All advice welcome xx


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Jun 29, 2012
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Hi I am new to this site today but am afraid it is bad news that has brought me here. I am 8 weeks p/g today. This morning had cramps and brown discharge so went to EPAU and trans vaginal scan showed a sac and a fetus but no heartbeat and sonographer said the measurements were same as 6 weeks p/g. I am 100% sure of my dates so I am assuming I am now in early stages of miscarriage. They have said protocol of my measurements mean they will re-scan me in a week but surely if I am 100& sure i am 8 weeks p/g there should be a heartbeat and now the continued cramping and discharge mean that it cannot be good news. any advice or thoughts very welcome xx
dont write it off just yet as a lot og ladies will probably come along adn tell u they had the exact same but wen they wnet bk they saw a tiny little bean with a hb :-) sometimes some early fetuses are just slow developing but catch up by 12 weeks, there is still hope try to hold onto that if u can,i had the same but mine didnt turn put so gd, best of luck hope all turns out ok for you xxxx
Hey honey, Im sorry that you have to go through this. If you are sure of your dates then there would be expected to be a heartbeat. The waiting is horrible but it is procedure that they wait a week to see if there is any development.

I truely hope that you get good news next week! Xxx
Sorry to hear about what your going through. The wait is dreadful :( like the others are said sometimes it can have a happy ending. Even being 100% about dates, you could have ovulated later, or baby took longer to implant... I hope you get good news xxx
I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you honey. Hopefully babba is fine and just a little smaller than expected. Please keep us updated as to how you get on xxx
no advice but sending love and support at a difficult time for you x

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