I got them from Dotty P's, they were about £35 and were great but I am now too fat for them Think it comes to something when I can't get into maternity clothes. They were great for the time I could wear them though
Nice bumps everyone, it's amazing to see the jump in bump sizes from say 26 wks to 31 wks.
Beanie - I've got those jeans from DP - they're really comfortable aren't they. Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl? I know everyone carries they babies/bump differently but my friend thinks yours looks like a "boy bump" and that Kim's definately looks like a "girl" bump (and I know Kim is having a girl). I just wondered, she thinks I'm having a boy (we didn't find out the sex).
I got them from Dotty P's, they were about £35 and were great but I am now too fat for them Think it comes to something when I can't get into maternity clothes. They were great for the time I could wear them though
I know how you feel - it was only yesterday I went to put on a pair of black trews I got when I was 3 months and I couldn't get them over my bum let alone my bump!! [/code][/list]
Yeah I had that prob with a pair of trousers, I can't even get them past my legs and they used to be too big lol! I had to go out yesterday and buy the same ones in a bigger size cos I realised I really like them after not even being able to get even my ankle in them
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