Age Gap with your OH

Am I the only with a toy boy? :oops: (Apart from Tankett :wink: )

I'm 3 and a half years older than OH, but still look younger. Ha!! :lol:

Ive got a toyboy too, :whistle: 6 years between me and OH and we have no problems as long as it works and those involved are happy dont see it has to be an issue xx
My OH is 20 yrs older than me (26 and 46) we get on amazingly and really work as team thinking of and looking after each other xxx
13 years between me and my OH. Never noticed the age gap.
10 and half years between me and other half I'm coming up for 24 and his 34. I never really notice until his ex wife will make a comment of how "young" I am. but hey ho can't please everyone lol
There's only 5 years between DH and I. I was 17 when we got together and his family HATED that. LOL We got married 2 weeks after my 18th birthday and his Mum refused to even meet me until after the ceremony. His friends didn't like me either, but I think that's mostly because he used to run around after them, giving them lifts and paying for stuff for them and I put a stop to all that.

We've been married for 13 1/2 years now. The gap never bothered us.
My other half is eight years older than me. It's never been a problem :)
I'm 28 and my OH is 54.... quite a big age gap! We've known each other 11 years, been together for nearly 5. I can't comment on anyone elses relationship, just that although of course later down the line there will be challenges to overcome (which let's face it there is any relationship in one way or another) we're rock solid. I can't imagine him as being younger or me as older, we just are who we are :)
There's only 5 years between DH and I. I was 17 when we got together and his family HATED that. LOL We got married 2 weeks after my 18th birthday and his Mum refused to even meet me until after the ceremony. His friends didn't like me either, but I think that's mostly because he used to run around after them, giving them lifts and paying for stuff for them and I put a stop to all that.

We've been married for 13 1/2 years now. The gap never bothered us.

And your trying for number 8 wow wonder woman! x
I'm 39 and my husband is 29. . We've been together for nearly 8 years and we're very happy together.

The only issue has been that I was ready to have children long before I met him , whereas he felt far too young. Unfortunately, this meant we ended up going down the IVF route but we've been very lucky and caught first cycle.

I don't know what our chances are of having a second baby but I wouldn't swap my life with him for anything.
We have a 5 year age gap, my husband being older than me
My fiance is 18 years younger than me, im 37 and he's 19! I don't look or act my age, feel in my late twenties lol, he's really mature for his age, has his head screwed on! We don't notice the age gap as like someone else said we are just us :) other people have had their say about it, mainly to him, don't think anyone dares say anything to me pmsl. Age is just a number when you truly love someone and as long as you're happy who cares what anyone else thinks, it's non of their business at the end of the day. All we care about is that our families are happy about it and both sides are as they can see how happy we make each other :) xx
we have a two year gap, we met when I was 15 and him 17, but we are both quite mature minded im lucky to find my young old man lmao xx
22 years between me and DH. Together 8 years never been a problem, he's the older one. But mentally I'm older haha
My oh is 10 years older and tbh he can be quite childish at times even then so I shudder to think about being married to a 27 year old!!! I think women mature quicker so we sometimes need an older man to meet in the middle lol
Age gap is not a problem in relationship. Every thing is mutual understanding & respect for each others.
20 years between us, age gap never has been a problem. Together for nearly 7 years now and engaged to be married.

I'm 25 and he is 45.
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Me and my partner have 4 and a half years between us and it's never been an issue. In fact I sometimes forget he's older than I.
22 years between me and my OH too, it's not weird in the slightest between us we're on totally the same page, but it is hard sometimes when we get stared at or people make comments. It's unpleasant when they have NO idea what I'm like or he's like, many women are extremely mature and just click better with older guys xo
My oh is my soul mate and love of my life, we have been together for over two years. I'm 30 and he is 45 but this age gap has never been a problem. I don't think age gaps matter as long as u both r happy :-)

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