A cosmic 2ww

Awww charliebear, when do you get your blood results? x
Awww charliebear, when do you get your blood results? x

I got them Monday. :( It was bfn.
Just waiting on her showing her ugly face now. I have appointment at Dr's on Thursday as I'm shattered and keep going dizzy so want my BP checked as well as a chat on what they're going to do. I refuse to live in LimboLand any longer than I have to. x
Sorry to hear that hunnie. What was your actual level? Or was it just a yes or no test? Did they have any ideas about where af might be? What will they do to rectify this? (sorry for 1000 questions) xxx
Thats ok.
I'm not sure about the test levels. I actually had to ring twice about the results. First time I got 'everything was fine'???
Second I got 'Dr said it was negative' and I managed to get her to make me an appointment for Thursday before she hung up.
I'll hopefully get the answers I need on Thursday.

How are you feeling about you appointment tomorrow? x
I feel a bit nervous if I'm honest. I know I moan but I'm in ignorant bliss at the moment that I could be pregnant. Once I have the bloods done and I'm told it's a bfn, I'll be not only sad but worried that something is wrong with me x
I think she really wants us to have summer babies. So by her not coming she's keeping us waiting till its our time.
(Saying that she better not show her face next weekend when I have a family wedding! She can come before or after :lol:)

I'm sure it'll go fine.
I know what you mean, I just need someone to give me an answer as to why she's not here?? x
hi im new and dont no which thread im ment to ask things on but i was wondering if anyone else has had symptoms such as bad headaches and backache, sickness and a clear sticky mucus when peeing? i ovulated on sunday i think i calculated it to. am i just being hopefull or is it posible to be getting symtoms so soon? i just dont want to get myself and my hubby exiceted over nothing

any help would be helpful.

x x
Hi hunnie, those can definitely be pregnancy symptoms but it's really early as you would only be about 3dpo. It is possible to get early symptoms though so anything is possible. Wait a week then you can test with a frer. Good luck x
I hope you get good news, the 2ww is hard and you've got a bit of a wait yet. Try not to get too hung up on symptoms (easier said than done), I did that last cycle and was sorely disappointed xx
Just been to the loo, checking my cervix (as you do) and there was tiny dots of blood in th cm!!
Please let this be the witch xx
I hope so! :D

I keep checking mine but I haven't a clue what I'm checking for! :lol: x
Neither have I really! I know if it's high or low, hard or soft but no idea what any of it means. I'm wondering now if this is going to be the length of my cycles now? I'm going to be NTNP from now on so don't suppose I'll be paying much attention to cycle length. xx
Just had another rummage (can't help it, it's like a disease) nothing, white, creamy :(
Come on witch, I don't even mind you waking me in the night, you have my permission x
I think she's here YAY!!!! Blood around cervix, none come out yet but it's looking good :) xxx

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