~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Welcome over Miss_Impatient - what was your original due date hun?

I hope the antibiotics are kicking in Michelle. Sending you lots of love.

How are all the other babies getting on? I was thinking about Charlotte last night, does anyone know if she's had her little girl?

Luca's had a cold for the past 3 weeks, I've been using saline drops but see no difference. I've been bringing him into the bathroom in his bouncer while I shower and that hasn't made a difference either. He seems quite phlemy as well. Any tips on anything else I can try?

Forgot to update about my 6 week check. She checked my pelvic floor muscles and said they're very strong. Not much else was discussed about me tbh, just how I'm generally feeling. I had her check a lump in the back of Luca's head, it's like a little pea and moves if you touch it. Doesn't seem to be causing him any discomfort. She said she doesn't think it's anything to worry about, but if it's still there at his 8 week check, mention it again. Anyone heard of this or have your babies had the same? xx
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Hi ladies, not sure if I count as an August mummy or September? My due date was 26th August but Isla was born 01st Sept weighing 6lb 7oz. it feels right to stay with the August ladies although ive went into September. hope this is ok? X
Thanks for the tips Kumber. Oddly enough I find it easier to do the night time expresses than the day time ones. I always express after I've fed him, during the night feed he goes straight back down, I'm up so I just get on with it before going back to bed. During the day he's awake more, I have bits to do etc and its more difficult to fit in the expressing. Would love to get him back on the boob but don't think its gonna happen!

Good luck with the school run jd!

Lulu, I was due on 17 August. Not sure on the lump bit or cold I'm afraid! Well done on your pelvic floor muscles! I'm struggling to find the time to do my exercises but seriously need to sort out my core!

Hi Rainbow, congratulations on your new arrival!
Welcome over the new mummies. And rainbow you're definitely an August mummy. I'm sorry I haven't been on much, I've been finding things really hard after the emergency section. Lots of emotions as I feel like my body failed after 3 natural deliveries. Is this normal?

Plus it's been school holidays so haven't had any time at all. Good luck to jd doing the school run. My kids start back next week, but i can't drive. So that's another task.

Harley's still poorly and having blood tests and is at the doctors today because his breathing has changed its quite noisy and he has a temp. Poor thing. :(

I have a question for the section mummies, im 3 weeks now and recently the bleeding has tapered off but replaced with heavy discharge, but it's worrying smelly. Is this normal? Ive not been discharged from midwife care yet so I told them and ive had swabs sent off and i see them again tomorrow. Was wondering if it was a sign of infection?

How is everyone settling in? Glad your 6 weeks check went well lulu and sorry no experience with the little lump on Lucas head. Hope it's all ok.

My little man is feeding well, he was up to 7lb 1oz on day 10. From dropping to 5lb 14 oz on day 5. So really pleased with his weight gain! He's probably over 8lb now. The chunk! :) x
Of course you're still an August mummy Rainbow. A couple of us had our babies in July but are still August mummies. What time was she born rainbow? Congratulations as well xx
Rainbow, of course you're still an August mummy so you park your bottom in here and don't leave :D

Miss_impatient, sounds like you're doing a great job so well done you!

Sugar, sorry to hear you and Harley are poorly. It's totally normal to feel the way you do but your body hasn't failed. You got him here safely, by hook or by crook and that's the main thing. Be kind to yourself hun, you did an amazing job getting him here :hugs:

I've been really struggling this week, finding bfing a huge challenge as Malachy is full of wind and is struggling to settle despite all our efforts. He keeps rooting but won't latch, he just screams and screams. I just want to cry, I don't know what to do. We had a bfing lady come out this morning to help with my latch but beyond that we are clueless :(

Hi ladies, I'm a bit of a stranger to you really as I only dipped in and out during my pg but I was a regular on here with my little girl! Hope you don't mind me joining you all? It's nice to have people to ask advice and sympathise with!! My
Little man was born on August 9th at 4.32pm weighing 8lb 12oz. He dropped to 8lb at day 5 whilst I was bf. I fed for 2 weeks and combi fed for a further week but we are now on formula. I just couldn't keep up with his constant feeding with a 3 yr old to look after too!
After a week of formula he gained 10oz and now weighs 9lb! So got me switching was the right thing to do. I'm really struggling to get any sort of feeding routine tho! Anyone else have this trouble? He wakes around 8 and feeds on and off for about 3 hrs and whinges constantly between! Then he sleeps for about 4 hrs! I just go with what he wants but I struggle with the lack of routine! I guess it will come! Xx
Thanks everyone I survived the school run, went to look at cars today. We need a seven seater now as there's 6 of us. I said to hubby, one seat spare for another baby. Let's just say he wasn't thrilled :)

Welcome back Tanya, congratulations on your little man.

Sugar- hope you and Harley are better soon.

Kumber- chase was exactly the same last week with his feeding. But this week he seems to be more satisfied and isent attached to my boob constantly xx
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Well, we had our final midwife appointment today. Austin has put on weight - either 2 oz or 11 oz since birth. We dispute the birth weight (OH saw the scales and swears it was 3.58kg not 3.85kg) so its hard to know but either way he is up which is great. Had a good laugh with the midwife as Austin had a good old per all over daddy while he was getting the nappy back on. I'm going to miss being under midwife care and am yet to hear from the HV.

Sorry to hear Harley is poorly Sugar, hope he gets well soon.

Wish I could offer some words of advice Kumber - all I can say is that you've been doing fantastically well and I hope Malachy settles soon.

Welcome Tanya! I'm currently combi feeding but all through the bottle at the moment. I get a bit of a routine but then he likes to throw me a curve ball. I have to keep reminding myself that he won't have a routine going yet and to just feed on demand!

Glad the school run went well jd! Haha, would love to have seen your hubby's face. Mine doesn't look overly impressed when I talk about number 2!
Thanks everyone! She was born at 15:47 lulu. She's been great so far. I'm a paranoid mummy though, I'm hardly sleeping at night cos im waking every half hour to check she's ok. My stitches are really sore too so that doesn't help. Hope all of you are getting on ok with your babies! I feel the last few days have been a blur, can't imagine ever having time to leave the house again lol x
Hi all,
Just trying to catch up on all the news. Feel like I've missed so much but I developed the flu and have been busy trying to still be a half decent mummy.
Sorry to hear you've not been well Michelle and sugar. I hope things feel better soon.
Welcome Tanya and Miss Impatient!
Of course you're still an August mummy, Rainbow. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. So sorry I missed it :(
I feel so blessed with Loki. Touch wood he's 12 days old and is still just a chilled little dude. No crying, just a whole lot of sleeping. I also think he's got himself into a night pattern. Seems to be consistently waking at 3 and 6 in the morning. This has really helped mummy while she's been feeling poo, but I keep waking and checking if he's still breathing! Even my OH has it because he's so quiet all day we find each other having a quick check he's still with us :s
Hope everyone is doing well and that you enjoy your weekends together.
X x
Hello ladies, just trying to catch up on all your news, i keep trying to come on here daily and fall asleep during night feeds!

Congratulations to the 4 new mums -rainbow, Katr, Miss Inpatient and tanya4beauty xx

Sugar - sounds like what they told me watch out for smelly discharge and pain as a sign of internal infection following section, hope your swabs come back quickly incase antibiotics needed.
Michelle I hope your antibi's kick in soon for you- you could do without that xx

Sugar- totally normal to feel like you do after a emerg or normal section. I have wrestled with this one all my baby making years, and only came to terms with it well after baby 4. You still did it, your still doing it in fact - recovering from it for your son, that is always a birth to be just as proud off. I know how much pain I went througth to birth all my babies by sections, in time you will see it as that, the way he arrived is no failure - you did that xxx

Kumber , hang in there with the BF, keep pestering bf groups, bf helplines and advice till your happy xxx

Griffin cord finally dropped off day 18! And has been a little manky ever since due to a little peice inside still, but cleaning with cooled boiled water has nearly sorted it.
He weighed 5lb 5 at birth, only dropped to 5lb 3 by day 5 and then by 2 weeks was 5 lb 12. Health visitor came again yesterday after seeing him jaundiced at the dropin weigh in and he weighed 6 lb 8 yesterday at 4 weeks, so feeling much heavier and his colour is much better.
We have hospital blood test on monday to go with a consultants appoint by 6 weeks for antibody jaundice and its come througth for 24th november!! He will be 3.5 mths! So im to ring up for bloods to chk... Grrrrr
Fourth baby Hearing test tuesday at 830 am at a totally new hospital and all buses are not running at mo!! Grrrrr not sure how im getting there for that !

Oh and now he has oral thrush! Collecting antibiotics this morning...
Two teans back to school yesterday, 4 year old starts big school on monday and im feeling bad i will muss his afternoon first pickup ( hubby is doing) as im at the hosp!
My 22 mth old has slowly eaten holes into most of my new pvc tablecloth while im breastfeeding!
Eldest son back from spain early this morning so was chatting to
Me till 4:40 am! and on monday we need to get him on a college course as he flunked his gcse's! College etc have already started!! Arghhh let me off this rollercoaster ha

Sorry moaning over !
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Lulu, the little lump is it behind lower back of head like towards ears /sides, ? Sometimes you get them there and they do disapear or pop up, not sure if to do with glands but esp if he's ill at mo too, so i think all ok xx
My goodness JJ, you've a lot going on! Well done Griffen on his weight and hope the thrush clears up soon, it's horrid stuff

Jj mum your house is busier than mine I salute you! :)
Thankyou so much for your words, I really appreciate it, made me really think about things and how well I am doing managing everything after the section. I've done all the night feeds since having him. I am busy this weekend getting u uniform ready.
Griffins weight is fab :) hope his jaundice settles, im inexperienced with it have they said its ok? Harley's blood levels have dropped abit again, he's just to remain on his medicine but his jaundice is ok now. Oh and he weighs 8lb!! :) really impressed!
Thankyou for the advice with the infection symptoms Im waiting on my midwife coming today and will hopefully have my results.

Hope everyone is ok with breast feeding and night routines . Sounds like some babies are being very kind to us August mummies!

How is everyones nails / skin etc? I have very long finger nails ! Which is very odd!

I'm swapping Harley's milk today, going to try a lacto free one, as my last son was the Same. He's been quite unsettled and sick. Bless him.

X x
Yes JJ that's exactly where it is. Hopefully nothing to worry about.

Here's me and my little Lu at a family wedding today. He was absolutely perfect all day, stole the limelight from the bride haha. Also, excuse the state of me, I'm knackered and have tonsillitis.

Not too happy with one of the guests, she passed this comment "I think it's disgusting girls of your age to be having kids" so I said "girls of 24, soon to be 25?". Bloody cheek. She thought I was 16. Regardless, why would you even comment, how embarrassing xx


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Great photo Lulu, ignore comments. I have four now at 26 lol xx
Wow, good on you xjdx. Do you think you'll have any more, or are you done now haha xx
Oh Lulu, how rude! I hope she was apologetic after your reply, and either way on age, how rude!

You do look younger, and a right skini mini already, looking fab.
Xjd, i love your comment to your oh about an extra seat in new car for another baby ! Ha he might come round with time ;)
Did you find one you liked?

Sugar, 8 lb is great, esp as he dropped alot of weight, good luck with the milk change, My daughter drank fresh goatsmilk from tesco during her first year made all the difference to her bad excema. Is your older one ok with normal milk now?

Enjoy your sundays ladies, I love sundays :)

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