3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

lol elaine, wot you like!
such a neat bump you have there! not long now!

sorry about the stuff evry where was sorting stuff out ok so im either 34 or 36 weeks here midwife isnt to sure

This is my bump at 29weeks+4.

People keep asking me if i have my dates right, what do you think, I am due for the 21st of December :wink:

I know what you mean about people saying oooo are you sure you've got that long. Was told I looked like an elephant and ready to pop yesterday, wasnt to happy about it but then I thought well I dont know you and Im never going to see you again so who cares. But you know sometimes people just dont think, it does hurt!
What do you think?
Futuremum i think your bump looks great and hey roll on December.
you don't look like you are going to pop or an elephant at all! I think you look in proportion and you can still see that you have a nice figure :)
Thanks, mind you that pic was last wk end and to be honest this week I do seem to have popped out a bit more and it even feels and looks like its dropped down. Taking another pic next wk end so ill post it then.
You have a lovely bump Rooander!!! And yes, you kept your figure. I was never slim but I am losing all the lean bits I used to have but it is because of my diet I suppose, I have been naughty recently :oops:

Well, nothing I can do about me being bigger, I am not going to stop eating because baby is growing!!! Some people told me not to let the baby grow as fast!!!! :roll: As if I could do that and would be willing to do that!!!!!!
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to this site, and I'd thought I'd show my tummy pics off aswell.....have to excuse the stretch marks... :lol:

I am 29 weeks with twins.....


The last one on there is of me at 26 weeks..have to get a recent one done...
Hi bright 76!!!

Nice bump!!!! And most of all, I admire you for being a surrogate mum, I will never be able to give this baby away!!! I will be a rubbish surrogate mother because I would want to keep the baby!
Wow rooander you look such a glamarous mum! you look fabulous - pregnancy really suits you.

I havent bloomed - infact ive turned into Mr Blobby and decided to have my hair dyed really dark brown (used to be blonde - just like you) and I am really regretting it now - these pesky hormones are making me go and do really stupid things!!!!!

You look great!!

L x
Hi Lisa,
Thanks dont feel very glam but one thing is for sure this pregnancy although has its problems is definately better then my last pregnancy. I hated being preggers last time but this time Im just trying to get on with things. Do you know the best thing Ive found for skin and general well being has to be water! I know it sounds mad and yes dont we go to the toilet enough already, but drinking lots of water seems to perk me up when im feeling rough.
Just thought Id tell you all that.
hiya you all look so beautiful and your tummies are amazing .Ive tryed posting mine but it wont work any tips .I cant wait till december 15th . :D
gemma x
Here you go, this is my 32 wks bump. Dont think its got any bigger really but it certainly feels like it has.

I think you definitely look bigger!

Only in the tummy area though you lucky thing!!

I wouldn't dare photograph my thighs that close up!

:D :D :D
i wish cud get my pix on ere only got em on me mobbi, but some of u at like 35wks im twice the size!!!!!!!!!
Hi, i'm new to this site and have just posted my bump pic in "December babies".
I'm Rhian and i'm expecting my 2nd son xmas eve.
Befor eyou ask, my belly button isn't sticking out but it is a cord on the trousers i am trying to hide.

This was taken at 29wks....not long ago. lol

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