~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Emilie wouldn't sleep in her chicco next to me crib at first, I think because she is so tiny compared to the crib and was used to being all snuggled up in the womb. I used to have her in bed with me but hubby wasn't too happy due to the safety of it. We now have a snuggle head (I think it's called) it goes in her crib and basically cocoons her. She sleeps amazingly well in her crib now!

Re stitches... I haven't dared to look! I'm still in discomfort when walking and tender when sitting down. I have another day left on antibiotics and I'm hoping it'll be sorted soon after nearly three weeks!
MT I had a catheter too and it stung a little to pee after it came out but have had no problems since, def get it checked out if it's worrying you.
I had a look down there about a week after my forceps delivery and was actually really ok with how it looked. I can see the episiotomy and it looks like quite a neat cut and the stitches could hardly be seen. It felt like it would look awful but it was ok. Lots of warm salt baths/tea tree have worked for me. Mat pads irritate my ep a little though which is annoying.
Hope you start feeling better soon xx
Having a bit of a rough time of it with my little one. She hasn't had a dirty nappy for a couple of days and since yesterday she has started bringing up most if not all of her bottle after every feed.
I had to call the midwife out this morning as she is bringing up green liquid now and is just so sleepy. The midwife checked her over and gave her a bottle, winded her and then saw her bring it back up, I was kind of relieved Sasha did this with the midwife as I was beginning to think I was doing something wrong.
She is very concerned so is going to phone the paediatric consultant and see what they suggest. She is so tiny and can't effort to loose any weight as it is. Poor little girl. I just feel so helpless.

Michelle x
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Ohh no Michelle, how worrying! I hope she's ok, thinking of you both.

Oh Michelle , poor little Sasha. That sounds like green bile coming back, hope they can see you in hosp today as she will need her fluids, let us know how you get on xx

Were having feeding issues since last night hes gone to feeding 1 hrly.
He just had 5 mins of feed at 12 noon and 4 mins at 1230 - he seems more sleepy , im hoping the jaundice stays at bay with feeds changing. I went to my first weigh in clinic to speak to hv to run it by her and she said to do one boob and change him when he conks out, wake him up and offer the other side) ive only ever used one side at a feed. We normally do 10 mins feed over 2 to 3 hrs like when in hosp. They have booked to come and see us again in 10 days. He did gain weight tho, he is now 5 lb 12 oz, but I thought he would have gained more. My section was due tomorow morning so he still would have been my smallest baby for just 6 days early!
Sorry to hear that michelle - I hope the consultants can suggest something to help ASAP. My little guy is quite constipated, he didn't go at all for 24hrs then did one small one and has also been bringing his feeds up - sometimes just a dribble and others a full on projectile drenching. It's not pleasant is it :( I can tell he is uncomfy too.

We had our 11day check today, he has put on weight and other than the above is well so has been discharged. They checked my stitches and although they are healing well I was annoyed when my mw told me that they have had to stitch me in two places, one inside and one out. When I was in hospital they just said I had one small cut. Mw thinks the outer one will heal on a few more days but the internal one might take a month. Nothing I could have done about it but would have appreciated the hospital letting me know at least!

We are now under the care of the health visitor - anyone know what their visits involve?
Hvs are all about baby and child development, so they'll come and see how you're getting on and if you have any questions or concerns about baby. They'll give you loads of literature, will probably mention local groups, etc. They'll also do baby's development checks as they grow into children and be a point of contact for you alongside GP for your LOs health :)

We are currently on our way to the hospital with Sasha they want to check her over properly and weigh her. Not sure what's wrong with her but she really isn't her normal self. So upset. There is nothing I can do to help her, poor wee soul.

Michelle x
They have taken lots of blood and urine samples from little Sasha. Just a case of waiting for the results now. Hopefully they come back quick as they won't let us home until they do.

Michelle x
Thinking of you both Michelle. Hope the results come back quickly xx
Aw Michelle hope sasha is ok. Sending big hugs to you both.

Mt I had two cathators in too. I have since had a uti and today the midwife thinks I have an infection in my womb so more antibiotics. If things don't feel right go and getting checked Mrs. Trust your instincts!

Any breastfeeding mummies struggling with cluster feeding? My wee love does it for hours on end and it's exhausting. Any advice on how to cope with this or does anyone know when it starts to subside?

We had our 10 day check today and Alex was born at 7.11, went down to 7.1 and is back up today to 7.13. Absolutely delighted (through my exhaustion lol). Jaundice is nearly away and she seems to be doing well. However I feel like I am constantly doubting myself. I have only ever known formula fed babies so I am so scared of spoiling her by lifting her so much. At night she is a nightmare to put down as she screams and wants fed more. During the day she is an angel but nighttime is a completely differ et story!
Thinking of you Michelle, hope Sasha is better soon.

I think I need to see the GP re my stitches. I thought they were finally healing after a weeks worth of antibiotics but I think the wound has opened again as I'm having pain and some bleeding. I had a look down there and the wound is open. Just wish it was all sorted, I am still unable to get out with my baby and hubby is back at work next week - I can't even walk so not sure I'm going to cope without him.
Big hugs lollie, stitches are horrid, sounds like you need more antibiotics?

If not already, try letting the air get to them a few times a day.

Hope you are feeling more comfy very soon xx
Thanks SP, in continually airing my bits lol, I can't wear anything down there as it hurts too much. I've got some maternity mats which I lie on all day which does help.

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