~•~ August mummies and babies ~•~

Health visitor was here today! Matthieu is now 8lb 13oz which is perfect for 3 weeks. Been 1 of those days feel like all he has done is whinge ans moan the last couple days its driving me crazy....he is currently sleeping in his swing chair just now so trying to relax with a coffee. Which I think will become my best friend till he sleeps for longer. Hope your all well xx
My little chunkaroo is 10lb2oz. I knew he'd hit the 10lb mark. He's just so squishy!!!

I also got informed about the meningitis jab, I'm all for it xx
Aww Lulu he is adorable!

My appetite was like that during pregnancy now I can't stop feeling hungry it's so annoying!

Can't believe my wee bubba turned a month old on Monday :( where does time go?!
We are off to Algeria to finally meet daddy on Tuesday the 8th! Nervous of travelling with a newborn etc but hopefully she will be her usual self and be quite content.

The past few days she has been sleeping between 11 & midnight and not waking up until 6:00 - 7:00am so I'm really pleased about that despite that means she is awake a lot during the day so I barely have time to do anything else.
Chase will be having the new vaccine, obviously it's personal choice and I respect people's decisions on it.

Considering we where Team Yellow, people have been so generous buying him new clothes as gifts. It's took me ages to sort out sizing and putting them away.
I've also got his newborn pictures of him and my other three that we had done a few weeks ago. They look fab, I can't wait to get them on Canvas's around the house.

Have a fab day xx
Hi everyone... Lovely to see you all doing well :) me and Isaac are doing great now after our traumatic birth experience and being re admitted!
He's 9lbs 4oz now.. as a first time mum I never knew how hard it was looking after a newborn! So much conflicting advice about how to care for them, my mind is just blown so ive decided to just go with the flow, he naps when he wants, feeds when he wants and he seems to be doing well so I'm hoping he will find hos own routine. We try do the day and night thing, keep things loud and entertaining in the day and quiet not a lot of interaction in the night, so hopefully he will learn the difference at some point and get into a routine!

Still can't believe our babies are here haha xx
I wouldn't worry to much about routine yet Colleen. Chase has his good and bad days still with feeding. I could be sat there forever one day and hardly be feeding him the next. I've put him in a big cot already and he sleeps better. I've also bought a video monitor so I can put him upstairs asleep and watch him. So I can have a brew in peace before bed. This also helps me in a morning to, I get up earlier and clean up and get organised whilst he's still asleep upstairs.

Have any of you ladies noticed a change in your babies sleeping pattern yet? The past 3 or 4 days, Luca is awake most of the day. Unfortunately he doesn't yet know what night time is, after bottles he's wide awake. We've had words today, he's going to go back down in his Moses basket tonight and not scream his head off xx
I have noticed a pattern with Amy but for the better she goes down at half 10 up 1-2 times in the night and is actually sleeping in the Moses basket instead of in with me. X
How are we all doing ladies?

Jackson is doing ok, putting on weight and generally ok except for the odd episode of painful wind :( he really struggles despite lots of burping, infacol,warm baths, bicycle legs etc, he just won't settle unless being held which is fine when we can both help out but hubby has some work commitments that involve lots of driving and I won't let him drive tired, so I'm doing most of the nights and barely sleeping. I know it will get easier, just wish there was more that I could do for my bubba!

Hope all the August babies are ok :)
Glad Jackson is ok, sorry about the wind problems. Chase gets really bad hiccups and that drives me crackers :(

Hopefully the August babies will all settle soon, their little bodies will adjust to things and we can have a brew in peace lol xx
Really struggling today ladies. I thought I was healing great after my section but yesterday I developed excruciating pain in my tummy and back and period bleeding well when I say bleeding I mean whenever I walk about the blood is actually running out of me. I have made an appointment with the Dr this afternoon. Really hope i have just done too much and it's my bodies way of telling me to actually sit down and rest but with a newborn baby and a 16 month old it's very hard to do.

Michelle x
Sorry you're not feeling well Michelle, I hope the GP sorts you out and you feel better soon!

I have an infection so I am now on antibiotics. I hope they work soon as I feel crap.

Michelle x
I know it's easier said than done but try and take it easy as much as you can :hugs:

Thanks Kumber, thankfully my husband is here so he will be looking after the kids while I try and get an early night. Feel bad for leaving him with the kids though.

Michelle x
My little girl is putting the weight on too! She was 6lb 5 two weeks ago and is now 7lb 11oz! She is still having expressed and formula and takes both well.

My stitches are finally healing so I'm able to get outside now.

Hope you're feeling better soon Michelle.
Hello ladies!

May I please join the August mummies group :) I've just caught the time to read the whole thread you all seem so lovely and I'd have had a million questions answered if I'd have managed to read this thread before getting to 9 days old!

My little boy is called Austin, born on 25 August at 4.32am weighing 7lb 14oz.

I've noticed a few people are combi feeding. By some miracle I'm managing to express about half of Austin's feeds at the moment. I generally give him the breast milk during the day and formula at night, just so I don't need to mess around with heating the breast milk up from the fridge in the middle of the night. How are those combi feeding mixing up the feeds? Does it make a difference how you switch between formula and breast?

Hope the antibiotics start working for you quickly Michelle!
Welcome over hun!

With combi feeding you can change up the feeds but do express at roughly the same time each day to mimic a baby feeding. I also strongly advise doing one pump or offering breast in the middle of the night - it's the night feeds that release oxytocin, the hormone needed to kick start the production of breast milk. Without that stimulation, your body won't be able to make as much or as good quality milk - it can make long-term expressing very tricky.

I'm so sorry your not well Michelle, hope your medicine kicks in soon.

Hello Miss Inpatient, congratulations on your little boy, Austin is a beautiful name.

Wish me look, my boys are back at school today, gladly my daughter isent back at nursery until Monday. So know lounging around for me today, back to the school run :( xx
Best of luck jd! Hope your morning has gone relatively smoothly.


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