A cosmic 2ww

boots and now i understand wot BOGOF means (thanks MB) i am all over them like a rash lol Wanna buy some piss sticks Cos?:rofl:
Ha ha,

FRERs are buy one, get one free in Boots, the 2 pack is a tenner so you get 4 for £2.50 each!!:shock::shock:

It's a steal lol!

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I do actually lol
I'm off to boots at lunchtime! Saying that, I might not go today as the boots by work has poo parking.
I've got a dr appointment tomorrow (CD 43!!!!!!) at 5.10.
You have to be on the brink of death to get a dr appointment at my dr xx
Just done one of my BOGOF frers, wish I'd not bothered, when will I accept I'm not pregnant????? :( xx
Oh no.....

Can't believe it, clutching at straws but take the strip out and you should be able to see clearer.

Aw I hope you see the back of this cycle one way or another. Still hoping you geta bfp though. xx
Oh no.....

Can't believe it, clutching at straws but take the strip out and you should be able to see clearer.


I have done, not a hint of a line :(
I can't believe how sore my boobs are though, I don't get sore boobs with af so thats what convinced me I must be pregnant! Is me thinking I'm pregnant causing af to be so late and causing sore boobs (it literally hurts to put a bra on)???? xxx
Hun im so suprised because i had all your symptoms when i was pregnant. xxx
I'm so fed up :(
Had the sweats, literally like hot flushes, sore sore boobs and now to top it off I have thrush!
What is wrong with me :( x
I hope so, I am starting to think there is something wrong :( x
Have you carried on with the OPK's to see if you could possibly have ovulated recently instead?

I had a dodgy cycle once wer I got a positive OPK 2 weeks apart x
No, I gave up on those as I didn't know what was happening with my cycle and planned to wait for af then start from scratch x
Good luck at the docs hope they give you some answers
Fx for a bfp xxx

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