3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

lol thanks!! yea we do have similar bump shapes so maybe your having a boy too??!! but hey who knows!! do you have a feeling what your having?!! i was convinced it was a boy before i had the scan!! mothers intuition i guess!!

Hope your pregnancy is going well

steph and bump x
Lol - No - I'm convinced I'm having a girl! :lol: But I'm not sure if thats because everyone I know keeps telling me I'll have a girl or thats what I think!

It's driving me mad not knowing, but I'm glad that I don't......I like the idea of having a surprise but I was one of those kids who cut the cellotape on presents to find out what they were and tape them back up.....So you can imagine how much the suspense is killing me!

In my heart of hearts I think bump shape just depends on body shape/ baby position but I get caught up in all the old wives tales etc....This pregnancy is turning me into a bit of a psycho! lol :lol: Logical thinking no longer applied!
yes i think your totally right, bump shape just depends on body shape/size etc!!! Altough everyone wil tell you different!!

I too did the same with the celotape!! then regreted it afterwards coz i knew it wouldnt be a suprize anymore lol

Well dont worry in 9 weeks time you wont have to be in suspence any longer, im sure the weeks will fly by! (its slightly dragging for me now!!!!)

All the best

Steph and bump x x
Another weeks gone by! heres bump today at 37 weeks, think im just about ready to pop!!! lol

Wow - Not long now Steph! :P

Your bump still looking good and not a stretch mark in sight! - Hope I can say the same in another 5wks!
lol yea so far so good!!! not long now! feeling like im going to pop soon!!

steph and bump x
Here is me and my bump taken yesterday !

Wow, I love the bumps!

Can't wait to hear about the births of these lovely babies!

I expect you all to log on the day after the birth! :wink:

:wink: :D :wink: :D :wink: :D :wink: :D
omg im just so exited! i know i have 10wks left yet, but the MW said i could go into labour anythime! who else is like super exited like me? everyone said that they are dreading labour but i think i might be abnormal - im quite looking forard to going into labour!! xxx

can someone help me plz how do you insert an image? plz reply xxx[/img]
Jess your bump is lovely,

I cant belive you can still look good in a bikni!! no stretch marks!

i hate you :P


aaaaw thank you darlin lol :lol: that was taken when i was 25 weeks (5weeks ago) iv doubled since - but still no strech marks!! :D only a few on my bum :roll: xxx
Awww Jess you look fantastic!

Ok, I've been brave and posted some of me in half a bikini and a bra
(Couldn't put the top on, it looked obscene...just covered my nipples)
.....I think I might regret posting these already lol....oh well, too late now.............PS Bruises on my bump are from Clexanne injections :cry: :cry: :cry: So it doesn't look too pretty!

Me at 32wks & 3 days



ah u all look lovely, must post sum more of mine soon,
juicyjes what u said bout strech marks, ive had them on my bum and bks of my legs since bout 16 weeks and only recently bout 30weks did i get sum on my bump only a few little ones down one side which my midwife says is prob because i sleep on my right side alot (marks r on the left) and because i dont like layin my bump on a pillow it kinda goes wonky! so it streched more on that side than the opther!
if i can offer n e advice it would b get oneof those triangular pillows that go under ur bump when u sleep it might take some getting used to but it may save u strech marks!! :D

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