~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Due date 9/8/15.
Matthieu Philip Raymond Burt
born - 10/8/15 at 9.01pm
Weight 7lb 14oz
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Only just seen this thread! I didn't know we had moved over here!! Woooopsie!

My little lady was born July 29th ( I am still an August mummy hehe) due date was August 18th, weighing 5lbs x

Hope everyone's ok!! Can't believe she's been here 3 weeks already, it's flown x
Jd - love the name chase!
Bubbles- love the name alex too ( incase you go with it), strong yet not too girlie whirley!

Were cluster feeding right now ladies if that helps reassure you! It 's only 3:19 am! We last fed at 2 am and 3:10 he wanted more... Little rascal, i need a kip, any sleep today before my boys get up at 5:30! Ha

Hello Jess, how is your little dot doing? Hows the weight gain?
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Yea JJ we have officially went for Alex. Full name Alexandra for when she is really bold lol! You deserve a medal for bf with your other kids. Hats off to u!!

Currently sitting with a very fussy baby who just wants to sleep on me all morning. Won't sleep in her basket, doesn't want boob, just seems to want cuddles!

Jess where has them 3 weeks went to!!
Will add you ladies now. Jess, does she have a name yet? xx
I thought id ask you ladies since you have helped me along my pregnancy.....its a btl feeding question! Since matthieu was born he has hiccups alot and im formula feeding him SMA gold. Not every single feed but alot he seems to be sick after but only when I feed him and isn't sick when my partner feeds! Its frustrating n dont like seeing him bring the milk back up....im winding him about every 20 mls n giving him a break even my partner said im not doing anything different to him...any advice?? Should I switch to another brand xx
Natalie - I was feeding Luca SMA but he went off it after a week so we switched to Aptamil. Mw said SMA is a very heavy milk. Perhaps switch him and see how he gets on. Consult your health visitor of you have any concerns hun, she will be more educated than us. Luca sometimes brings milk up too. I find if I feed him more upright, he won't bring anything up. I hope that helps xx
I will try that Lulu thanks. Its just frustrating that it seems to be only me he is being sick with xx
Hello girls. I'm starting to find my feet at home! First full day at home with all the kids. I am absolutely exhausted, on iron tablets because I'm still quite anemic, and codeine and then laxatives to try help with the constipation! It's a challenge and I struggle because I am naturally independent and now have to sit back, but i know it's all going to get easier, and I look at him and know we are so lucky to be here. I've even done the night shifts because I wouldn't sleep properly anyway.
I'll try and have a read through on here. I'm on day 8, waiting for midwife to come see me at home.

Harley, 6lb 2oz born August 13th, due August 21st. (Today!!)

Came early by emergency section due to Placenta abruption with severe blood loss. They suspect placenta had been failing to function properly for couple weeks. Makes sense really, as I had no growth.. Poor man! :(

Everyone managing with the tiredness? And mums with other kids, surviving the hols?!!! :/ ha ha x x
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Im struggling to switch off I reckon cause we have had visitors and not really stopped with things. So dont even feel tired apart from durimg the night if im up for feeding lol but then once I get up I lie for ages to get back to sleep. Think my brain is still doing overtime and on a high lol xx
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Sorry hun I'm brain dead, I meant what time xx
Haha its fine so am I! I should've said, 10:14pm. X x
I'm on day 8 bf, practically cried every time I fed him until 2 days ago when we magically managed to get him to latch properly! I still sometimes get it abit wrong and it stings but my nipples are still healing aswel! He does the same as some of you ladies have mentioned, everytime he un latches he's sick, not loads just small amounts each time, but it makes feeding twice as long because it unsettles him until we get it all up! He's such a happy baby though, he only cries for food when he wakes from a nap and when he has nappy changed, got lucky I think lol.
Hope your all doing well.

Why are you all using as a cover when feeding in public? I don't mind feeding in public but I don't want to whack my boobs out for the whole world to see xxx
Hope your ok Sugar, I have three others at home.
My husband went back to work after 2 days because they are so busy. My boys entertain themselves really they are nearly 9 and 6. It's my daughter that needs entertaining all of the time. She's good with the baby and gets involved changing him and things. The hardest part has been waiting in for the midwifes. They can come at any point over 10 hours, thankfully they have discharged us yesterday and the Heath visitor has been today.

So hopefully I can start to go out now with the kids and let them enjoy some of their holidays.
Ask me in a month how stressed I am getting up and doing the school run xx
15 days post birth and I'm finally feeling a bit more human! Mw has discharged me this morning as my stitches are finally healing thanks to the antibiotics.

Emilie is a dream. She only cries when hungry too. She feeds well and takes both the formula and my milk without complaint.
Hey ladies well Amy is 2 weeks old today and I can't believe how lucky I am with her. She only crys at nappy time and if she is hungry. She loves boobie milk and on Wednesday the hv weighed her and she is up to 7lb 8ozs.

Hope everyone is well xx
My little lady weighed 8lbs 3oz on Tuesday. She has passed her 7lbs 13oz birth weight bless her. She is also 3 weeks old today. Can't believe how time has flown!

She's so good too. Never really cries only when hungry and even then it's more just moaning and little whines not really crying. She's so happy just left alone playing after her feeds as she is super alert, has been since birth really. Then she falls asleep on her own when she gets tired. She is back down though to around 3oz every 3 hours which is a bummer after we got a six hour sleep a few nights ago! But oh well, I don't really mind.

I have started taking fenugreek capsules two days ago as a last attempt to boost my supply. I don't feel any different but hoping she starts taking less formula as I always put her on the boob first. If this doesn't work, then I'm done I'm afraid. It has been ridiculously hard and I have massive respect for ladies who have managed to breastfeed!

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