problems really... Thou my dad did say "why is he going out with you when he should be hanging out with me?!"... Hahaha!
Theres 8years between me and my OH. Im 24, hes 33 next month, my family love him.
Age is a number, not a mental age. I forget how old my OH is sometimes as he's very immature. But I love him to bits

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