AAAHH!! waiting for milk to cool


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
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ok so at the minute i make my bottles up as i go along like the midwife has told us. boil the kettle, mix the powder into the boiled water then put the bottle into cold water to cool.
but poor finley gets so worked up while waiting for it 2 cool. i do try and quess when he's ready and make the bottle up in advance.but i know u can only have it made up for an hour so i dont like 2 do that alot
how does every1 else make their bottles up?
Have you tried using the ready made hun? I used those until I worked out a proper feeding pattern for Odhrán so I could have the bottle ready and cooled in advance.. I remember those days when Odhrán was squealing and I was trying so hard to cool the bottle quicker! I felt so sorry for him! I would say give the ready made stuff a go it's fab and very very convenient.. What formula are you using atm? xx
I get all my bottles ready in the morning, Ive got a fab routine now lol. I wash and sterilise all the bottles and boil the kettle while Im doing it. Then fill each bottle with the water and put them on the side. Then when I need the bottle I put the powder in and heat up the bottle in water.

That way, the formula hasnt been premade so cant build up bacteria, and the water has already been boiled and just needs heating up. I cant see how keeping water in the bottles can build bacteria, but obviously its not recommended by midwives ect. I never keep the water longer than 24 hours, and make sure the bottle stays sealed ect. But yeah, saves the waiting for it to cool ect. :)
I always wanted to do that Mel but the MW's proper freaked me out about it! xx
I lied when they came :blush:

But my mum used to do it and other people I know who have bottle fed have done it so I just thought 'meh..might as well!' :D
That's so true like.. My mum used to make them all put them in the fridge them in the micro! (Talking 30 years ago:lol:) But we were all fine! Fill you full of fear those MW's :blush: Well me anyway xx
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we were doing that at 1st melio but then the midwifes scared me was so much easier. she said that the powder had 2 me mixed into boiling water to destroy and bacteria.
Have you tried using the ready made hun? I used those until I worked out a proper feeding pattern for Odhrán so I could have the bottle ready and cooled in advance.. I remember those days when Odhrán was squealing and I was trying so hard to cool the bottle quicker! I felt so sorry for him! I would say give the ready made stuff a go it's fab and very very convenient.. What formula are you using atm? xx

i'm using sma gold at the min. you try every thing 2 coo them down faster dont you. i ve even tried the freezer not gonna happen any quicker really how ever hard u try. yeh the ready made cartons r good but alot more expensive if ur using a few a day it adds up
I use sma stay down and that had to be made up with chilled boiled water so the midwives honestly talk a little bit of crap. I keep a fridge jug full o water in the fridge and change it every morning or whenever it goes down past half :) x
I get all my bottles ready in the morning, Ive got a fab routine now lol. I wash and sterilise all the bottles and boil the kettle while Im doing it. Then fill each bottle with the water and put them on the side. Then when I need the bottle I put the powder in and heat up the bottle in water.

That way, the formula hasnt been premade so cant build up bacteria, and the water has already been boiled and just needs heating up. I cant see how keeping water in the bottles can build bacteria, but obviously its not recommended by midwives ect. I never keep the water longer than 24 hours, and make sure the bottle stays sealed ect. But yeah, saves the waiting for it to cool ect. :)

I always did it like this xx
I get all my bottles ready in the morning, Ive got a fab routine now lol. I wash and sterilise all the bottles and boil the kettle while Im doing it. Then fill each bottle with the water and put them on the side. Then when I need the bottle I put the powder in and heat up the bottle in water.

That way, the formula hasnt been premade so cant build up bacteria, and the water has already been boiled and just needs heating up. I cant see how keeping water in the bottles can build bacteria, but obviously its not recommended by midwives ect. I never keep the water longer than 24 hours, and make sure the bottle stays sealed ect. But yeah, saves the waiting for it to cool ect. :)

I do mine exactly the same except i don't warm mine. My lads drink them room temp, makes the waiting time even less. I also have a milk dispenser tub thing and i measure out my scoops of milk all ready just to be put in the bottle. When lucas wants a bottle it takes litterally 20 seconds to get it ready xx

I always wanted to do that Mel but the MW's proper freaked me out about it! xx

Tell the MW to piss off lol. The 'rules' on bottle feeding change all the time, its rediculous man! When i had kieran we were told to make up 24 hours worth and keep them in the fridge, if you to do that now you would be very frowned upon.

I see the point about bacteria in the milk but IMO what doesn't kill them makes them stronger. This generation of babies are going to grow up with zero immune systems coz of all the daft rules and anibacterial stuff. I belive some contact with germs is good. Just make sure all bottles are washed well, sterilised, water boiled etc and bubs will be fine xx
I know it hard with your first not to do everything the mw tells you I was the same but monty is only 5 and when I had him they told me it was fine to made his bottle up before hand so I did the same with dolly. Both of mine didnt get colic or anything so I will be doing the same with this bubba if they did seem to be a problem of course I would make them up at I went.
I get all my bottles ready in the morning, Ive got a fab routine now lol. I wash and sterilise all the bottles and boil the kettle while Im doing it. Then fill each bottle with the water and put them on the side. Then when I need the bottle I put the powder in and heat up the bottle in water.

That way, the formula hasnt been premade so cant build up bacteria, and the water has already been boiled and just needs heating up. I cant see how keeping water in the bottles can build bacteria, but obviously its not recommended by midwives ect. I never keep the water longer than 24 hours, and make sure the bottle stays sealed ect. But yeah, saves the waiting for it to cool ect. :)

we do that too, except we dont heat it up :confused: in the hospital he was always given his milk at room temperature. Why isnt it recommended. If the bottle is sterilised, and the water is sterilised and the lid is on them.... I dont get it.
they say its because the powder has bacteria in so ur ment 2 get rid of that by mixing it into boiling water.
2 b honest think i'm gonna go back 2 the old way less hassle
apparently the powder isnt sterile so you need to put it into water thts just under boiling point to kill off the bacteria! bugger that!! at first i used ready made just cos it was easier and less fannying around with 2 kids :lol: then i just put the water into the bottles and added the powder as necessary and she had them at room temperature! i cant get her to drink hot milk anyway, she likes it how it comes!! i stopped sterilising at about 6m too when they say 12m, but when they're llicking the floor and eating shoes, sterilising bottles seems a bit petty!!

I'm not a Mum (yet) but I have been caring for babies & children for almost 12 years so i've had a lot of experience with milk & bottles.

I've seen all sorts of methods over the years including Parent's bringing me made up bottles in the morning for me to keep in the fridge to one Mum not even streralising ANYTHING EVER!! (Totally shocked me!).

For me routine wise when I care for a baby that still has formula milk I pour boiled water into however many bottles I think i'll need that day and let it cool to room temp, then I just add the milk as I go.

I think theres no right or wrong way to go about using formaula milk so I think you should do whatever makes it easier for you and your baby.

I can honestly say i've never heard of a baby getting poorly from bacteria in his/her milk.

Hope all that waffle is of some help! :)

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Sorry bit of a crasher as havig my first, but god aren't the rules so rediculous! I'm planning on expressing anyway, but if I do end up formula feeding I can't see the harm in adding powder to ready boiled water as you go. I am a big believer in
let them have some contact with germs or they are going to really suffer when they go to school! Some kids get ill all the time and a couple I know do are the ones where their house is always spotless and everythings sterilised, how did babies survive in cave man time up until now!? Strange lol but it's all a bit gimmicky I think as humans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years! Sorry for my little outburst, just thought I'd let that out. Lol. X
ok so at the minute i make my bottles up as i go along like the midwife has told us. boil the kettle, mix the powder into the boiled water then put the bottle into cold water to cool.
but poor finley gets so worked up while waiting for it 2 cool. i do try and quess when he's ready and make the bottle up in advance.but i know u can only have it made up for an hour so i dont like 2 do that alot
how does every1 else make their bottles up?

This is how I do mine too hun! Got told exactly the same - that it had to be hot water to kill the bacteria in the milk as the formula isn't sterile. I always change him when he is due a feed so I make up the bottle first and put into a jug of cold water then go and change him. By the time I have finished it's usually at the right temperature... He doesn't have a dummy normally (he spits it out) but if he is especially cranky then while he waits for the bottle I dip the end into some gripe water and that usually calms him down
I could not make them as I go along and by that I mean boiling a kettle every single time and waiting for them to cool. I used to make them in the morning for the day and always have a couple of ready mades in the house just incase Jacob needed more or a top-up in the night. In the end I did the boiled water in the fridge and just added powder from the milk dispensers as I went along!
To be honest I never sterilise anything I just put all livs bottles in the dishwasher and she's been fine :) x

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