~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Well we got a prep machine which is making things alot better. Got him down for 11 ladt night and woke at half 2 then again at 6. From then on though he was up alot kept taking bits of a btl then falling asleep for a short time so I am tired today! Had him out most of the day yesterday in pram so think cause he was sleeping alot during the day from 6 he wasnt as tired. There is good and bad days when it comes to sleep. But he is eating well sleeping and pooing so suppose cant complain too much x
Amy goes down between 10 and midnight and sleeps til 3-5 then it's bum change and bottle and she sleeps til 7 or 9. I feel like a very lucky mummy.

Can't believe she is 5 weeks old today she need to stop getting so big xx
Can I have your sleep routines??? We're still up every 2-3 hours, I'm so envious!

Kumber we don't have a bed routine either some nights it's every 2 hours! And just exhausting! The odd night he's slept around 4 hours, from like 10pm-2 , he did this last night, but was a monkey before 10pm so I was still tired and we didn't have any adult time! Can't complain though, it's a busy house, so we just get on with it. I drove for the first time today picking my son up from nursery, it was good, I felt half human again! Can't wait to get out and about with them all.
I've recently stopped bleeding (which took longer than i thought!!) Dont think ive ever bled this Long. And now I just have a thick discharge, what is this?? I had a cesearean and it's all just been different !

Just wanted to say how amazing my 11 year old has been with Harley he's so grown up and keeps wanting to look after him. So pleased with them all actually.

I'm back in normal clothes but belly stills abit bloated, hopefully won't be long. X x
Glad you are feeling better michelle x

Kumber we are the same. Alex goes down around 10.30/11.30 up at 2.30/3.30, then 5.30/.6.30. She has also stopped her 2hour nap in the afternoon so not getting the chance to sleep during the day! How are you guys getting your babies to sleep longer???
Chase sleeps better since he went from his swinging crib to cot. He would throw his arms everywhere and wake himself up. Luckily he sleeps through my other three being in their bedrooms.
I just sit on my bed have a night light on, bf him, cuddles and straight down.
I try and get him settled before celebrity big brother :) xx
We've yet to establish a consistent routine but I'm not worried. He has his last boob at anything between 9 and 10:30, then breakfast between 7 and 8. During the night came be anything from every hour to every 3! I'm following him though, he'll settle into a better routine once we have the supply issues sorted and whatnot.

Looking forward to getting him into his cot and side sleeping, I miss the closeness of it.

Hey ladies,

I know I've got a few of you to add. I'll do it once I get on my laptop.

Luca had such a good night last night. Bottle at 9:30pm and didn't wake until 4am, was fab. If I'd have dragged that last feed a little longer I reckon he would have slept the night xx
Hi girlies, hope everyone else is ok? Anyone's little one feed every two hours in the day?!!! I can't get over how hungry he is and when he's not feeding he's grumpy!! He doesn't sleep much in the day either! Nights aren't too bad usually feed at 2-3am and then 6-7am after his last feed around 8pm at night x
Lulu, Luca's doing a fab job!

Tanya, YES! Every 2 hours almost on the dot, although he's doing 3 hours more often. My nipples are certainly feeling it.

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Hi Tanya and kumber, yes Alex is the same. Feeding constantly and only happy when she is being held! Everyone saying she's spoilt already but I think it's a lot to do with how often she feeds so she likes the comfort. What do you girls think?
Certainly sounds like comfort sucking. I think bf babies are 'clingier', for want of a better word, than bottle babies. Nothing wrong with either of course, just the way they are!

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Ashton is bottle fed and is seriously needy. I bf for the first two weeks but after several days of him being latched to me for hours. Nearly 7 hrs on and off one afternoon I gave up because my 3 yr old was suffering for it. Ashton literally feeds and cries all day. This sounds awful but it's really getting to me. I feel like my baby is miserable all the time and it's really bringing me down. I cry nearly every day :-( I'm worried my pnd is coming back. I struggled after having my daughter as she had really bad reflux and was a worry but Ashton was a dream to start with and I don't know what's happened and why he's so unhappy. I feel like he's making me miserable. Please tell me that some of you feel like this at times?!! I'm sat here sobbing :-(( xx
Tanya4beauty- all normal, your not going crazy, it's very hard this stage xx

Griffins feeding 1-2 hourly and everywhere i go like the shops I have to get my boobs out! It does get easier, or different and you find ways of working it, hang in there xx

Griffins not a great feeder, small , often and very needy little fella ha
I 'm struggling to do just the basic needs/tasks for my house. ( now a dump), just getting a shower is tricky !
Got to school just in time today, my dodgy hair under a hat! I begining to think ive forgotten how hard three little ones is, and how big the jump between 5-6 is! How silly am i ?

Hows everyone else doing?
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Hi everyone, just trying to catch up on all your posts... There's so many though lol!
Me and Isaac are both doing well... We started a bedtime routine 2 weeks ago and he goes down every night between 6 and 7pm, then we wake him at 11pm for a feed, he was doing really well with this and only waking once in the night between 3 and 4am, then I wake him at 7am! for some strange reason he's been a monkey the past few nights and woken twice instead of the once, maybe a growth spurt or something im not sure!

We had a photo shoot done, the pics are so beautiful! Isaac peed all over me and was sick all over the oh but the pics turned out brill so can't complain!

Hope your all doing well, I hold my hands up to anyone managing to look after a new born and other children! Isaac will be an only child!!!!!!! I honestly don't know how you mummies manage with more than one xxx
I'm struggling today too. I want to get the house sorted and tidy, Emilie is 6 weeks this week and the clutter is piling up! All I seem to be doing is expressing and feeding! She can't latch due to tongue tie so I'm expressing every 3/4 hours but not producing enough for a full feed so then have to top up with formula. It just feels like I'm spend all my day on the pump and missing out on just being with her... Or even having time to tidy the house!

We are at the drs this afternoon to see if we can get a referral to have it cut so she can go onto the boob again!
Oh gosh Lollie, that will be such hard work for you, well done you for hanging in there. The docs should be pro breastfeeding as you want to do it and insist on being refered asap so you can get sorted, i'm amazed they are making you wait so long for such a important basic need as feeding!

Colleen you will have more, you blank out each stage within weeks of moving on ;)
Photos sound fab, post us your fave :)
Hello ladies, been dropping in but not had hands free for more than a quick post!

Hope everyone is doing well, if not finding it a bit difficult. Its not easy this mummy business!

The HV came for the first time last week and she was lovely. We chatted about breastfeeding and turns out that we both ended up in a very similar position. She showed me how to properly hold Austin to feed off boob and it was a revelation! I was doing it totally wrong. So she referred me to the breastfeeding people and I've spent the week trying to get Austin back on the boob. However, he's gone from being a content little baby to crying his eyes out constantly. Despite getting some boob time, lots of skin to skin and expressing frequently my supply is actually less than when I was expressing three times a day.

Could not make my little guy happy for toffee this morning. He was screaming his head off. No idea why, he was fed, well winded, had had a good poop and a clean bottom. I ending up with him lay on the couch next to me, screaming while I sobbed into a bowl of fruit and fibre.

So, that's the bfeeding knocked on the head. I need to figure out how to make my little guy a happy chappy again!

Hope I can emulate some of your night time routines, I'm still feeding on demand but its all over the place. I've never got any idea how much to put in a bottle as I don't know how much he will take!

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