A cosmic 2ww

I can see something aswell, good luck Hun , will be stalking this thread now xx
Good luck Cosmic :)

Hope the doctor can clear everything up for you :hug:
Had to cancel my bloody dr appt as I can't get out of work in time grrrrrrr!
I'll try and get one for tomorrow night (CD 42!) if af still isn't here :( xxx
ok its not like me to say this but DO ANOTHER TEST!!!!!!!!!!:shock:
Its weird because even though af is now ridiculously late and my boobs have been almost unbearable for like 2 weeks, i still don't think I'll get a bfp :(
Put it this way hun - there's more blood coming out of a stone than my foof ;)
Cd 42, this must be a world record, haven't tested today (got none left and oh refuses to buy any more, fair enough). Will call dr today and try to get an appointment asap xx
I have 25 coming in the post and yes i did use the last 25:busted::rofl:
Good Luck Cosmic!

I'm going to be very surprised if this isn't a bfp!

I cannot and must not buy any more hpts!!! I have been testing since 6dpo, that's a lot of tests!! xxx

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