~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

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Sasha Liddle born Monday 17th August at 12;56pm weighting 6lbs 1oz, due date 24th August.

Michelle x
Sorry didn't log on yesterday..... Due date was August 18th.. She was born at 14:30. She's called Vie after my grandma Mavis.
She's super hungry all the time and guzzles her bottles , does everyone know what's best for me to do with her milk?

She's now taking 3oz every 3hours but at night has one 4oz followed by a cluster feed of 2oz just an hour after, she was weighed this week and is now 6lbs 7 , we keep getting told she's drinking too much , and she is constipated on and off since born but I can't not feed her as she's so hungry?

She's such a good baby just crys when wet or hungry ( And if full of wind!) but that's getting better with infacol x she's been to the docs twice for her digestion issues already bless her , I've no idea what to do for the best as a first time mummy x
Hi Jess I'm a first time mum as well so also finding my feet but u spoke to my health visitor about constipation and she advised to give an ounce or two of cooled boiled water to get things moving. Formula fed babies can also get dehydrated so maybe she needs a drink rather than food? As it's been quite warm this could be the case so again cooled boiled water would help. Maybe check with your midwife or health visitor and see what they say xx
Hi can I be added to the first page too please?

Alexandra born Saturday 15th August, 7lb 11oz, @7.40pm. Due date, 6th August.

Thanks :-)
Jess I can't help with formula but I do understand your frustration. It's a constant worry and we are constantly questioning ourselves. Just remember that we are doing our best for our little ones and that's the most important thing xx
Jess, Emilie has formula as well as expressed breast milk and is taking anywhere from 3/5 oz per feed. She feeds every 2/3 hours. The mw told us to feed her as often as she wants and as much as she wants. If Vie is taking everything you are giving her she must need it so I would keep doing what you're doing. Her weight gain sounds perfect.
Aww thank u everyone ... Yes I think she is dehydrated because her wee is strong and yellow.

I'll give her cool boiled water today before her next feed. Should I give her it in one go or throughout the day?

It is so frustrating , because I know she's really hungry but they keep saying she's too small to take alot in, but she's not , she's so hungry and really wants food!! She literally climbs on me and eats her hand ....

Then the more i give her the more constipated ... Argh. They said due to her stopping growing at 34 weeks she is learning how to digest and it will her a while.

It's very difficult isn't it Xxx
Congratulations Michelle! I am so happy to here that Sasha has arrived. Hope you are both doing well. xxx
Jess - I'm with you on the constipation, poor bubbas. Luca is also formula fed. I find the water really does help. Baths as well, although he really doesn't like the bath, I'm pretty sure it helped him last week after 3 horrible days of constipation. Have you had a poo explosion yet? We had one at about 3am after him straining an straining all day. I nearly threw up changing him.

He'll be 5 weeks old on Wednesday. People weren't lying when they said time really does fly xx
Also, I wouldn't worry about feeding her that often. If she's hungry, feed her, end of story, she's your baby, you know best hun. I fed Luca on demand from day 1 even though the midwives said to try and go 3 hours. He usually goes 4 hours but last night he woke at 3am and had 4oz then again at 5 and had another 4oz. What are we supposed to do, just let them scream... I wouldn't worry my love.

About the water as well, give it to her throughout the day, about an hour after her feeds. You don't want it to interfere with her feeding. Hope she poos soon hun xx
I would just give an ounce in a bottle and then see if there's any effect, you can always give her another ounce after a few hours if she doesn't go. A warm bath is also a good idea. When I thought my lo was constipated/had wind i bicycled his legs and pushed them up to his tummy a few times and he did a massive poo! Also try gently rubbing her tummy clockwise xx
Can you add me to the first page please. James born 20th July, 1.10am, 6lb3oz due date 3rd August xx
Hi ladies. I had my day 5 check with my midwife today and all is going well. I had prolene beads instead of stitches for my section and they were taken out today. Feel so much better. Don't feel tight pains whenever I move.

Sasha got her heel pick test and didn't even bother with it. What a little star. She now weighs 5 lbs 11oz. I had to give up breastfeeding on day 2 and formula feed as I wasn't producing anything. She is now feeding every 3hrs and taking 3oz.

For those who are having constipation problems with their formula fed babies I remember thus with my little boy. We started feeding him SMA but once he changed to aptamil he never had an issue. Some babies just don't like certain formulas so it may just be a change of changing brands.

Hope everyone else is doing well

Michelle x
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Malachy born 21st August at 7:33pm, 8lb 12oz. Due 14th August. Thanks lovely :)

Balthazar I think I might change Matthieu is on SMA GOLD and I think he is alittle constipated with it. Ive been mentioning it too the midwife she said give him another week on it and if it doesnt improve then change. He is only doing a poo a day somrtimes a tiny little bit but the poo is soft so ive been told not too worry. If it persists I think ill switch to aptamil xx
Balthazar I think I might change Matthieu is on SMA GOLD and I think he is alittle constipated with it. Ive been mentioning it too the midwife she said give him another week on it and if it doesnt improve then change. He is only doing a poo a day somrtimes a tiny little bit but the poo is soft so ive been told not too worry. If it persists I think ill switch to aptamil xx

We never had any further issues with my little boy once we changed to aptamil, the change in him was really quick and he just thrived on it.
You know your child best and if you feel one type of formula isn't quite right for them then follow your instincts and try another.

Michelle x
Wanted to share this pic with yous, I thought this was so sweet when I read it I think I had a wee day of baby blues and tearful but it was so sweet I had to share it with u all xx


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