Is my 'friend' telling the truth about her m/c??


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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She's not exactly my friend any more as she has caused a lot of problems for me but she said she was pregnant and then she said she lost the baby. Apparently she was 9 weeks gone and she said she got contractions and had to actually give birth to it but surely not at 9 weeks??
She said she bled so much she almost died but they let her out the same night. I'm pretty sure she wouldnt be let out the same night as going through all this.
I'm sorry If I have touched any raw nerves it's just that I wanted your opinion on this.
I had a miscarriage at approx 9 weeks and the pains that I had were like bad period pains although the M/C started with some light bleeding and then got heavier as it went on, I was kept in hospital for two days and had a D&C. I ive abroad though so the care/treatment could be differant here. also the hospital is approx 1 hours drive away so that could be why I was kept in incase anything further happened.
The given birth thing, she maybe referring to the clots you have to pass which in my case were huge and I could feel them coming out, I had to almost 'push' to have a wee and they were just falling out of me :puke:

I lost a lot of lot and was threatened with a blood tranfusion, but i went home the same night because I discharged myself knowing id recover better at home... :hug:
Thanks Becs... my worry when I was preg was how would I cope with birth, but this time, im much stronger and i can deal with anything thats thrown at me, These things happen for a reason.

In a way, It may have been kinder to my baby, rather than him/her be very ill and sick.

She may well have 'given' birth. miscarriage contractions are still contractions, I also lost so much blood I am very lucky to be alive just now.

I lost my last baby on October 9th last year, I was a bit further on than your friend, but i lost him in my home toilet floor. :cry: I had contractions, not as hard as labour i have experienced before, but i knew it was contractions and my baby was coming.... I then continues to hemorrhage badly. I just made it by car into hospital, took my baby in a tupperware tub and all the pregnancy product also with me, so they could count the tissues and cremate my boy.

I was put on drips on arrival, and rushed to theatre . My partner had to sign forms on my behalf, if i died, need a hysterectomy, etc he knew the risks. I was given 4 units of blood and i don't know how much clear fluid stuff they gave me...... But it was all scary stuff.
..don't know how long in theatre but my mum & partner told me I was gone for 2 hours. I owe my life to the wonderful nurses at Wishshaw for their quick reactions on my arrival. 10 pm I got home at 10 am next morning......

So I can't say if your friend is or isn't telling the truth, But if she is telling the truth, she will be shattered, emotionally and physically. She may also have medication to take...

What ever her issue??? she need a friend by th sounds of her.

Good luck to you doll, and wishing you well also, Lv Yvonne xx
fynemum said:
So I can't say if your friend is or isn't telling the truth, But if she is telling the truth, she will be shattered, emotionally and physically. She may also have medication to take...

What ever her issue??? she need a friend by th sounds of her.

I completely agree with Yvonne here. If she has mc then bless her, she will need your support. If she hasn't, it perhaps isn't the best way to go about it, but she obviously needs some attention...sometimes people do silly things because they don't know how else to say 'I am sad, please help me.'

I hope it all works out for her.
I hope she hasnt lied, becasue it would be a sick thing to lie about.

I don't think your friend is lying.........I lost loads of blood with my 1st miscarriage, and had contractions, (though no-where as nearly painfull as the proper one's) I had clots bigger than the size of my hand, I thought I was going to die, but with having a terrible phobia of hospitals, I didn't go til I started to go into shock! my blood pressure went really low, heart rate fell and I started feeling faint.........Luckily when I got to hospital, the bleeding had stopped, but they set a drip up for me just incase I needed a transfusion, it took the doc 15 minutes to get the cannula into me, because my veins had disappeared.........fortunately I had been taking iron supplements during my pregnancy so my iron levels where ok, so I didn't need a transfusion, so they let me go home after a few hours, because I was so panicky lol.


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