~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Morning ladies hope you and baby's are all well.

I can't believe Amy is week old today. I have had a few wobbles this week regarding bfing but I have started expressing a during the night bottle as that seems to be the worse time for me and Amy.

At her day 3 weight check she had only lost 1.7ozs which I was delighted with.

We are getting a bit of a routine were me and Amy go to bed at 11 and she sleeps til half 3 after that we need to work on. Xx
Lolie - I wouldn't feel like a failure if I were you, you're doing a fab job. I only managed 4 days breast feeding Luca.

Dolly - that's brilliant hun. People have been telling me it's pointless trying to get a routine established at this age but oh well. For the past 3 weeks it's been bath, bottle and bed by 9. He wakes up at midnight, 3, 6 and then we get up at 9 xx
I'm gutted as I wanted to exclusively breast feed but its just not working. She can't latch properly and I have very low milk. I can only managed to get one feed of breast milk expressed a day, the rest of her feeds are formula. I'm still feeling like a failure but I'm hoping that a bit of my milk is better than none at all for her.

Don't feel like a failure, what your are and have given her is great. This is fourth baby, with my first I couldn't get him to latch at all, I had a really tough trying to feed him. He was always getting mad because of the latch it was so stressful.

My husband laughs that I choose to breast feed to sit on my backside all day lol xx
Hello Ladies - thanks for starting this thread Lulu :)

I'm home from hosp and thought about time I pop in here.

Please can you add me to the list Lulu -

Griffin Beau Jones , born 7th august 2015, weighed 5 lb 5 oz ,time 8:55 pm, due date 1st Sept

We only lost 2 oz down to 5 lb 3 by day 5 so really pleased with that.

Lollie dont feel a failure re bf, it's really hard tbh. Have you tried just spending your days both laying top naked skin to skin just hanging out to try to increase milk supply, offering boob always first, then expressed if any then formula. I was watching how they were teaching it in a lady who had less milk in transitional care this week , and it was working little by little it upped each feed xx

Anyone else got swollen ankles post birth? Came up yesterday day 6 and I can't get rid of it
Been home a day, Just in my first bath since bfr birth ( showers at hosp) and hope my disolvable stitches hang in there ha
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I can't believe Reem is two weeks old today. I feel like I had her forever ago yet it feels like it's gone super quick..

I don't believe that it is impossible to get a newborn into a routine. Reem has been super good honestly she started off by waking every two hours and by a week it's up to four hours & at night sometimes even longer. She feeds at 9, then 1, then 6, then around 10. I do bath her every other day too before bed.

Lollie don't feel too bad. Bf is really hard. When my milk came in I literally sat in my room for two days naked and miserable unable to move. My already E cup boobs were like super huge and rock hard and totally shapeless. They didn't even look like boobs. My nipples were so deformed I literally couldn't get her on. I cried loads. When they eventually went back to normal, and we had her tongue tie snipped, using a nipple shield as I just couldn't put her on directly due to pain, we eventually started bfing before giving her formula. But I doubt she gets more than a few mouthfuls because she still drinks her usual 3oz after:( so my supply is really struggling. Two nights ago my left side started hurting as if I was getting my milk in again and I was in tons of pain. Started a fever and flu like symptoms. It's been miserable. I'm off to midwife today and will see what she says. My mum thinks I have mastitis. I am this close to giving up honestly it's just been a ridiculous couple weeks with my damn breasts.
Thanks ladies. My lo has a slight tongue tie too. We have been told she needs to be referred by the gp to have it snipped. Tbh, its so painful and stressful trying to get her latched its almost a relief to just express and give formula from the bottle. Just wish the MIL saw it the same way. Hubby is so supportive and I don't know how is cope without him!

Like a lot of you I've had stitches too and have taken to having my wees in the shower/bath so it doesn't burn my wound... Not dignified but it doesn't hurt at all that way!
Jumping in here girls as I've seen some are finding bfing tricky. If you're finding your supply is struggling, eat lots of oaty foods and get some fenugreek tablets. Both of these will boost your supply.

The kellymom website is your new friend, it's fab!

Try not to substitute boobs for bottles at nighttime as that is when your daily dose of hormone is genrated which then makes your body produce milk throughout the day. Without that hormone production, your body can struggle to produce enough milk.

Babies will have periods of fussiness where it seems like they're not getting enough from you and will feed constantly. This is completely normal, it's called clusterfeeding and is how a baby tells your boobs to boost milk production as baby's tummy gets bigger. It's vital thst if you want to continue bfing long-term, you don't substitute bottles during this time (even though it's soooo tempting) as it's the only way your body will supply what baby demands.

None of this is to put a downer on bottle feeding at all, so I really hope I haven't come across like that. I found it really hard as a ftm to bf and it broke my heart to stop, so I'd help any other ftms avoid the same mistakes I made.

Can't wait to finally make it into this group, so envious of all your newborn cuddles!

Thanks for the tips, Kumber! I am guilty of just bottle feeding during the night as it's easier and quicker. Hope you will join us soon :)

I had a massive scare tonight. Was washing Reem's hair and I accidentally got some water on her face that must've gone up her nose. She choked and let out the biggest scream and went blue and stopped. I freaked out and screamed for my mum. I blew on her face to try and get her to gasp and breathe again. She then got sleepy and acted like nothing had happened. I was petrified and in tears. She had recovered quickly and was sleepy as I had woken her up from her nap for a bath & I just panicked. Was so thankful to have my mum there i would have probably rushed to hospital if she wasn't there to calm me down. Feel so terrible that I panicked :(
Oh mt I am sure that scared you. Glad your little lady is ok.

Well I had the midwife this morning and had Amy weighed and at 8days old she is now half an ounce over her original birth weight. Which has gave me the confidence boost I needed to keep bfing :) x
Oh MT bless you! I hated giving Luca baths at first. I almost dropped him in it last week because hes strong enough to fling his head around. Our confidence will grow in time. Seems like you handled the situation perfectly though.

Brilliang news dolly. I'm dying to get Luca weighed again next week. He's a right chunky monkey now xx
My son still has no name but his smelly cord dropped off today. My other 3 children are been took out by their nannie tomorrow. So my husband and I are getting some blue clothes. Excited to get rid of some white stuff lol x
Aww lulu. What do you bath him in? I have been using a tiny bowl so even if she does slip she won't go under water as it fits her perfectly. I never thought I would be this paranoid but I've been so freaked out since yesterday. she has been happily asleep since 10am and I'm still awake making sure she is breathing at almost 1am instead of getting some much needed sleep! These hormones honestly.
Hey girls!
Cole's a whole 2 weeks on Monday!!! Where has the time gone?
We're still going with the bf! I only managed a week with Tyler so we're totally in the unknown now which is a bit scary!
Hubby back to work tomorrow too so I'm stressing slightly about everything lol!!
How's everyone adapting to night feeds and 3ish hourly feeds in general? Must admit it's taken a lot of getting used too again lol xx
MT - I have a bath support for the big bath. He absolutely hates the bath. You'd think we're hurting him by the screams he lets out during them.

Tmum - I did used to find the night feeds extremely difficult but the last couple of nights, I havent felt as tired. It's moreso trying to get him to sleep in his moses basket at night that kills me. As soon as he wakes up for that first night feed he just wants to be held. Need to put a stop to it asap xx
Hi lulu and the other August mums - pls can my little guy be added to the list

Baby boy Jackson, arrived fri 14th August at 11.11, 6lbs 7oz, original due date 16th August.

So glad you are all getting on ok, we haven't been home for a full day yet but it already feels like we have been doing this forever! Really struggling with bf but hoping midwife can come today and help us.
I've only been getting cranky the past couple of nights being too tired. But it's been okay. I expected it to be harder. I thin it's easier when the baby isn't crying. My daughter is wide awake for hours but she doesn't cry so that's good.

Aww, Lulu. Maybe he just doesn't like water. Reem only cried the first time. The second time she cried when washing her hair. Then after that she has been amazing. Hope Luca adjusts soon enough & starts enjoying them more.
I hope so MT. It's strange because during the day he doesnt make a sound. Doesnt cry at all. But try and put him in the bath or you dont have a bottle ready for him during the night, all hell breaks loose haha xx
Aww bless! You're half way to the 6 week mark though so hopefully he will start to settle soon.

I finally figured out what was keeping Reem up for hours. Poor baby just wanted more milk. I never thought of it because she never cries. And when she did start crying after two hours of being awake I assumed it was because she was tired. Now it makes sense as to how eager she was for her dummy and kept loosing it when she figured out no milk was coming out. I feel awfully sorry for her lol but also a bit worried as she now is having 5oz instead of 3! I think that's a bit much? I'm seeing midwife tomorrow so will discuss with her. We did get 7 hours between feeds though and I had a fab sleep so I won't complain :)

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