~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

I don't remember having this problem with my others. Chase must be an odd shape xx
Emilie has 120ml every 3 hours ish... She also has booby juice too.

She is also in size 2 nappies now but only just out of tiny baby clothes!
Afternoon ladies!

Today is my first day alone with Austin as dad has gone back to work. Its been scary as I've had all new levels of screaming - but I can't send dad off to do bottle while I console a hungry baby anymore. Now he has to wait while I go get!

The ladies with more than one, I have no idea how you do it! You're all so busy getting your kids places and keeping up with your new borns. Its nearly 3 and I'm still in my nighty!

Austin is long limbed but not very cubby - his new born sleep suits lasted a week and he's starting to get a bit long for his first size sleep suits, he's not even two weeks old yet. But there's still loads of room in the body so I think he will be in his size 1s for a while yet.

Rainbow - I started bottle feeding on day three and he did 2oz every 2hours, this lasted about 24hours. He then went to 3oz every three hours and has evened out around 4oz every 3-4 hours. He sometimes randomly demands a feed after two hours though which tends to throw me out. What I have learned is that new borns feed on demand. If you think about it, if we were breastfeeding, we wouldn't know how much they were getting. They would just go on boob until they were satisfied and then come off. As long as they are happy your doing a great job!

Not that I can imagine being able to get dressed and leave the house anytime soon, but when did people start going to mother and baby groups? I genuinely don't have any friends who have kids so I've got no interaction Monday to Friday 9-5. Think I will go spare if I don't go out and meet people!
Kumber, Luca has big feet too and I'm having the same problem with his sleep suits. He's long and got big feet. Went to tesco in search of pj's but no luck. Will be keeping my eye out xx
Hi ladies hope you are all well. Our babies seem to be growing fast! Alex has the cold at the moment the poor wee woman. Lots of cuddles going on.

In terms of clothes, she's a wee chub! She is 3 weeks and I started putting her into 0-3 last week. They are a bit big on her but newborn looked like anneka rice challenge suits on her lol!

Instead terms of Moses baskets, when do you plan to change to cots? How do you know if they are ready to go into their cots?

Miss impatient I am in the same boat, I went to my first group last week. It was fine, Everyone seemed to know each other from being locals but I'm going to try a few different ones over the next few weeks!
Miss_impatient, we still don't go to mother and baby groups! Riley's naps made it really difficult but he is beginning to phase out the afternoon snooze and my local children's centre is finally offering afternoon sessions so we will start when they start up next week. I'm the kind of person that likes being at home though so it hasn't bothered ne too much not going.

Lulu, could you not order online?

Bubbles, sorry to hear Alex is poorly. Hope she gets better soon! We are moving to cot at the end of this month/start of next month and I can't blinking wait to get him next to me with side sleeping! He is so long he takes up 3/4 of his basket even when feet to foot, so by the end of the month he'll have got all the use out of it he can.

I got pjs online from Asda and tesco then click and collect them instore. I'm having problems finding long sleeved ones as its getting colder though. His arms can feel cold outside his gro bag xx
Thanks kumber. Thank God it's not just Alex. She's a wee tub so her wee arms are touching the sides already and waking her up!
Hi ladies, just catching up on the last couple of days posts.

I was in hospital as my infection got worse and the Dr thinks I have torn a couple of my internal stitches from my section by doing too much too soon which has then caused the infection. I am now on more pain killers and antibiotics and complete rest.

Anyway enough of that boring stuff. My little girl is still in tiny baby nappies and tiny baby clothes, she has just started taking 5oz every 4hrs.

Michelle x
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Aaaahh no Michelle, you poor thing. Sending you gentle hugs, hope you feel better soon. You've been through the wars a bit :hugs: Sasha's a little piggy wig and I'm very glad to hear it after her vomiting the other week.

Thanks Kumber, just feeling very sorry for myself at the moment. The pain is excruciating. If I move a certain way it feels like my stomach muscles are tearing apart. Hopefully a week or so of rest will get me back to normal.

Yes Sasha is certainly making up for lost time. She is due to be weighed tomorrow so it will be interesting to see how much she has put on. I am sure she will be over 7lbs now.

Michelle x
Aw michelle that is so rubbish. I can't believe how much bad luck you are having. Hope your recovery is quick and that you are getting looked after really well :-) glad sasha is thriving and doing so well! Well done you xx
Gosh Michelle, sorry to hear your feeling worse, hopefully your getting lots of help with Riley at home so you can rest more, and recover x

Ml600, sorry to hear about your little boys hole in the heart, really hope it closes up nicely for you or becomes so small it wont bother him, and im sure they will keep a good check on him in his first year which will be reassuring xx

Xjd - i want a car again next year, wanted a little small car but now fancy one we can all fit in too. Smax are big but I think expensive. We had a laguna estate for 15 years as it had 2 proper rear facing child seats in the boot so fitted 7 and was great.

Had blood test today for Griffins antibody jaundice etc, he's a great colour now tho so think results will be great on friday when I ring. Hearing test tomorow at a diff hosp, it's at 8:30 am and takes upto 2 hours so hope I don't oversleep as catching a bus at the crack of dawn! It's our fourth test , think his ears have cleared tho as I really think he's reacting to noise now, so think tomorow that will be another thing sorted and done and dusted yayy

My little fella weighs 6 lb 8 now! We couldn't get his cord to dry up so moved to micro nappys as lower topped fitted great on him, and as the others look like simon cowell trousers but ive quivkly changed back to the size 1's as his poo's are always shooting up his back and super runny! My breastfeeding cover is in the wash right now!!
Poor you Michelle. I sure hope you're getting the chance to relax and heal properly.

Good luck today JJ. Do let us know how little Griffin gets on, bless him.

Luca is his same old smiley self really, just starting to get fed up with this cold he has. We had flowers in the house yesterday and I ended up having to chuck them out last night as my hayfever was so bad that I literally couldn't breathe and Luca was trying to take his bottle but couldn't suck, it was as if he couldn't breathe through his nose. This usually isn't a problem even though he does have a little cold. Could he suffer from hayfever this young?? xx
JJ, all the best for Griffin's appts. Soumds like you're both doing a fab job, so pleased all his results are comng back positively.

Lulu, no idea from me I'm afraid :(

Bfing mommas, are you finding your LOs are struggling with poos/having explosive poos/painful farts/etc.? Had an awful night with Malachy, he was up every 1.5-2 hours as he wouldn't feed properly - kept popping off and screaming. Let out a massive fart but hasn't done his usual massive poo and is quite unsettled. I was always under the impression bf babies didn't have as bad wind or gas as bottle fed, is that not the case?


Sorry to hear that you have both been unwell Michelle x

Jj- Glad to hear Griffin is putting on weight, hope his hearing test goes well and his other appointments xx

Have a great day xx
Hey everyone, nice to see you all on the other side :) Sorry it's taken me a while to come on here, this is the first week I don't have visitors every day, thank god I'm fed up of seeing people and just want some time with Finn to myself, without having to pass him around!

Kumber - Finn is suffering really bad from trapped wind too - it's awful isn't it, his little face is in agony when he's trying to squeeze little trumps out. He was the same only sleeping for 45mins - 1.5hours, taking ages to settle in between and making really painful grunting / pushing sounds, even when feeding. He doesn't want to be put down now either, he lasts about 10mins on his own before getting uncomfortable and now the only way to get him to sleep is to feed him to sleep. I've tried everything to help relieve it: feeding him in a more upright position, baby massage, infocol, Colief, different positions for burping. One thing I think has helped a bit is tilting his Moses basket, since having done that for the past 2 nights he has slept longer (one 5 hour stint last night!! :) )and has a farting session about 4 in the morning where he just squeezes one after the other out for about half an hour! I really hope he grows out of this quickly!!
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WTT, sounds like our boys are going through the same thing :( it's so horrid to see their little faces in pain. The bfing specialist told be it can be normal for bf babies but I don't understand how. There's no air in boobs??

I think they take it in when sucking maybe? I think I have quite a fast let down so he sometimes gulps a bit. I was wondering if it may help to express off the first bit of milk so it doesn't come out as fast!
Michelle that sounds very sore - hope you are feeling better ASAP, very gentle hugs to you!

Jacksonnis bottle fed and he gets bad wind after feeding too. He chugs it back then screams :( my cousin came to see us over the weekend, she used to be a midwife until a year or so ago and she took him after he had fed and thoroughly burped him ( I don't think I do it long enough, she literally rubbed and patted his back in various positions for 20 mins). She then gently rubbed the soles of his feet clockwise and it really helped! He was doing massive farts and nodded off to sleep. I've been trying this along with anti wind bottles and some teats that make him work harder and it has been easier. She did also suggest some very gentle clockwise tummy rubbing with bicycle legs too. Hope these things can help your babies too!

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