~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Thanks everyone!!! We changed from aptimal to the comfort range ( same brand) and that def helped!! She was really bad and now is just bad at first, once she gets the hard droplets out then I help her and she fills a nappy with what I would say of normal newborn poop, she just can't do it on her own....

The explosions ( icecream whippy!) as I call them happen after I help her n she is doing that once a day towards the end. I tried the water today and it helped I think , not straining as much so will keep that up.

In regards to baths she's only had 3 since born ( she's 3weeks 3 days ) as she struggled to regulate her temp, now that's getting better how often should I Bath her? I try clean her top to toe each day with cotton wool and water x
Michelle should I try change brands completely? Or wait for a bit?

And yes lulu I will start feeding now when she needs it, she's always just so hungry I feel bad distracting her or making her wait , esp like u say when I know she needs it x
Hey girls, got a question for stms+ - how long did you have after pains for? Finding mine hard to deal with.

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Jess, dont worry poor griffin has only had 6 days at home now 2 last week and 4 this week and its been so hurly burly ive not yet managed to bath him!!

Tomorow is the day, im going to have to do it as a later morning thing or it won't happen, once the boys go to bed I don't want any noise upstairs! He's still got all sticky bits on him from canula etc.

Kumber do you mean uterus after pains? Mine took about a week and a half i think xx
Yeeeeeeyyyy can I be added please?? How exciting!!
My beautiful boy Noah was born the 22nd at 12.08pm weighing 7lb 6oz!! Im very sore from my third degree tearing and we both have an infection. His antibiotics give him Timmy ache so feeding is tricky but we are working on it. He latches really well and just doesn't suck, so then screams! But when he finally does do it it's all good!! Will have a proper catch up when I've had some sleep!! Been a long, hard 24 hours!! Hope you're all well x
Kumber and ML huge congratulations ladies!!!! Xxx
Kumber do you mean uterus after pains? Mine took about a week and a half i think xx

Yes JJ, thank you! I'm finding it really very painful so it's good to have an end in sight!

Kumber I was sore for a couple of weeks particularly after feeding. I took paracetamol of couple of times for it xx
Jess - I bath Luca every other day. I find it really settles him before bed. He prefers the bath if me or his dad are in there with him xx
Thanks Tmum, I'm keeping myself dosed every 4 hours but it doesn't seem to be making much difference. He is a mega feeder as well, spent most of the evening feeding and 2 hours solid before bed so that probably isn't helping.

Ladies I need your advice.... Isaac is sleeping a lot in the day like 4-5 hours between feeds but then is wide awake for a lot
Of the night, it's exhausting!!! He's 10 days old now has his weight check today but he's defo putting on weight,
I can see it in him! Have any of you experienced this? what did you do to change the routine a bit?? xxx
Colleen our babies are the same age :) hehe. Harley is abit like that! I've tried keeping him awake in the day and the only thing that really does it , apart from when he's hungry is a nappy change, or sometimes have him over my shoulder and walk around and he looks out the window etc. I have noisy toddlers to wake him too! I'm trying to change his sleep pattern and he's not doing too bad. He was up last night constipated though so that blew it all! Also, how is your scar? We both had emergency sections right? My stomach has gone down loads I can see my scar from standing up now, I get lots of pains and twinges on the inside. Do you?
Kumber, the after pains are awful. They get worse each time! I still get the odd pain at day 10 but it definitely improved around day 6/7.
I'm arill wanting to cuddle baby at night, instead Of putting him down which I know I should do. But I can't help it! :/ x
Hi Ladies, how are you all doing ?

No sign of Griffin getting more yellow again, so im less worried about having to go back into hosp, i think weve seen the back of it now :) need to ring this morning and book his blood test for before our consultant chk in 4 weeks time. Also going to register him at the docs today and book my and his 6 week checks. Ive booked his next hearing test too at a different hosp for 8th sept so hope his ears clear by then. I booked our registering the birth appointment too for next week! So many things to remember, don't forget ladies

Your babies are sleeping a nice long time! But that's rubbish for your night sleep :( Griffins feeding 1.5-2 hrly round the clock, im a bit short of sleep, but I feel like my boobs are perm out! I was on the sofa with the breastfeeding pillow the other night and at 5:30 am my daughter brought my boys down as they had woken up for the day and we laughed as i had a nipple out and was asleep! 2 mins later my 14 yr old lad wandered out and we had another giggle at the close shave!!
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JJ, I never fully caught up with his hearing test - was it that they couldn't get a proper reading? Re sleep, if it's any consolation Malachy is point blank refusing his Moses basket. He will happily sleep on a chest so we have been taking it in turns between boobing to be with him so the other can get some sleep. Bit of a close shave there with your son, whoops! How are you recovering?

I've just bought a cot and mattress today. Chase will share our room until he moves in with his brothers. I think he's to big for his swinging crib now. He has his arms up in the air and its waking him up. It won't get delivered until the 1st September. I put his sleeping bag on him and put him on my bed and he's flat out. So I hope the new cot will have this effect to xx
We had a whole night of fighting with the Moses basket last night. Never heard screaming like it. As soon as I put him on my chest he was out like a light. God forbid I moved him, all hell broke loose. Very tired mummy today xx
Aww Lulu! Won't he even sleep in the bed near you?

We have been co sleeping as I just love it, couldn't be bothered with Moses basket at first with my stitches moving to get her and put her down again was a nightmare. And she also isn't too happy in the Moses basket. But nervous about when I finally see my husband again as I won't dare having all three of us in one bed. So hopefully she will like her cot:/
Reem has reduced her feeding amount back to 3.5oz, sometimes 4. And goes around 4 hours between feeds. we luckily have more awake periods during the day but I think it's because I take her out the bedroom and leave her in the living room which is always loud as I'm staying with my mum atm and she has seven other children so it's hectic.
Also no problems with constipation here. She drinks Aptamil and it seems to be working well for us. I am still breastfeeding too but she takes mainly formula. I have started taking fenugreek capsules a few days ago and haven't really noticed a difference. We both stink of the stuff now and I'm so close to giving up on breastfeeding!
I bathe her every other day before bed. Hopefully she will learn that bath means bed time and it will help get her into a routine.

I've started using reusable nappies yesterday. Think they are more gentle on her skin, save money & environmentally friendly. But I am a lazy cow so we shall see if I can stick to it as so far it's quite a bit of work compared to easy disposables!

Any ladies had a catheter in? I had it in when I got the epi, then they took it out when I started pushing. Then they put it in again after delivery until the next morning. It still is uncomfortable and I feel like there is something hard there that I feel when I am sitting and lean forward or after I pee. Have any ladies experienced this?

Also have any of you been brave enough to look in the mirror down below? I haven't yet. My stitches have came out and I feel quite well really but I swear my labia feels different as in one is now tiny almost non existent and I'm freaking out! I told my mum and she just laughed and I'm kinda embarrassed to ask this but idk who else to talk to? :/ sorry if it's all tmi but I'm super paranoid...
He will sleep next to me, but I don't want him to get used to sleeping in the bed. He will sleep for 4/5 hours if he's on a bed or the sofa, but try putting him in the Moses basket or bouncer and he's like no thank you.

I had a catheter hun but have literally had no problems after having it taken out. Mention to the mw of you're still seeing her or GP!

I've had a sneaky peek at mine, about 2 weeks ago and it was really swollen, didn't want to look at it again haha. Doesn't feel swollen at all now so may take another look haha. If you're concerned about anything hun, consult your GP, it's nothing to be embarrassed about xx

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