~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Wow, good on you xjdx. Do you think you'll have any more, or are you done now haha xx

I'd never say never but I don't have any planned. I never planned to have 4. I've been with my husband since I was 16. He was 26, I was out of school :) I fell pregnant in the first month of being with him it was a big shock. My first son is 9 this month, my second son 6 and a half and our daughter is 4 this month to. I officially stopped after my daughter :) I got married at 21, having Chase has been a bonus xx
Xjd, i love your comment to your oh about an extra seat in new car for another baby ! Ha he might come round with time ;)
Did you find one you liked?

Sugar, 8 lb is great, esp as he dropped alot of weight, good luck with the milk change, My daughter drank fresh goatsmilk from tesco during her first year made all the difference to her bad excema. Is your older one ok with normal milk now?

Enjoy your sundays ladies, I love sundays :)

I looked at a Zafira, It scares the life out of me driving a bigger car but we need one. I don't even drive on motorways :wall2: I'm going for a test drive tomorrow, then I need to decide xx
I think you should have at least 2 more xjdx hahaha. Buy a mini bus.

Thank you JJ. No one believes I just had a baby, they say someone must have had him for me haha xx
Lulu, what a nasty woman! I bet she felt like a right prune when you pointed out her mistake. I think you should take it as a compliment that you're looking very well so soon after having Luca.

Does anyone else's baby grunt like all the time?

Ugh, she was a snobby bitch (please excuse my French) she just rolled her eyes and walked away.

Hmm, Luca doesn't grunt, but he constantly makes noises if I speak to him. We have great conversations xx
Kumber, my little girl is 4 weeks and has just started grunting. I dont know if she has just found her voice or whether she has wind!
Malachy is a right grunter and squeaker, especially when he's asleep. I'm constantly wakkng up thinking something is wrong, I'm now convinced he's gonna be a sleep talker! :lol:

Hello everyone! Been trying to have a catch up while Noah sleeps.
Lulu you look awesome for giving birth recently! Congrats! I'd have slapped the woman, bloody cheek to pass judgement when she knows nothing! A MW in hospital looked me up and down and said I look very young to have a baby. When I informed her I was 25 she didn't know what to say! People!!
JJ sounds like you have so much going on!! I hope you find some time to rest!
Xjdx I'd be the same!! Big cars terrify me! I like a little hatchback! I sold my car ironically the day I went into labour, but now my new car has been delayed until the 21st so now I'm stuck at home (friends and family live an hour away) so I'm going to start feeling very isolated!!

Noah is doing so well. He has a hole in his heart which makes him a bit more sleepy, but he feeds well and is very content. Can someone remind me what my life consisted of before he was here?!?! X
I'm so with you there ml. I honestly can't remember what life was like before Luca was here.

I couldn't even finish 1 drink at the wedding last night, I think being a mummy has turned me into a bore haha xx
Ml600, once your car arrives you can go on nice little adventures. Are they keeping an eye on Noah's hole in his hear or will it self heal? My daughter has a heart murmur as do I and she gets a heart scan occasionally.

Chase falls asleep instantly in the car it's great, just thought I need to check to see if my isofix base fits if I change my car?

Xjdx yes he had a scan on day 2, and has another one at 6 weeks. They said usually the hole is 1-2mm to self heal, his is 4mm but I'm hoping it does close! It doesn't seem to be causing him any issues other than the sleepiness, but as long as he's gaining weight it's all good!
Yes I would check your isofix before you buy the car. The base should come with a list (or the manufacturer will have one online) about what cars they fit. But a zafira is a pretty normal family car so I imagine it would be ok x
Yeah it does fit :)

Well I'm glad Noah is gaining weight and all is ok, you will have to keep us updated Ml600 to how his next scan goes xx
Morning ladies,

Chase is four weeks old today, I'm going to get rid of his newborn stuff and start putting him in 0-3 and change to size 2 nappies.

My daughter is back at nursery to, so that leaves me and chase for the day. But daddy has a day off to, we need to decide if we are buying this 7 seater car.

Have s great day xx
Is Chase a big bubba xjdx? Luca went into size 2 at 6 weeks xx
My goodness, I must have a right fat bum! Malachy is in size 2 and 0-3 at 2 weeks! :shock::shock:

Luca was the same kumber, 0-3 at 2 weeks. It's probably because he has a little butt and chicken legs that's he's only just gone into size 2 xx
Hi everyone, how much were your LO's eating first week? Isla eats roughly 75ml-85ml every 3-4 hours, she's only 6 days old and 6lb 7oz. My midwife said this is fine and she'll prob go up to 120ml in the next few days, last one she had 95ml so getting there...but I spoke to a different midwife today who made me feel terrible by saying we aren't feeding her enough. We feed when she's hungry and she refuses to drink more when she decides she's done. Not really sure what to do, last thing I want is for her to not be getting enough food x
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He was 9lb 0.5oz but dropped to 8lb, I think I might have him weighed tomorrow. It's weird his 0-3 clothes aren't to bad but his legs get lost in the sleep suits,so I've bought him pyjamas for now. I've noticed that Asdas 0-3 is to 12lb but tesco, next and saindburys are to 14lb.
I've put him in a size because the last few times he has pooed it had gone up his back xx
Rainbow, ignore that second mw - she'll only eat how ever much she wants to eat, it's obviously filling her so you're doing the right thing! Please don't feel bad, you're following what your child wants and not what someone thinks she should have.

jd, I've noticed similar with sleepsuits - Riley has humungous feet that got so squished in sleepsuits that I gave up and put him into pjs from 6 months! I suppose as children come in all shapes and sizes they have to do a one size fits all but then it ends up fitting none!


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