3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Lucy - no idea what baby is though guess I'll soon find out. I've always thought baby is a girl but not too sure now. It'll be interesting though as people have said it's a "boy bump" but I am carrying the same way my mum did and she had 2 girls. But both me and my sister were complete tomboys so maybe that's the flaw???? :lol:

I have packed away all my clothes from early pregnancy, it was just too depressing. The best trousers I got were these non maternity low cut black trousers, I was able to wear them until about 32 weeks, then I thought I'd get the next size up and they wouldn't go over my thighs so I must have stretched the others. There was me fooling myself that I had only put weight on my bump, I guess it's all over but just looks smaller than the spacehopper Ii wear out front :D
Today (33+6)
Awww your bumop is great Rosieroo.
Here is my bump taken yesterday 30weeks :D (was looking a bit of a tramp lol)

Sami your bump is big, you are still so slim. Lucky you! You are blooming and look really well.x

I need to get my OH to get a picture of me on here that will be a laugh, I will look like something out of Little Britain with a big belly and plaster cast - a right bruiser! xx
Me at exactly 36 weeks today. Its a bit dodgy as had to take it by myself and kept getting it wrong. Please excuse the clothes, am running out of things to wear :(

Awww thank you K - you made me feel so much better :D
Your bump is great Beanie - don't worry about the clothes - I actually got changed for OH to take that picture :oops:
Sami said:
Your bump is great Beanie - don't worry about the clothes - I actually got changed for OH to take that picture :oops:

I kind of did too, was in my pyjamas at first but thought I should kind of make an effort until I realised I hadn't done my laundry. Am turning into a bit of a slob but it is so good not to have to worry about getting dressed for work etc.
I think both your bumps look so great! :D

All bump and nothing else! Hope I am lucky to look like that at 36 weeks!

Sami. You still look super-slim! I'm jealous!
Bump at 34.5 weeks...... baby's head down now and bump is looking much neater! :D


Emilia xx
Lovely bumps ladies, Sami you really are blooming now hunny and you look lovely

All the best for the final few weeks

hi to all of you!!
is there any one of you ladies who can tell me how to put pictures on here?? i'd love to show you my bump as well... unfortunately computers and i are not very friendly and i really can't work it out!!! :?
your bumps are all lovely and i hope they bring you nothing but smiles and happiness (even despite nasty kicks :) )
take care
pip and I.E bump xx
he he this should work....

thanx emma! xxx
now presenting I.E bump!!!!!!
love pips xx
Wow Emilia your bump is so much bigger - glad head is down - very good sign :)

Pips your bump is lovely - can I ask though what is I.E bump? xx
All your bumps are soooo lovely!!!!!! I think we're all going to miss the lump we rub and prod every day. I do remember looking at my tummy after my previous births and thinking......"SH*T.... it looks like a semi-deflated airbed!!!!! All wobbly and dimply! " :?
Nevermind - all you girls have lovely firm bumps with hardly any/none, strecthmarks. Well done - your bumps will deflate fashionably back to it's original glory...... I'll have to get the "scaffholding" back out of the cupboard!!!!! :oops: :oops:
Have a happy weekend!
Emilia xx :wink:
*emilia, we will all look lovely after the births, simply because we will be happy! :D
*sami, I.E was a kind of joke name given to the bump because i dont know the sex of the baby- 'I' was a mark of masculine and 'E', feminine. but everybodys calling it like that now til i find an appropriate name. :?

take care you all! xxx
Cute bump pips, like the name choice. We call ours bean because if something is small and cute it is a bean, therefore the name has just stuck.

Emelia I am so jealous that you are having to wear sunglasses to have your bump ic taken, it looks fantastic out there and your bump is brilliant. x
Great bumps everyone!!! :D

Emilia - I'm the same size as you and 31 weeks so you are not alone.
Hi all well at last im in the third trimester thought id never get here bu here i am!!! Will post bump pics when i take some more!!!!

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