~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

How is everyone today?

Can't believe it's the 1st September tomorrow. August went so fast. Although there was a lot going on!!!

Some of our August babies are 3/4 weeks old already. It really is scary how fast time flies.

Michelle x
How is everyone today?

Can't believe it's the 1st September tomorrow. August went so fast. Although there was a lot going on!!!

Some of our August babies are 3/4 weeks old already. It really is scary how fast time flies.

Michelle x

Chase is 3 weeks old today, can't believe how quick it's gone :) but I wouldn't change anything.

Next week will be the real test for me, as school and nursery opens again I will have to get four kids and myself ready and out of the door. I've been lucky that we have just lounged around with it being the holidays, but I have to get back to normal at some point.

Have a nice day ladies xx
I know I am dreading my husband going back to work and I am left with my 16 month old little boy and my little girl. Can't believe she is 2 weeks old today.

Michelle x
It's mad how we wait for them for so long then suddenly they are here :) xx
I have great admiration for you ladies with newborns and doing school and nursery runs. I struggle with getting the two of them out the door under 45 minutes and that's with nappy bag pre-packed! Something always ends up being forgotten.

Got myself some breastmilk freezer bags so I can start stocking up on feeds. Didn't get to do this last time around so feeling quite excited, how sad! Having a really laid back bank holiday, had an awful night with Malachy last night so my mom very kindly offered to have Riley this afternoon and overnight so we could try and catch up on some form of sleep.

Hope you're all having a nice bank holiday lovelies!

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Kumber, I moan but I'd assume it would be easier for someone like me, my oldest is 9 in a few weeks, I also have 6 1/2 year old and a nearly 4 year old. So all I have to get ready is myself and a baby. They sort themselves out really so I shouldn't moan.

I've actually found the gap of nearly 4 years harder than having 3 kids in 5 years lol xx
Yep Matthieu is 3 weeks old today too. Starting to get more aware and looking about! Oh and not to forget he has me wrapped round his little finger lol hope u are all well xx
For those who have had babies before or are maybe feeling the same....does anyone feel their appetite isnt quite the same like your only eating small portions and getting full quicker than you would have done?x
I'm like this Natalie, I usually love my food. But lately I've not eat a full meal, prefer snacking on bits. I've been drinking a lot more but I'm bf so that's probably why xx
Yeah my appetite has completey disappeared but I am putting that down to the fact that once I change and feed my little boy, my little girl wakes up needing changed and fed and by the time I have sorted her out I am no longer hungry. Good way to loose weight though!!!

Michelle x
I think it's cus our tummies are still small and squished from bubbas

Hey ladies, have been off the radar for a few days although have been popping in to see how the last couple of August mummies are getting on.

Glad everyone seems to be on the mend and doing well. This childbirth and newborn malarkey is not easy!!

So an update from me. Alex is doing well. I seem to be grasping breastfeeding although it is the hardest thing I think I have ever done. I'm thinking of introducing a bottle of formula last thing at night to try to stretch the night feeds a little. Has anyone done this before? She's also getting a little spoilt with all the feeding and won't settle to sleep unless she is held which will be a nightmare when hubby goes back to work. I'm the opposite regarding food. I feel like I am eating more now than I ever did.

Apart from that all is good. I finally got my eyebrows done today. It feels like such an achievement to actually get out of house lol! Also my antibiotics for womb and uti seem to be working and my iron levels are on the up :-) :-)

Hope u are all well and I will try to catch up with all the posts during night feeds later.

Also, just thought I would say that I went into labour at the same time as Michelle hence why her labour thread stopped so abruptly... Apologies for the suspense but thankfully Sasha and Alex arrived safe and sound. Thought I would say that in case you all thought I was flaky or useless lol... I know Michelle doesn't think that... Oh my god, why am I writing this... Gonna blame hormones and sleep deprivation lol!!
Hey ladies, have been off the radar for a few days although have been popping in to see how the last couple of August mummies are getting on.

Glad everyone seems to be on the mend and doing well. This childbirth and newborn malarkey is not easy!!

So an update from me. Alex is doing well. I seem to be grasping breastfeeding although it is the hardest thing I think I have ever done. I'm thinking of introducing a bottle of formula last thing at night to try to stretch the night feeds a little. Has anyone done this before? She's also getting a little spoilt with all the feeding and won't settle to sleep unless she is held which will be a nightmare when hubby goes back to work. I'm the opposite regarding food. I feel like I am eating more now than I ever did.

Apart from that all is good. I finally got my eyebrows done today. It feels like such an achievement to actually get out of house lol! Also my antibiotics for womb and uti seem to be working and my iron levels are on the up :-) :-)

Hope u are all well and I will try to catch up with all the posts during night feeds later.

Also, just thought I would say that I went into labour at the same time as Michelle hence why her labour thread stopped so abruptly... Apologies for the suspense but thankfully Sasha and Alex arrived safe and sound. Thought I would say that in case you all thought I was flaky or useless lol... I know Michelle doesn't think that... Oh my god, why am I writing this... Gonna blame hormones and sleep deprivation lol!!

I am just sorry I couldn't do your labour thread in the end huni. I hated letting you down and really wanted to do it but I guess our babies had other ideas and decided to arrive at the same time!!!

Michelle x
Michelle I had a notion that it would happen! Don't worry about my labour thread, I was so high on gas and air and diamorphine that I wouldn't have been able to give u updates anyway lol!
Glad to hear from you Bubbles. That you managed to get your eyebrows done...

My aim is to get an appointment for my hair to be done next week or at least get an appointment. My hair really needs colouring, I didn't dare to get it done whilst I was expecting.

That's if my little boob muncher will let me get it done. He's s mummy's boy and it's really annoying my husband. As much as I secretly enjoy being his favourite, I do need two minutes occasionally.

Hey ladies, are you all ok?

Sorry I haven't been on in a while, I've been super busy and Luca has been quite unsettled. I can't quite believe he's 6 weeks old tomorrow.

I think someone mentioned how many times their baby is pooing. Luca goes every 4 days. He no longer seems constipated and doesn't scream like he was. I was going to speak to my HV today about changing his milk, but I don't think I will bother now. I changed my bottles to dr brown and have seen a big difference. When he would scream, as if he were in pain, his tummy would be rock hard, now it's completely soft. The only pain about the bottles is he takes ages to feed, but hey ho, as long as he isn't in pain.

Intrigued to see how much weight he has gained today xx
His little face really does make me laugh. He looks like a little old man. People keep saying his hair looks like a wig haha xx


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I had the health visitor today. Sash now weighs 6lbs 10oz. So chuffed.

The health visitor mentioned the new meningitis jab and said it will be offered to Sash at her 8wk appointment. Really not sure if I want her to have it. It's such a new vaccination. I am a bit nervous about the side effects. My little boy won't get it. So nor happy that 1 child will be protected and 1 won't. What's everyone else's thoughts on it?

Michelle x
Well done Sasha, is she keeping her milk down now?

We will be having the Men B jab, from what I understand older children will be getting the vaccine too over the next few months. They wouldn't be putting it out if it wasn't safe, obviously with any medicine there are risks but children's vaccines are subject to extremely rigorous testing, even more so than adult ones so for it to be rolled out nationwide it must be pretty 100% safe imo :)


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