1st Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Lol my belly looks like yours charlene, but mine's just trapped wind! First thing in the morning I'm well skinny but by lunchtime I could pass for 12 weeks! :)
Ive always carried weight on my tummy so i expected to be a little bigger than average.. not that big though heh >.<
Yeah this is my first, But the father's family does have a history of multiples.. And as I said, the 5 weeks is a guess from LMP so it could be more.. But not much as I had negative tests a couple of weeks before the missed period.
i havnt taken any pics yet, we said from when i start to show thats when we will do a week by week photo shoot, but if i dont get a bump by 12 weeks then i will take pics anyway, lol
i allways thought as i do carry weight on my belly it would go hard quicker n get a bump, but sadly my thoery is wrong :( lol

momma'kat im gona take a wild shot and say theres 3 in there, if not, its one healthy sized little person!!

lol dont worry, iv never been psychic before so i doubt il start now, lol x
according to my books its only the woman who can affect how many babies you will have mommakat so looks like you're safe- you bump is big but looks lovely! x
Momma -Kat you made me feel better - i feel huge and - keep thinking im imagining my bump thats there lol- glad im not x
Is it me, or is this a ridiculous sized bump for 7 weeks?!!? On my honeymoon 9 weeks ago, these jeans were falling off me, now I cant do them up and sit down!!!!
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bethanyann mine is the same as yours, i think its just bloat but it is hard (im not as toned as you tho so still some flab ontop of the bean) but i see my midwife again on tuesday for bloods so will check with her whats good :)
Heres mine I have to take it in the morning as any other time of the day is a bloat :) ... 7weeks+4 x


  • 17042009755.jpg
    85.1 KB · Views: 20
6 Weeks 5 Days according to sonographer..

Free lollipop to the first person to spy that stretch mark.

MOMMA KAT YOU ARE HUGEEE!! i tink their is 2 in there!! definetley
sheesh, how are you gona move at full term?!!??! bless ya!!! xxx
Here my bump, I use to be a size 10 and i am only 4 weeks gone today :oooo:
Think i will be taken the belly bar sooner than planned :lol:


  • Snapshot_20100429.jpg
    52.2 KB · Views: 52
Ah Ha! Evidence that stripes ARE slimming! xD

11 weeks 3 days, Taken within 2 minutes of each other so theres no bloat difference :p



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