~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Kumber, It was stinging when I weed and I'm in constant pain when I walk or sit down so the mw checked and said the wound was gaping. I got given antibiotics and it seemed to get better till a couple of days ago. I had a look last night by standing over a mirror and it looks awful :( bleeding and like red, raw flesh. Will make an appt tomorrow as cant take much more.
Hope she's better soon Michelle.. Sending lots of hugs xxxx
Sounds horrid Lolie, hope they have sorted you out.

Bubbles, I think cluster feeding lasts for a few days but don't quote me on that.

Lollies hope your ok. My friend had the same thing and she bought a blow up circle cushion to sit on, have u seen them ? She did really swear by it x
Getting bloody fed up with this constipation. Once he finally goes, it's like a running tap for a good 15/20 mins. I practically vomit every time haha. I so wish I could have breast fed, then wouldn't have this problem xx
Bubbles we have regular cluster feeds! Started last Monday and have them most evenings. After it though Cole sleeps 4-5 hours rather than the 2-3 we have during the day lol!
Aww Lulu sounds horrendous! Could the Dr give you something to help him? Xx
I haven't taken him to gp but when I mentioned to the hv she said its nothing to be concerned about. Well, her words were actually "we had a baby in here who hadn't pooed in 14 days, I wouldn't worry about just 4 days". Apparently it's only a concern when then vomit an go off their milk. Still not very nice seeing him cry. Cool boiled water isn't helping at all xx
I would change formula Lulu, it can sometimes be down to the milk being difficult for them to digest.

Mw came to do heel prick and weigh in today, he has put on weight! Gone from 8lb 12 to 8lb 15! Feeling quite chuffed with myself (and him of course). Got told off by mw for being very boring and not having any issues she can get stuck into helping with, all being well we will be signed off after our visit next Thursday and go under the hv.

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Ladies, you are all doing so well with your babies. I just read a bunch of posts and I must say that I love this close knit group I hope it will stay on for a long time. :)
Hey ladies quick question on Sunday I had to make the decision to put Amy on to formula. Question is how much is your lo taking per bottle it's just Amy had 5ozs and was still looking more what should I do. Is uping her to 6ozs at nearly 3 weeks not to much? Help xx
Feed her however much she wants dolly, so if it's 6oz at 3 weeks then go for it :) I can't remember how much ds1 was on at 3 weeks but I do remember at around 4 months, he was having between 50-60oz per day! She us coming up on a spurt so her food intake will be higher during this time.

Thanks kumber I just worry I could be over feeding her xx
Hi ladies, hope everyone is ok.

Just wanted to update you all on how Sasha is doing. We got home from hospital very late last night. I was very impressed with the hospital they were so lovely and couldn't have done more to help and make us feel so reassured. They did lots of blood tests, a urine sample plus an abdominal scan.
They ruled out an infection and any obstructions so it looks like it is reflux. We have to add some gaviscon to each feed. We also have to feed her every 2hrs so ensure she is fed little and often. They also want to keep a close eye on her weight as she has lost some weight from her day 5 check. She is now down to 5lbs 8oz.

Michelle x
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I'd up it to 6oz Dolly, if you know she will take it then give it to her. She might be having a growing spurt. I bottle fed my first he was such a hungry baby, he was on cow and gate and I had to put him on hungrier baby milk the next stage. Xx
Aw Michelle I'm glad you's are home and it's nothing too serious but reflux is so difficult too. My brother used the car seat a lot to help with baby's discomfort, although I wouldn't mention that to your midwife! Hope you are both ok x
Thanks jd. I had the hv out today and in a week Amy has went from 7lb 8 to 8lb 4 oops my wee chunk.

Aw Michelle hope Sasha is ok xx
Back from the docs with more antibiotics. I have to take salt baths and apply sudocrem to my sore bits throughout the day. Fingers crossed it begins to heal now.
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Girls, how are you all getting on? Ftms, how are you finding motherhood?

I am one excited lady today, my calender with columns for 5 people came yesterday so I spent last night meticulously filling in everything up until Christmas. Malachy's birth to five baby book arrived this morning so I started filling in that. It's the little things I think. I'm so sad.

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Kumber I bought a fancy new calendar when I went on mat leave and filled with all our important dates - it was strangely satisfying to feel so organised!
HV came today, lovely lady, she seemed happy with how we were both getting on and have another visit next week to be weighed.
Lollie - hope you are feeling better today and the antibiotics work. At least you have to have some you time, even if it's not long in the bath!
Michelle- I'm glad that Sasha is ok and the docs were able to pinpoint the problem. Fx the gaviscon works fast!
SP it's so satisfying, isn't it! Glad all went well.


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