8 wk scan shows 6 wks and no heartbeat, worried


Jan 8, 2008
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I had my first scan yesterday at what should be nearly 8 weeks. The tech showed us the embryo and sac but said there wasn't a heartbeat and the size dated 6 wks 1 day. I know that at 6 weeks you don't neccesarily see a heartbeat but I'm sure I'm nearly 8 weeks (and that I can't be 6 weeks because that would mean my pregnancy tested positive after only 7 days which I believe is impossible...).

I've also had 3 separate incidences of very slight bright red bleeding (staining toilet paper but not underwear, no pain) last Thursday, Sunday and today.

From everything I've read on forums I'm feeling that a misscarriage is inevitable, and not scared to hear the truth if that's the case. If anyone has been in a similar situation, with good or bad outcome, please reply. I live abroad and have no-one to talk about this to here. Earliest OB appointment I could get is for Thursday. Thanks. :( :?
:hug: hi, im so sorry you are going through this, did they do any bloods to check for hcg, as this would give a good idea as to whats happening, they would be able to see if the hcg has fallen or is falling, this will give them an idea if the pregnancy has failed or is continuing.

every situation is different, but this happened to me on 2 occasions and unfortunatly both ended in m/c, its the worst thing in the world when they tell you that they cant see a heart beat, with both times i kept thinking that maybe i just got my dates wrong and it was too early to see a heart beat, but it was wasn't :(

But i have heard some ladies do go back for a further scan and their bean is there with a heart beat.

What did they say after the scan? are they going to scan you again, or planning to do bloods?

good luck and keep us posted
Sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: , I hope things work out for you, praying for you :pray:
Thank you so much for your good wishes. I'm feeling far from home just now and don't want to worry family and friends long distance. Today I get my routine blood test back which will include HCG levels although it'll be double dutch to me until I see the OB for the first time tomorrow. I'm guessing all he'll do is order a repeat scan and blood test so it'll be more waiting on tenterhooks until next week. I will let you know how it all goes, hoping it's good news...
hi hun i had a scan at 6w2d and they only just about saw the heart beat did they do a normal scan or an internal one? internal ones are better for seeing heartbeat when really early in pregnancy
good luck my thoughts are with you i hope all turns out well :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
im sorry i cant advise u claire but good luck iv got my fingers crossed for u :pray:
Rach, it was an internal scan, and the tech showed me the sac and what he said was the embryo inside but then he said he couldn't see a heartbeat and I'd have to speak to my OB about why it was showing 6.1wks instead of nearly 8wks.

Just got my blood tests back and my hcg was 25,600 5 days before the scan (when I thought I was 7wks). This sounds pretty good but I guess it's all about whether it's increasing or not and there'll be more wait to find that out :?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all this has a happy ending. Thankas for your good wishes.
hun your hcg levels sound good am keeping everything crossed for you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Before seeing the OB I managed to translate my scan results from Spanish double dutch to English double dutch and then Google helped to understand it all :) It says: well implanted gestational sac, 5.2mm normal CRL for 6.1wks, + or - 5 days. Amniotic liquid normal. Small subhcorionic hematoma 9.7x6.3x7mm. Corpus luteum in left ovary 20mm. No heartbeat detected.

When I saw the OB he was concerned at the lack of heartbeat and said that the hematoma may have restricted blood flow and caused demise. As expected he's sending me for another scan but despite my asking him, not for more hcg tests :? Good thing is that the scan is being done by an OB this time :) so they will be able to explain the situation, good or bad, to me at the time. Bad news is the first app I could get is for next Tuesday.

Tender breasts again today after 2 days of missing symptoms is making me feel more positive and your long distance support is a great help. Thanks again :)

So sorry to hear that you are going through all this anguish at the moment.

I don't think it is impossible that you got a + at 7dpo. Having looked at pregnancy charts on fertility friend there are a few that have been detected early on.

Your HCG results were really good and do sound about right for 6/7 weeks. They were similar to my results when I was about 6.5 weeks pregnant with my son. It's odd that they didn't take another set of bloods 48 hours later.

I'm keeping everything crossed for you xxxx
Hi everyone,

I'm afraid things didn't work out well for me.

The scan on Tuesday showed no growth, the hematoma was bigger and the corpus luteum had disappeared. I'd already started cramping and losing blood that very day so the scan just confirmed it. When I saw my OB the next day he warned me that from the look of the scan, leaving things to take their course was likely to last weeks. I just couldn't handle that idea, so he organised a D&C for that evening. It was all very humane, in a nearby hospital with nice staff. My OB did the op himself and I was back home within 3 hours. Today I feel empty physically and mentally, but definitely think the D&C was the right choice for me. We'll try again in a few months when my body has settled down.

I wanted to thank all of you for your good wishes and to say to anyone who comes across this post looking for answers to their own personal dilemma that just because it didn't work out for me it doesn't mean that they should be pessimistic for themselves. No matter how much you research your situation you'll find differences of opinion, different statistics and different outcomes. There's plenty of situations like this that have happy endings, I hope yours does.

I am very sorry for you. I really identify with what you say about being empty physically and emotional. Its the worst and most confusing thing I have ever felt.

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