JJ, all the best for Griffin's appts. Soumds like you're both doing a fab job, so pleased all his results are comng back positively.
Lulu, no idea from me I'm afraid
Bfing mommas, are you finding your LOs are struggling with poos/having explosive poos/painful farts/etc.? Had an awful night with Malachy, he was up every 1.5-2 hours as he wouldn't feed properly - kept popping off and screaming. Let out a massive fart but hasn't done his usual massive poo and is quite unsettled. I was always under the impression bf babies didn't have as bad wind or gas as bottle fed, is that not the case?
Kumber I just came across this article which is very interesting, re: wind!! It sounds exactly like what is happening with my little one (except the green poop and nappy rash). So I'm now trying to space out his feeds and not use my boob to pacify him and also use the same boob for the 4hr block, see if that helps.
So I've given in and given him a dummy, makes me sad looking at him with some plastic shoved in his mouth, but if it helps pacify him and get him into longer and better spaced out feeds to help with his wind, then it's worth it.
Is anyone else using a dummy? I know I shouldn't care what she thinks but the MIL is going to be really disappointed / judgemental about it as she really doesn't 'believe' in dummies!