1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

6 wks - Sorry its a crap piccie - all the light wrong - will try better in 2 weeks time. As said before I'm a size 16 so I look like that normally!! Just trousers tighter already - I did this last pregnancy, gained half stone in first few weeks....each of us are different. I wish I did not have the flab so I could have a nice bumpy pic.....Oh well.....

Dig the matching undies.....NOT lol


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i know.. when i tell people i look like 4 months pregnant they dont believe me.. well not long to find out.. 3 weeks today! :)
i was thinking the same thing jen!!! tracey i think u look great! :) x
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Honestly Tracey you look fab :flower:

Am loving your bumps girls :love: a baby bump is just beautiful

You girls are great for self esteem!! I look great till I stand next to someone size 10 lol.... Think 16 almost out the window need to dig out the old 18s ..... Was at aquaerobics tonight...then had Chinese and a creme egg.....oops!
Loving all your cute bumps ladies!! Awww! Hugs - miss you and hope to join you here very soon xxxx
You girls are great for self esteem!! I look great till I stand next to someone size 10 lol.... Think 16 almost out the window need to dig out the old 18s ..... Was at aquaerobics tonight...then had Chinese and a creme egg.....oops!

OMG I want a creme egg now! *Texts hubby to get it on the shopping list!* x
You girls are great for self esteem!! I look great till I stand next to someone size 10 lol.... Think 16 almost out the window need to dig out the old 18s ..... Was at aquaerobics tonight...then had Chinese and a creme egg.....oops!

you don't look a size 16 my lovely...i would have said about a 12!! xx
Ha ha.....Im now over 13 stone.....deffo size 16-18. better keep away from creme eggs...
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Here Is My 10+2 Bump!!!

I swear you must have 2 or 3 in there lol!! How long till scan? Were you like this last time? You make me feel Soooo much better vis I was thinking my bump was my imagination and just fat but now I know I can actually show at 8 weeks....phew!!! You Cant hide that bump honey, do you have to tell everyone early? What has your mw said about the size of ur bump? Impressive!!!!
Its Big isnt it :) Scan is a week on monday! 31st :) Everybody knows im pregnant so dont have to hide it, as that would be impossible!! I wont see midwife now till 16weeks, so she hasnt seen it... i was a size 8 with brooke and stayed in the same jeans just looped a hair band round the button so i had more room! so was tiny... but not like this time, too be fair i think alot of it is me being bloated (i think) and i started this pregnancy at a 12-14 so was bigger this time round, you wouldnt think that ive lost 6lbs in under 2 weeks! dont know how..lol but we will soon find out if one baby in there or more! xx i love the fact it a bump! as i have hardly no symptoms so makes me feel pregnant! :) xx
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Jen, tracey... you putting any new bump pics up! 2 weeks have passed! :) come on i wanna see! xx
Kelly - how many is in there LOL!

I'll take a quick pic but my bump has gotten smaller!
i know im starting to freak out... if it carrys on at that rate, i will be the size of a house!! im hoping its just water retension and bloating! :)

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