11DPO ans very positive OPK???

Perhaps your body didn't manage to actually ovulate first time around and so it's trying again? Xx
Strange... See if you end up having a longer cycle? I might be tempted to dtd just in case? Xx
I have been told sometimes an OPK can pick up on HCG as when I had my Mc I had pos OPK and everyone said to do a pregnancy test incase it was that maybe try testing Hun xxx
I'd test. A positive opk is a good sign x
Have you re-tested?

Keeping my fingers crossed got you hun
For me, with my BFPs I ALWAYS get a positive opk. I even confirmed it using am OPK last time as I didn't believe the cheapo Internet tests! If I were you I would be peeing on sticks left right & centre!
I would take a preg test if I were you, lots of ladies get pos OPKs when they are pregnant. For some AF still arrives after pos OPK though so best to take a proper test rather than wondering and driving yourself crazy. Hope its a fab sign for you :) x
Thanks for all your replies. I've done another OPK today which was just as strong if not more strongly positive than yesterday's. I'm going to wait another couple of days before doing any pregnancy tests. Other than sore boobs and tired, which is how I normally feel before AF anyway, no symptoms at all xx
I get gd lines on opks towards the end of the cycle not possitve but almost , only thing to do is test in the morning xx
Please test! I want to be right :-D And for you to get a BFP obviously :) x
Haven't tested yet as I would rather get AF than see a negative test. I will test this weekend if nothing happens but I'm only a day late so could just be a late AF xx
Oh my god you have some serious willpower! Good luck x
To be honest I'm kind of shitting myself!! Especially with all the stories of positive opks then being pregnant!! I'm still thinking those opks were a fluke xx

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