Hi ladies were back home after being readmitted to special care for few days, just had 3 nights at home so far! Back for bloods later fingers crossed we can stay home this time.
Your all doing so well with bf even if it doesn 't feel like it, do you know how many mums give up in the first few nights!?
Some great advice from kumber there, the more boob stimulation/skin to skin, bonding time you get each feed before anything elses is given to top up is crucial to get boobs ramped up. Going stright for bottles on some feeds will just decrease supply. Expressing with ramp it up too.
I bottle fed three babies but since managing on baby 4 and 5 , god in the long run its sooo much easier. Laying down in beds cosleeping feeds is soooo lazy and easy at night, (i can't seem to lay down flat comfortably at mo but looking forward to those again).
Cluster feeding in evenings or any other time in the day is fine just means baby is demand feeding. Sometimes after letting you sleep longer at night they will feed more frequently in the morning. Or cluster feed at night but then it can help them sleep longer. The lady ( sorry can't remember who said) about feeding for 3 hrs and still only going 2 hrs- id check they were latched correctly and if not pull them off and relatch, as no baby will feed 3 hrs straight , maybee after the stop sucking so strongly they are just comfort sucking ( using you like a dummy). I thought we were doing 15 min feeds but tirns out were only doing 10 mins and he was just chewing away for 5 till i notticed he had gone to sleep on me. You should get a small break between feeds even cluster ones.
Hang in there ladies , it really does get easier xx