~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Hi everyone! Been trying to catch up, feel so out if the loop now! Michelle I'm so glad little Sasha is ok! What a scare!
lLollie I haven't read far enough back... What's the problem with healing been? Did you tear badly? I hope the salt baths help. I've started using arnica and lavender oil in warm water every time I pee and I find it very soothing.
kumber why does your calendar have 5 columns... Planning a third? ;) or do the cats count?!

I'm now 5 days post partum and big doing too badly. Noah's only lost 3oz so happy with how his feeding is going. As a ftm I never imagined how much of your time and attention they take!! Even when he's sleeping I just sit and stare!! Crazy!! Xx
Hi everyone! Been trying to catch up, feel so out if the loop now! Michelle I'm so glad little Sasha is ok! What a scare!
lLollie I haven't read far enough back... What's the problem with healing been? Did you tear badly? I hope the salt baths help. I've started using arnica and lavender oil in warm water every time I pee and I find it very soothing.
kumber why does your calendar have 5 columns... Planning a third? ;) or do the cats count?!

I'm now 5 days post partum and big doing too badly. Noah's only lost 3oz so happy with how his feeding is going. As a ftm I never imagined how much of your time and attention they take!! Even when he's sleeping I just sit and stare!! Crazy!! Xx
I use it for housework! How sad! I like to have designated days where I get bigger jobs like mopping or polishing done, as well as the usual every day bits, spread it out over the week :)

Evening ladies, how are you all? How are all the lovely August babies doing?

Our little Sasha had her day 10 check with the midwife today and she has just made it back to her birth weight. Such a relief as she went down from 6lbs to 5lbs 5oz and has now gone back up to 6lbs. So looks like she is well on the mend now. Yippeee!!!

Michelle x
Great news Michelle, you must be so relieved!

Our little guy has been really out if sorts this afternoon and evening :( he has gone from feeding 3-4hrs and sleeping inbetween to wanting to be fed hourly then being sick. He felt quite warm earlier but he has cooled down. Tried taking his temp but the readings from his ear thermometer were a little random, some were spot on the ideal temp and some went up to 37 degrees... He is a good colour, not floppy, still interested in the world around him and is weeing and pooing lots (a little runnier than normal though). He had constipation a couple of days ago but that looks to have cleared. He is mainly formula fed, but I do give him some expressed breast milk at the start of each feed. Any ideas what could be up with him?
Yay, well done Sasha! That's great news Michelle, you must be so relieved!

SP, sounds like cluster feeding - vomiting is normal in this period as long as baby is happy and alert :)

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Thanks kumber - I'd struggled with him all afternoon and evening, then his daddy comes home and he goes back to normal!! Obviously pleased but a little frustrating :)
My little boy is doing the same at the moment my OH is here and he is sleeping and content for ages minute he leaves n goes out he is back to screaming for bottles. I think he has me sussed as he knows im tired lol they are smart little cookies for just being new. HV and midwife are happy with him and he doesnt seem to be in any discomfort or showing signs of being unwell. He was also constipated for a few days so ive switched his formula to a different brand. He is doing alot better and more dirty nappies thankfully! X
Emilie is 3 weeks old and having formula and expressed. She is only having two poos a day and is in discomfort until she has them. How many poos is normal at this age? Thinking we might have to change formula as she used to poo so much more.
Hello ladies, sorry ive not been on in a few days.

Michelle, so pleased to see that Sasha was ok and it's just reflux ( well i know that's very hard work for a few months but you know what I mean , great that they found nothing more sinister when in hosp ) - have you seen those reflux pillows for creating a better angle after feeding? Hope the baby gaviscon helps xx

Kumber - love the idea of adding cleaning tasks to the extra calender column!
I brought a fluroescent orange day to a page diary over the summer and I plan meals etc, list shopping , house tasks in there like baking bread etc but must add cleaning , i might actually do it then !

Showingpromise - althougth clusterfeeds are a right pain.. I actually think it really helps them sleep longer at night. Ive only breastfed two of my kids and now griffin too but Devon cluster fed from 4 pm till 9 pm and by 8 weeks slept all night!
Roman just wouldn't cluster feed, fed 2 hrly round the clock for 13 mths , nearly finished me off with lack of sleep! Hang in there and use a slow cooker for cooking dinner xx

Lollie, sounds really painful, hope you get some relief from it soon xx
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Can't believe my little man is three week in just 10 minutes time at 8:55 pm tonight!
He's quite high maintainance and feeding 1/1.5 hrly bf at mo, esp from 3 am onwards!
He's gained weight and weighs 5 lb 12 oz now.

His cord only dropped off yesterday and theres still a bit of it stuck inside belly button, so im washing in cooled boiled water and heres him after his bath tonight, gosh I love him!


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Heres his nobbley knees ha ha


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Griffin is gorge! Beautiful boy :)

Thanks ladies, he is back to normal now but that's useful to know JJmum, I really hope he does sleep through the night eventually, the broken sleep is a killer even if I do manage 3 hrs at a time.

Lollie I'm not sure what's normal, but Jackson is going 2-4 times a day with lots of wet nappies in between. Mw asked at our last check and said that amount was fine, but she didn't say what was normal as such. Perhaps ask your hv?
Lolie my baby is 5 weeks now and the number of dirty nappies he does reduced a week or two ago. We also have had times (and still do) when I thought he might be struggling to go but his poo has always been soft. Looking online I think it's normal for babies bowel movements to change around this time. As long as the poo is isn't hard and baby is still going it shouldn't be constipation. I'm wondering if it's trapped wind?

JJ Griffin is absolutely gorgeous!

Michelle, how is Sasha getting on with the infant Gaviscon? How often is she having it? My lo was prescribed it for silent reflux when he was 3 days old due to a few episodes where he seemed unable to catch his breath. It didn't really agree with him as it made him windy and his poo was getting drier so I was worried about constipation.

Think that's enough of me talking about poo! Hope everyone else is doing well xx
Thank you Browneyed girl, what you have said makes sense. Her poos aren't hard.
Good morning ladies how are we all?

Well from I put Amy to formula we now have a bit of a routine and she is only wakening once during the night.

And happy 3 weeks to Amy's birthday buddy Griffin xx

This is my happy girlie
Morning ladies,

Glad Sasha is ok Michelle and putting on weight. We've had a gorgeous set of August baby's :)

My kids are back at school next Friday so I've been sorting everything out. It's going to be weird that it's just me and Chase.
I've got a few catch up dates with friends so that will be nice. I've also been asked to go out on the 19th sept for cocktails. Will I be able to leave my baby then? He will be 40 days. I need to get my milk stored for this if I do.

I've been buying Christmas presents to this week and stashing them away, I feel like I won't be prepared this year with four to buy for!

Happy Saturday, have a great day xx
My baby is exactly 40 days old today xjdx and we're thinking of going out for the first time tonight! The MIL is staying over tonight as she does quite often at the weekend so the oh wants to go out for a meal. My lo will take formula though so she can give him a bottle. I feel a couple of hours out at this stage is ok but it's whenever you feel ready xx
Lolie my baby is 5 weeks now and the number of dirty nappies he does reduced a week or two ago. We also have had times (and still do) when I thought he might be struggling to go but his poo has always been soft. Looking online I think it's normal for babies bowel movements to change around this time. As long as the poo is isn't hard and baby is still going it shouldn't be constipation. I'm wondering if it's trapped wind?

JJ Griffin is absolutely gorgeous!

Michelle, how is Sasha getting on with the infant Gaviscon? How often is she having it? My lo was prescribed it for silent reflux when he was 3 days old due to a few episodes where he seemed unable to catch his breath. It didn't really agree with him as it made him windy and his poo was getting drier so I was worried about constipation.

Think that's enough of me talking about poo! Hope everyone else is doing well xx

Thank you everyone. Sasha is definately on the mend now. We only gave her 1 day of gaviscon. We added it to every bottle and it seems to of done the trick as for the last couple of days her bowel movements are back to normal and she is taking all her bottles without any issues. She now takes 3 oz every 3 hrs and only wakes once through the night. So chuffed.

Michelle x
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My baby is exactly 40 days old today xjdx and we're thinking of going out for the first time tonight! The MIL is staying over tonight as she does quite often at the weekend so the oh wants to go out for a meal. My lo will take formula though so she can give him a bottle. I feel a couple of hours out at this stage is ok but it's whenever you feel ready xx

How weird that 40 days lol. It's good to get out for your own sanity. I think I will defiantly be going out. I'm leaving chase with my husband so it will be nice for him to have him on his own to. No doubt I will be ringing constantly.

Have a good night out Hun xx

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