~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Mt, my lo is having 3/4 oz every 2/3 hours. She is 11 days old. Mw said to just feed her as often as she wants so I wouldn't worry about Reem having too much.
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Yeah I'm not really worried just surprised at how quickly she is wanting more. She is having 5oz every four hours today. Hope this at least means she has a good weight gain when we get her weighed tomorrow :)
Hey girls I really need some encouragement I am exclusively bf and I am finding at bedtime Amy is on the boob for a good 3hrs if not more and I am completely exhausted cause that only lasts her 2hrs if that. Please someone tell me it gets better xx
Hey girls I really need some encouragement I am exclusively bf and I am finding at bedtime Amy is on the boob for a good 3hrs if not more and I am completely exhausted cause that only lasts her 2hrs if that. Please someone tell me it gets better xx
Hey girls I really need some encouragement I am exclusively bf and I am finding at bedtime Amy is on the boob for a good 3hrs if not more and I am completely exhausted cause that only lasts her 2hrs if that. Please someone tell me it gets better xx
Dolly you are doing so well with the bf! My little guy is struggling to latch on so we are expressing and using nipple shields for now, but it's quite painful for me as his latch just isn't right.
As we are not that experienced I can't really offer any advice, other than she is obviously enjoying her feeds and at this stage might just be something that has to happen to keep her happy. Do you wake her for feeds at other times or wait till she asks? Might be worth offering it to her more often than she's asking to try and phase out the mega long feed? Just an idea :)
Hi ladies were back home after being readmitted to special care for few days, just had 3 nights at home so far! Back for bloods later fingers crossed we can stay home this time.

Your all doing so well with bf even if it doesn 't feel like it, do you know how many mums give up in the first few nights!?
Some great advice from kumber there, the more boob stimulation/skin to skin, bonding time you get each feed before anything elses is given to top up is crucial to get boobs ramped up. Going stright for bottles on some feeds will just decrease supply. Expressing with ramp it up too.

I bottle fed three babies but since managing on baby 4 and 5 , god in the long run its sooo much easier. Laying down in beds cosleeping feeds is soooo lazy and easy at night, (i can't seem to lay down flat comfortably at mo but looking forward to those again).

Cluster feeding in evenings or any other time in the day is fine just means baby is demand feeding. Sometimes after letting you sleep longer at night they will feed more frequently in the morning. Or cluster feed at night but then it can help them sleep longer. The lady ( sorry can't remember who said) about feeding for 3 hrs and still only going 2 hrs- id check they were latched correctly and if not pull them off and relatch, as no baby will feed 3 hrs straight , maybee after the stop sucking so strongly they are just comfort sucking ( using you like a dummy). I thought we were doing 15 min feeds but tirns out were only doing 10 mins and he was just chewing away for 5 till i notticed he had gone to sleep on me. You should get a small break between feeds even cluster ones.

Hang in there ladies , it really does get easier xx
I totally agree with JJ. Yesterday I couldn't get out of the house or do anything because of the constant breastfeeding. But I've managed to get out today, so I hope he puts some weight back on. They weigh him in Thursday next.

We have decided to call him Chase :) it's just took 8 days xx
Help please ladies!!!

I am being roar lot selfish here but popping in for advice as my wee lady was born on Saturday. So I have started to breastfeed. Every midwife is telling us different things. I seem to have a good supply and Alex(trialling the name, not completly decided) has latched on great and seems to be sucking well. We had our day 3 weight check today and she has went from 7.11 to 7.1. She also has been so unsettled for 24 hours now. It looks like she has wind or hunger but I'm not getting much wind from her. Do I just keep feeding on demand (every hour for the last 12 hours) or what. Different midwives have told me differ be things. So one told me she was hungry, the other told me wind. Any advice? X
Sorry to hear some of you are having trouble bf at the moment. I can't offer any advice as I only managed 4 days.

Good news though, Luca (the little chunk) has gone from 8lb1oz to 8lb14oz in a week exactly. He's also been discharged completely from hospital/mw as his jaundice levels are now normal. He's just gone down now, I'm intrigued to see how many times he will wake up. We also had a poo explosion tonight after 3 days constipation. I think the bath and drinking half an oz of water really helped. It exploded in his nappy, then I took it off and he decided to poo another 4 times on his changing mat. A muslin got thrown away in the process. Oh the joys xx
Congratulations bubbles! Bf babies don't tend to get wind but it's not unheard of. Keep feeding as and when she needs, no matter whether you're bf or bottle feeding, if it's wind she won't feed properly anyhow. You can also try gripe water (you can use under a month, just use half a dose in a syringe) to help bring up any wind. It's not unusual for a 3 day old babies to feed every hour though as she will be bringing your milk in.

Well done on your poo Luca!

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Congratulations Bubbles, I'm on day 9 of breastfeeding. Chase was getting constant hiccups even though I was winding him all the time but he wasn't burping. I've fed him on demand it's been the only time he's stopped crying when he's on my boob. Luckily my nipples are back to normal now, no blisters. He seems pretty satisfied to now. All I can say is be persistent with it. Keep everything at arms length, don't worry about getting out of your pyjamas. X
Nearly two weeks after giving birth and I'm still waiting for the stitches to heal. I'm now on antibiotics as there were signs of early infection. I can barely walk, I can't get out the house and I can't sit down. I'm spending my days lying on maternity mats "air drying".

Tell me it does get better!
Oh Lolie, bless you. Week 4 for me and I have no pain apart from when I pee. Went to the GP this morning as I was convinced either the infection was back or my wound had opened. She checked and she said everything looks great, stitches are gone, just a tiny bit left to heal so she said salt water baths every day now and that will really help. I know the salt can dissolve stitches so not best to have them while your stitches are still in tact. Mention to mw or GP hun xx
Thanks Lulu. I'm seeing the mw on Friday for a checkup. Emilie has been discharged but not me lol. Mw said my wound is open but to keep it as dry as possible.
Thanks ladies. I have take your advice and calmed myself after my rant last nite and have fed on demand listened to no one only my wee woman and both her and I are so much settled today. Thanks again for your help.

Oh lollie that sounds horrendous, hopefully the antibiotic soon kicks in.

Lulu could be pain from cathator (sp) if you had one?

Thanks jd, hopefully we will get the hang of it soon.

Thanks kumber, I don't think it was wind, since feeding as soon as she cries at all she has been great... Although it has only been a matter of hours so I'll not hold my breath lol

Lulu glad all is well now with your wee man :-)
Hey girls!
Bubbles congratulations!! Hope you're both doing well!
Lollie, God love you!!!! Fx it gets better really soon!!!
JJ so glad you're home and both settling in ok!
JD love Chase's name!

We're on day 17 of bf! I only managed a week with Tyler so we're totally in the unknown!
At day 3 I was ready to give up; I was in agony and my hormones had decided to take a dip so I cried all day! I had hubby in my ear telling me it would be best to give him a bottle because stressing out wouldn't do either of us any favours!
The midwife that morning had said that if I'd got to breaking point to go and get nipple shields. It said on the packet to use for 24-48 hours but I was so sore I'd decided I'd use them for as long as I needed lol! They really helped and the best of it was I only needed them for 24 hours! Couldn't believe it!!
We had a feeding frenzy on Mon and a very unsettled baby feeding on and off from 1pm-10pm! At 10 it was like someone hit a switch and he was asleep! He slept until almost 3am! Couldn't believe it!! Tues night we had a similar feeding frenzy that was 4-8pm and then he slept until 12. Usually I get between 2.5-3 hours per feed!
I find I have to wind Cole each time he unlatches. 9 times out of 10 he has wind, even something small.
His weight gain has been really encouraging too! He was 2830g/ 6lbs 2oz when he was born, dropped to 2700g then up to 3040 and was weighed on Mon and is 3200g/ 7lbs 1oz! I'm really proud of our journey because I thought with having such a bad time with Tyler that it just wouldn't work again so I'm so glad we gave it a go!!
Lulu even with the 4 days you gave Luca some great milk! Tyler is rarely sick and when he is its the mildest form of everything. When he had chicken pox he had between 7-10 spots lol! I strongly believe that it's down to the milk he received in his 1st week that's given him a great immune system! Xx
Hi girls, lulu can you add me to the start page, Isaac, August 13th, 9lbs, 6.51pm, due date 1st August xxx
Tmum thanks for this, information is power at this stage. My lady is in a similar pattern so it is so reassuring now to know that it's ok.

It's so hard to know what is normal and what is not. But good news is, Alex put on 4oz today at her 5 day check. I am so pleased and so proud of the little lady.
Aww Bubbles it's so hard! On Monday when Cole fed on and off from 1-10 I was so patient but was beginning to think there was something wrong! Decided to try a bottle thinking he wasn't getting enough but he refused it but kept taking the boob! When he finally stopped at 10 I thought well that was our 1st real cluster feed and when it happens again I'll know what it is. On Tues night he was a lot more fussy and messed about a lot but it only lasted 4 hours! Today he's been unsettled and I think he's getting the sniffles!! Quite bunged up and getting upset very easily! He's fed on and off all day. Part of me thinks it could be a long night but the other part thinks he must be exhausted because I am haha!!! Xx

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