~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

My baby is exactly 40 days old today xjdx and we're thinking of going out for the first time tonight! The MIL is staying over tonight as she does quite often at the weekend so the oh wants to go out for a meal. My lo will take formula though so she can give him a bottle. I feel a couple of hours out at this stage is ok but it's whenever you feel ready xx

Oh have a lovely night out with your hubby tonight huni. Some adult only time is definately good for everyone x

Michelle x
Random question girls but I'm wanting to start some exercise, just simple home work outs. Mw said to wait for about 6 weeks, are any of you or have any of you started earlier?

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Random question girls but I'm wanting to start some exercise, just simple home work outs. Mw said to wait for about 6 weeks, are any of you or have any of you started earlier?

I haven't, I'm still bleeding 19 days on and the more I do the more I bleed. It's driving me insane.
I hope to get in more of s routine once the kids are back so I will do some gentle walking with the dog and pram on the local park after the kids are at school and nursery xx
If it's any consolation, I bled for 6 weeks with Riley. It was horrid!

Random question girls but I'm wanting to start some exercise, just simple home work outs. Mw said to wait for about 6 weeks, are any of you or have any of you started earlier?

It's probably best to just start with some walking just now huni, best not to do anything to strenuous for another couple of weeks. Your body needs time to heal inside and out

Michelle x
I asked my midwife 11 days after having Matthieu when she came to visit about excercise n shes like no no you can start now! Even though I had stitches HBP and a 3rd degree tear. But I haven't listened to her im leaving it the 6 weeks lol x
I've been doing some gentle walks with the pram but that's it - I can't wait to get back to proper exercise but I'm also worried about putting my recovery back by over doing it.
There are some good websites that have low impact exercises for mums and there's nothing stopping you doing some light weights etc- I will start walking with weights before moving onto jogging and running.
Pilates might also be good, just listen to your body, it will soon tell you if you are overdoing it!

Hubby has sent me to bed early tonight, the broken nights have well and truly caught up with me :( ill take over again for the early morning feeds but fingers crossed a couple of extra hours makes all the difference!
If it's any consolation, I bled for 6 weeks with Riley. It was horrid!

poor you, I hope I don't bleed for 6 weeks. But I wouldn't be surprised if I do, I don't feel like it's slowing down xx
Sorry ladies I haven't been on for quite a while. Been really busy with my family going out and enjoying the last few weeks the summer holidays.
I felt quite guilty today as we went to see a waterfall and bubba was all cosy in her pram but the ground wasn't all smooth so it was a little bumpy but she was snoring her head off and I thought she was fine and then I heard some guy say "poor baby can't be too comfortable in there." And it's just been in my head all day and I feel upset with myself. I know it's silly as no one worried about my daughter more than me and it was rude of him but I can't help but feel bad.

My bleeding hasn't been much at all. I literally only wore a maternity pad the day I left the hospital when I realised I didn't need it and started using regular pads. But I'm still bleeding. very slowly but it's always there. Feel like I'll bleed for more than 6 weeks bc it's all coming out super slow lol.

My wee bubba has lost her routine the past few days with her feeds. Assuming it's a growth spurt though so hopefully it passes soon. She turned four weeks yesterday too and thinking about it just makes me want to cry. She'll be turning one before I know it!

Two of my close friends have had their babies a few days ago and I'm broody again! I feel like I've given birth years ago the way they are asking me for advice etc. :( haha x

Michelle glad it's nothing too serious with Sasha.

Lollie, if you have a nursing pillow sitting on it gives amazing relief. That's the only way I could sit down the first week or so. X
I think I'm finally turning a corner, its not as painful and I'm able to walk short distances. All the antibiotics and salt baths seem to be working!

Emilie is 3 weeks old and I barely bled. I haven't worn a pad for about a week now, though that was mainly due to my stitches rubbing on it. I have fibroids so was on a drip to reduce bleeding as they can make you haemorage during labour so I'm guessing that helped reduce the pp bleed.
Hey lovelies sorry I haven't been on!
The days are flying past atm it's scaring me a bit!
JJ and Dolly, Griffin and Amy are beautiful!!!
Michelle so glad Sasha is doing better!!
Lollie glad that you've had an inprovenent bless you must be awful for you!!
Cole is 4 weeks tomorrow I feel like I've blinked and we've reached this point! I need it to slow down! Tyler's back to school tomorrow also! He's at that stage where he's ready to go back! Our holidays are that long!!

Ladies with 2+ children, how do you manage bf and giving attention to your other children? I feel Cole feeds quite often and poor Tyler's not really getting a look in. Generally all he wants to do is hold Cole and I hate having to constantly ask him to wait. Also I'm thinking school runs, homework etc! Xx
Hey lovelies sorry I haven't been on!
The days are flying past atm it's scaring me a bit!
JJ and Dolly, Griffin and Amy are beautiful!!!
Michelle so glad Sasha is doing better!!
Lollie glad that you've had an inprovenent bless you must be awful for you!!
Cole is 4 weeks tomorrow I feel like I've blinked and we've reached this point! I need it to slow down! Tyler's back to school tomorrow also! He's at that stage where he's ready to go back! Our holidays are that long!!

Ladies with 2+ children, how do you manage bf and giving attention to your other children? I feel Cole feeds quite often and poor Tyler's not really getting a look in. Generally all he wants to do is hold Cole and I hate having to constantly ask him to wait. Also I'm thinking school runs, homework etc! Xx

I have 4 children, my two oldest boys aren't that fussed but my nearly 4 year old daughter is like Chase's 2nd mum.
She either got Disney Junior of the TV, playing a minion game on my phone ,our new thing is that she sits next to me with the Argos catalogue and picks what she would like for her birthday in a couple of weeks and Christmas.

Then she gets everything out for me to change Chase's bum, even if it doesn't need doing. She just loves to get herself involved.

I think i will have s rough couple of weeks with my daughter. She missed out on school with being September, so all her nursery friends won't be there when she goes back. Don't think it will hit her until she realises all her friends are at big school. I had the same problem with my oldest to because he has a September birthday to. But my daughter takes thinks to heart. She doesn't understand that being born a few weeks after her friends means she has to stay at nursery. But she doesn't go back until the 6th so I don't have to face it yet xx
MT - ignore that rude guy, my little fella seems to like the bumpy paths when we take him out in the pram as he always nods off! I have no doubt that Reem was very cosy and comfy :)
Hi guys :)
I hope everyone is doing well with their little ones. I hit a bit of radio silence while me and the OH and baby adjusted to life together. I will have to look through later and catch up on all that's been going on.
May me and my little boy join in on the thread? :)
Loki was born at 15:49 on the 25th August, weighing 8lbs exactly. He was two days late being due on the 23rd.
I won't spam with pictures, I'm just really happy I've figured out how to share them!

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Loulabelle, congratulations Loki is scrummy x

Dolly -happy 3 weeks for little Amy too for friday gone, love the piccy, shes changing already, so's Griffin, it goes so fast doesn't it! And just wow!! Just one wakeup in the night for Amy and Michelles Sasha!! You jammy ladies x

Xjd- my 4 yr old is moving from nursery to school but hes 4 and a half and driving me nuts now, hes only had 1 year in nursery due to age so i think it can be a pain both ways round with kiddy age. It will be nice for her to bond more with you and baby as a 3 at home before she goes.

Tmum- I got a little ikea £24 quid table and covered with pvc tablecover and on the chairs so that I can start doing more with Roman (22 mth) while feeding.
Storytime, stickers, playdough ( althougth he's not been that interested in the dough) , drawing or toys but right next to us. I guess the real test is when devon is at school as to how much devon helps with entertaining him perhaps without me realising. I find im resorting to the tv far too much at mo as they get up soo early.
Going out at baby naptime works as outside things or walks collecting things, park time is great 1-1 while baby asleep ( you just dont get washing up done etc! )

MT- ignore comments from others, he prob had no experiance with babies first hand, and you were happy baby was fine, my new pushchair is bumpier as no pump tyres, better for getting them to sleep too.
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I'm excited that I get to spend until next May with her, then I'm back at work. She will be starting school in the September. She will also be helping me pick my boys up from school and see some of her friends from nursery coming out of reception.
I will have to find plenty of things for us to do together xx

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