3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Hi everyone... I'm back from CT. I had my antenatal workshop today and it was quite good. Learned quite a bit more, even though I've had two babies.....

Girls - you might be envious of the sunglasses and sunny weather, but today was a killer. 8) :shock: It was touching 35 degrees Celsius and my feet are swollen beyond recognision. :cry: Tomorrow I'm spending the day in the pool as it's meant to be getter even hotter!
Will bottle up some sunshine and sent over to all of you!!!!!
Emilia xx :D
Man thats hot. Mind you I know how you feel, went to spain in August to visit the inlaws and boy did i suffer. Swollen feet and the constant feeling of tiredness coz of the hot weather. Right with you there.
BUT its sooooooooooooo cold here. Ive got heating on most of the day.

Well heres my 37wk bump pic.

Are those trousers from Dorothy Perkins? If so I've got the same ones but I can't fit in them any more lol. Nice bump, no stretch marks!!
I think they are but not sure, there not trousers though there those 3 quarter lengths. Bought them in some massive store which has topshop, Dps evans all of those under one roof. Lots of things in the sale. LOL.

Yes been lucky this time with the stretch marks, first time round though with my son I got them all over my bottom and thighs, now there just those silvery lines, so very thankful i didnt get any more this time. Mind you theres still 3 weeks left!!!!!!!!
Yeah they are the same, mine are 3/4 too, and I got them from one of those shops with different shops inside, is it called Outfit?
Yes thats the name, couldnt remember it LOL. Went to my cousins wedding back in August and spotted the shop. Up in Hertfordshire it was, dont have one near me just the individual shops.
I have one a couple of miles away, it's ace, they have maternity in there but they don't in the normal Dorothy Perkins near me! I can't wait til I'm thin again (fingers crossed) cos I will be going in there and spending a fortune lol!
Here is my third trimester debut piccy!

I suddenly look a hell of of a lot bigger in the past six weeks!

looking good everyone :D

Sarah, I too was amazed how big bump got in the 3rd Tri, thought I was big in the second but when Ii look at photos I'm like "what bump". Its only your bump that looks bigger though, you look really good. x
Sarah, stop worrying about your weight lol :) You will get heavier in the coming weeks, there is no escape lol

I used to weight myself every week, now only every 3 weeks and it is nice to see it does not change much now ( finally!!!!) Cannot beleive I have put on that much but baby bump is so big now it is unbelievable!!!!

Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, not long left now :D
I'm not as worried about it as I sound
Its just that I used to be very fat and it took me three years to lose the weight. After seeing lots of people putting on lots of weight during pregnancy and being unable to shift it afterwards I am quite conscious about it.
But i am very happy. I've put on 1stone8 in 31 weeks and feel that it is just right.
I do eat loads of naughty stuff though, I'm not denying myself anything!
This is my bump at 31+5 - don't know what the hospital were on about when they said I looked small - I look big enough to me! loonies lol


What a SUPER bump you've got!!!!! You're right - the hospital is talking through their thingy-me-bobs!!!!!!
Hope you're keeping well!
Emilia xx
Looking good Sami, your bump is great.

Willpost mine when I put new batteries in the camera - had to take my belly button piercing out as it was getting sore, thought I was going to get away with it but it was too stretched. Now I have a funny mark where it was :(

How can they say your bump is too small.

You are right. They are loonies! It looks just fab to me!

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