2 week wait...any1 with me?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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as you girls know i had my first ever positive opk a few days ago. Tested for 2 days and the lines were strong, needless to say we :bd: a few times lol

now its time for the :2ww: i'm feeling positive, but im not gonna get to hung up on it, im thinking if it happens it happens if not theres always next time, no point in stressing coz its not gonna help right?!

Thats how im feeling now, probably be a different story if AF arrives! lol

Good luck to anyone else waiting x x x
Hi arwe you waiting to take a test? I had some spotting yesterday and whiteish thick discharge wiv abit of blood in. I'm thinking of doing a test next week :) x
im waiting!!! got a week left till testing argh it drags sooo much
I had taken 2 tests last week and they were BFP's

To my utter dismay, I took a test today and its BFN.. and no periods (1 week post period date already) and no periods yet.... what's cooking? any replies?
Sounds like a chemical to me hun :hugs: x

what do you mean chemical? could it mean miscarraige? :( kindly let me know so I can get over this melo drama kinda suspense and get myself treated for periods to start all over again...

thx hun
It means that the egg is fertilised, you get a bfp, the egg doesn't attach to the walls of the womb, you then get a bfn and a "period" shortly after x
hi girlies how you all holding up??

Im thinking im not gonna rush to do a pregnancy test. I'll see what happens, if i end up late then i'll pee on a stick and see what it says!!

Its been 5 days since my last positive opk. I have woken up with achey boobs this morning, a bit of aching in my lower abdomin, and had a show of egg white discharge this morning (not sure what that is all about) and ive been for a pee 4 times already this morning, i usually only go 4 times in a whole day!

Im probably reading far to much into things, all the symptoms can be sign of AF too well apart from the egg white discharge! lol
8 days until I test - nowt to report!

Had some CM, OV pain and a gurgly belly 2 DPO but nothing else yet!

The next week is going to drag

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Hi girls, im only 3 dpo i think lol, and i am feeling positive atm but god knows how il feel in a weeks time!!

Michelle. x
I'm about 9/10 dpo I think and I'm getting very impatient. My boobs feel bigger, nipples have been tender and my tummy feels bloated - don't want to get my hopes up but I'm actually feeling pregnant! x
I'm about 9/10 dpo I think and I'm getting very impatient. My boobs feel bigger, nipples have been tender and my tummy feels bloated - don't want to get my hopes up but I'm actually feeling pregnant! x

Exciting - what date are you testing?

well i think i may have ov'd early around the 18th, so im 6dpo (roughly) today.... and my boobs look veiny, nipples are sensitive, tummy bloated, exhausted today, and last night i went home after work and cried my eyes out about our car being in the garage for 5 weeks...... hmmmm.
Baby DUst to all you ladies xxx
well i think i may have ov'd early around the 18th, so im 6dpo (roughly) today.... and my boobs look veiny, nipples are sensitive, tummy bloated, exhausted today, and last night i went home after work and cried my eyes out about our car being in the garage for 5 weeks...... hmmmm.
Baby DUst to all you ladies xxx

Sounds positive - I ov'd on 17th so am a day ahead of you!

Apart from a few things last week (gurgly tummy, CM) I have nothing really - although I have had a constant nagging ache low down on my right side - side I ov'd from. Not sure how long it's been there.... It does feel like a dull ov pain? However it feels so low down to be anything 'good'?? :shock:

I'm about 9/10 dpo I think and I'm getting very impatient. My boobs feel bigger, nipples have been tender and my tummy feels bloated - don't want to get my hopes up but I'm actually feeling pregnant! x

Exciting - what date are you testing?


Was really going to try and wait but it's hubbies birthday tomorrow so might do one just because it would be lovely to get a bfp on his birthday but I think it's probably too early?!? x
Was really going to try and wait but it's hubbies birthday tomorrow so might do one just because it would be lovely to get a bfp on his birthday but I think it's probably too early?!? x

It is a special occasion so there is no harm in trying?

Don't be too disheartened if not though - until AF arrives you are not out!

hi girls,

how are you all??

let us know how you get on with the test jodied, fingers and toes crossed for you!!

Well im roughly 5/6 dpo i think, still got sore boobs to the touch, but they dont look any different!

Just got a really sharp pain in my right side and now seems to be aching. I have been suffering with my bowels so could just be a side affect from that. Trying not to get my hopes up.

Fingers crossed carnat22 that your pain is a sticky bean!!!
I'm not even in the bloody 2ww yet. And already impatient!! Lol.

Due to Ov Friday but I recon I might go a day or two early as I've got lots of EWCM and some cramps and a faint OPK line already.

Will just have to keep BDing and temping I guess.

Anyway I look forward to being impatient with some other ladies!!
Well I tested and thought I could see a very faint line on the Internet cheapie so I did a cb digi and it said not pregnant so will have to wait a few more days before testing again! That will teach me to be impatient! (actually it probably wont lol!)
Aww Jodie.

I got lines on the One Step ICs last month. I think they can be pretty bad for evaps - stupid things.

I'm going to be more strict with how I interpret them from now on. No super close inspection.

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