~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Still not 100% in a routine was pacing about after 12 last night with Matthieu as he just wouldn't settle ended up giving him some cooled water incase he had a sore tummy.....anyway he ended up sleeping really well once I got him down eventually so im feeling pretty normal today lol thought I had a coldsore coming on even though I dont get them think ive been alittle run down but a decent amount of sleep lastnight has done me good as it seems to have disappeared lol Matthieu is pooing and feeding well so thats good only thing im keeping an eye on is his left eye after he wakes its covered in thick green gunk doesnt seem to bother him and I wipe it off right away! Hopefully its nothing to worry about! Hope you are all coping ok xx
Thanks JJ mum! I'm so close to just saying sod it and just doing formula feeds but I'd feel so guilty so I'm persevering so she gets 3 feeds of booby juice a day. The Dr has referred us so hopefully we won't have to wait long now!
We went to Riley's first stay and play session today. I took both boys and never mind Riley, I'm knackered! I successfully boobed whilst I was there and, despite having my milk shoot across the room, I managed to latch him without flaunting my nipple (I think). Very silly but feeling very proud of myself. Malachy had no interest in the group at all, excepting one boob he slept the whole time!

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Well done kumber, it's a job feeding and chasing a toddler whilst keeping covered! I use a muslin ( corner tucked into my bra to cover everthing, and will go to little vest tops soon under to spare tum and back showing too

Can't believe Griffin is 5 and a half weeks already ! He has grown loads in size, wearing newborn clothes now.
Well Austin seems a lot calmer today, I think I was trying to stretch his feeds too much. He's now eating every 3 hours and he seems a lot more settled. The three hour gap is pain at night though as by the time I've fed, changed and settled him its taken me an hour and a half which only leaves an hour and a half sleep! I'm sure its messing with my REM.

Lolie, your doing so well. Expressing is a pain as it feels like you are wasting time with a machine buts its worth it if there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Well done on the public boobing Kumber, I'd take it as an achievement as breeding is hard enough at the best of times.

Yay for Griffin growing loads! Its true what they say they grow so quickly so enjoy every minute!

This is Isaac telling his daddy off lol xxx
Colleen he is just stunning, and so tiny. Luca is so big. Don't want him to be 8 weeks tomorrow xx


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Chunky monkey xx


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Lovely pics ladies!
Has anyone's baby got bad skin on their face? Ashton has a lot of little spots and dry skin. I think it's just baby acne. My daughters skin was the same at his age I think.
We've been prescribed ranitidine today as I suspect silent reflux and after trying gaviscon and a hypoallergenic formula with not much success this was the next step. Hoping I get my chilled boy back and he actually sleeps in the day! Nights he's doing really well. He only woke at 2am and then 8am!! Very doubtful it will carry on but it gave me a good sleep! I'm now on anti depressants too as my anxiety has returned which I had after my daughter. Not been a great week really!!
Yeah matthieu has some dry skin on his forehead between his eyebrows and gets little pimples but they come and go x
Aw Tanya your babies are beautiful!

I use oilatum on Luca's dry skin. It's brilliant xx
Thought I would come on and update you all. This is Evie who was born at 4:00am on Friday morning and weighed 7lb13 at 41+4. The labour and delivery was as good as it could have been, unfortunately almost immediately after my placenta was delivered I began to heamorrage and lost 1.7 litres of blood. It made the experience really traumatic for me and, because o was tachycardic and drifting in and out of consciousness I can't remember much. My mind has blocked out pretty much everything from her being put on my chest to about 7am and being laid out with on a drip to force my uterus to contract. I remember little bits and pieces while I was bleeding but not a lot. The hospital have no medical answer for why I bled or where it came from, just that my uterus wasn't contracting which was allowing me to bleed.
I was finally discharged yesterday afternoon, I'm on iron tablets as my blood count is really really low - the hospital were considering a transfusion 2 days post-birth as it wasn't rising like it should have been. I also have a second degree tear internally with stitches, I'm hoping that the pain and discomfort won't last too long.

Anyway, this is my little girl :)

And this is my two babies together on my OH's lap ;)
Miss impatient - glad Austins calmer now, this feeding lark is all trial and error isn't it , the hospital were making me stick to 3 hrly when in scbu and transitional cate and his jaundice and weight gain only started to improve once we switched to on demand feeding..x

Colleen, what a great photo!! Brilliant in black and white too

Lulu- oh bless him 8 weeks already for Luca! He just looks older with his full hairdo, so cute x

Tanya4beauty - again lovelt photoshoot photos, so alike your babies!

Congratulations again Charlotte on little Evie, she's scrummy - enjoy her x

This week is so busy here, i'm struggling to keep on top of things tbh. My eldest has completed his application form with me to apply for the royal navy as he didn't get the gcse grades he needed for sixth form so that's a bit scary :) all three little boys are awake here since 5:15 am !! Might be a long day :)
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Heres eldest and youngest (16 and a half yrs age gap)


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Heres me and my little three boys, i seem to be wearing my hat alot lately when running late fir school on hair time! Might have to buy some more glammy ones!


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Oh Charlotte she is an absolute doll. Enjoy every minute, it really does fly by.

Beautiful pics JJ. The pic of your eldest holding Griffin reminds me of my brother holding Luca, he's an uncle at 16.

I'm just trying to get an doctors app for Luca this morning to finally get his nose and chest sorted. Praying they can give me something better than crappy saline drops xx
Happy 8 weeks Luca! He's such a chunk Lulu!

Tanya, your two are beautiful!

Charlotte, Evie is beautiful! Well done you, I'm glad she arrived safely :) your cat is adorable too, love a good ginge

JJ, your eldest looks very like you! They're all lovely pics, I love Griffen's face in the second one! How exciting with the Navy application, good luck to him! How did Griffen's latest hospital appt go?

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