~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

WTT, I habe a fast let down too and express off otherwise he's coughing amd spluttering all over the show. I def recommend you trying it!

SP, that's fab advice thank you! Will try all that.

Kumber - Emilie has both formula and expressed booby juice. The more booby she has the runnier her poos and her trumps are immense too haha! HV said this is all normal. We have used dentinox on the odd occasion she can't pass her wind and it works instantly!
Thanks Lolie, feeling much better about this all now :)

Hi everyone! Hope your okay and babies are doing well!!

My little lady is still full of mucus since born , constantly squeezing stuff from her nose bless her.

Just a really quick question she's still struggling with bowel movements , she's not constipated anymore but needs help pooping and constantly strains... All day and grunts. We have about 1/2 big explosions a day ..so question is when she is going her little bottom practically turns inside out? U can see inside her bottom the red shiny bits , is that normal?? Any ideas what it could be? I'm getting concerned as it doesn't look like it should during movements but obv I have no idea what's normal or not I guess!!!

All I talk about nowadays is poop ha x
JJ, all the best for Griffin's appts. Soumds like you're both doing a fab job, so pleased all his results are comng back positively.

Lulu, no idea from me I'm afraid :(

Bfing mommas, are you finding your LOs are struggling with poos/having explosive poos/painful farts/etc.? Had an awful night with Malachy, he was up every 1.5-2 hours as he wouldn't feed properly - kept popping off and screaming. Let out a massive fart but hasn't done his usual massive poo and is quite unsettled. I was always under the impression bf babies didn't have as bad wind or gas as bottle fed, is that not the case?

Kumber I just came across this article which is very interesting, re: wind!! It sounds exactly like what is happening with my little one (except the green poop and nappy rash). So I'm now trying to space out his feeds and not use my boob to pacify him and also use the same boob for the 4hr block, see if that helps.


So I've given in and given him a dummy, makes me sad looking at him with some plastic shoved in his mouth, but if it helps pacify him and get him into longer and better spaced out feeds to help with his wind, then it's worth it.

Is anyone else using a dummy? I know I shouldn't care what she thinks but the MIL is going to be really disappointed / judgemental about it as she really doesn't 'believe' in dummies!
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WTT we have started using a dummy as Emilie has started sucking her thumb and that's not ideal. We only use it as a comforter and HV said as long as we get rid before Emilie is a year old then it won't have any affect on her teeth or speech. I was adament she wouldn't have one but I don't want her sucking her thumb... Though it does look cute!
For the first time in 4 weeks Matthieu slept from 12 till 5 without waking and then he has went to sleep in between feeds I napped till about half 2 but he was up and down obviously and I feel so much better for it.....he was only 4 weeks yesterday but he is so alert and strong already lol hope you and all your babies are well xx
Jess, it sounds like a bit of nappy rash. When a poo-splosion happens, try and use warm water and cotton wool and about 10 minutes of nappy free time (this can be done after a feed if poo-splosion is before or during a feed).

Kumber I just came across this article which is very interesting, re: wind!! It sounds exactly like what is happening with my little one (except the green poop and nappy rash). So I'm now trying to space out his feeds and not use my boob to pacify him and also use the same boob for the 4hr block, see if that helps.


So I've given in and given him a dummy, makes me sad looking at him with some plastic shoved in his mouth, but if it helps pacify him and get him into longer and better spaced out feeds to help with his wind, then it's worth it.

Is anyone else using a dummy? I know I shouldn't care what she thinks but the MIL is going to be really disappointed / judgemental about it as she really doesn't 'believe' in dummies!

The link isn't hun but I've read something similar and did wonder if too much lactose might be the problem. Are you getting the little flutters before the end of each feed?

Nothing wrong with giving a dummy, babies often comfort suck so dummies make them feel better.

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Yeah I sometimes get the flutters at the end of a feed, what is that? Is it just comfort sucking?
That's bubs getting the fatty milk out which balances the lactose but I don't know how much they need to have for balance.

How anti breastfeeding are some bloody supermarkets. I've used my breastmilk storage bags that I got on offer when I bought my breastpump from babies r us. I've been to Asda and sainsburys which both have two normal aisles dedicated to baby products as well as their baby event aisles as extra. But not one brand of milk storage bags anywhere. But loads of different branded/colored baby bottles. It's so annoying!

So I have to order them on the Internet or travel miles into town.

Rant over lol x
Ah ok. Yeah he tends to do that a lot more on his night feeds, when he feeds for longer, so makes sense. The question is how I get hi to have a big feed and do that every time!!
jd, Asda do Tommee Tippee bags through the George website, I'm jyst making sure I order them before my shop.

WTT, try block feeding? I've just done a read up online, it seems that it can take to 12 weeks to regulate. Increase block feeding from 4 to 5/6 hours if it doesn't work initially? I also read it's typical to be fussy in the day and totally settled at night.

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Kumber /WTT - griffin does pooslosions nearly every/every other feed! I have to change the wet nappy before feed as If I wait for the during feed poo mess, the nappy can't soak/contain it all !!
I have quick milk at start of feed too, and you can hear it glugging down his neck and he gulps air at same time.
Ive never felt fluttery boobs near end of feed tho, so that's interesting.

Griffin past his 4th hearing test, they only used a high pitched sound but at different levels and if he hears that one its a good indication that all is well apparently- yayyy so pleased as its been worrying me since day 2!
Haven't heard back re mondays bloods so that's a good sign , im to ring friday if I dont hear.

This is the first day of normality today, hubby's holiday finished so he went back last night to nights, Devon at school now and I will be here to benefit from it. Im having coffee with a school mum today and going to spend some quality time as I best I can with Roman my 22 mth old as it's his time with mum now being biggest at home in the day
And I need to try to sort my house out slowly... It's looking a right mess, anyone else struggling to get baby to go down so they can clean/tidy ?

Michelle are you feeling any better today? Antibiotics kicking in?
Lulu, is your son's cold any better? Not sure if they get hay fever so young tbh sorry x
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Hi ladies, just popping on to see how everyone is doing?

I am finally starting to feel better, tomorrow is my last day on the antibiotics so fingers crossed they have done the trick. Still can't lift much but the pain is definately easing.

Anyway the health visitor came to weigh Sasha and at 3 weeks old she is now 7lbs 8oz,she is pulling on the pounds now. So chuffed.

Michelle x
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Not been on for a while, loving this thread. Can you add me please 4th August, Lyle Alan William Lindsay born 11:30 weighing 9lb 6oz due date was 8 aug
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Morning girls, it's been very quiet lately. Hope you and your LOs are doing well!

Not much going on here beyond Malachy's first ever two non-explosive poos this morning! They've obviously taken it out of him!



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I haven't been on, I've been a busy bee. School runs, nursery runs, trying to clean around chase waking up and wanting a feed.
I picked up my 7 seater mummy taxi :) very strange. Kids love it though, it's so much easier.

I'm putting Chase down at 8.30pn every night now, straight into his big cot. Watching him through the video monitor. I get a it of mummy time xx
Things are good with us too. Emilie goes down around 10ish, wakes around 3 for a bottle and then goes off till 6 so seems to have settled into her own routine. We are having some good poonami incidents which require her having a bath! She also smiled at me today, her first proper non wind one... I nearly cried haha. Can't believe she is 5 weeks already!
I've also only been popping on for a few mins at a time - it's all I seem to have time for these days!

We are ok, really want to try and get Into a sleep routine soon, Jackson will sleep from 1am-5ish but only for a couple of hours the rest of the night and it's getting exhausting! I'm fighting a cough and cold at the moment which isn't helping. Going to start a bath and bed routine, we already keep lights low in the evening and quiet but I'd like to start putting him down in his cot upstairs and keeping check on him via his monitor rather than having him down with us all night. Hope we can crack it!

Also hoping to start exercising soon, sil is taking him out for a walk to the local school this avo to pick her kids up so might us that as an opportunity to try a jog.. Not got our 6 week check for another two weeks but I really want to start shifting this baby weight!

How is everyone else getting on with their lo's through the night?

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