Hello ladies, been dropping in but not had hands free for more than a quick post!
Hope everyone is doing well, if not finding it a bit difficult. Its not easy this mummy business!
The HV came for the first time last week and she was lovely. We chatted about breastfeeding and turns out that we both ended up in a very similar position. She showed me how to properly hold Austin to feed off boob and it was a revelation! I was doing it totally wrong. So she referred me to the breastfeeding people and I've spent the week trying to get Austin back on the boob. However, he's gone from being a content little baby to crying his eyes out constantly. Despite getting some boob time, lots of skin to skin and expressing frequently my supply is actually less than when I was expressing three times a day.
Could not make my little guy happy for toffee this morning. He was screaming his head off. No idea why, he was fed, well winded, had had a good poop and a clean bottom. I ending up with him lay on the couch next to me, screaming while I sobbed into a bowl of fruit and fibre.
So, that's the bfeeding knocked on the head. I need to figure out how to make my little guy a happy chappy again!
Hope I can emulate some of your night time routines, I'm still feeding on demand but its all over the place. I've never got any idea how much to put in a bottle as I don't know how much he will take!