~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Have jenbob and rainbow been added to the facebook group? Be good to see some more August mummies. :) x x
Rainbow has but Jenbob hasn't been on the forum since 9th Nov. I've sent her a wee message though :) xx
Hi ladies, please can I be added to the Facebook group too? If you search Juliette Frazer I'm the only one on Facebook :)
I want to be on the fb group too! Could you ladies pm details?
I've passed it on to Tmum, MT. Hope to see you in there soon!

Hi guys!
I came here feeling super guilty about being inactive and see everyone us on Facebook :)
May I please be added? I can keep up with everyone far better via fb. I can be found under Louise Elsden. The black and white family of three one :)
Hi ladies not been informed ages! Hope everyone is ok?
Could you add me to Facebook? I'm under Tanya Colby-dudman
Need some advice!! Xxx
Hi ladies - I've let our lovely page admin know you want to join, sure she will be in touch soon xx
Hi ladies ive added you as friends on fb :) looking forward to having you in the group xxx
Jess, Jenbob... Teen mum! It would be lovely to hear how you are all getting on :)

My LO is nearly 21 weeks old now, I cannot get my head around her being 5 months old next week, that's almost half a year!!

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