Yummy Mummy Club

I lost half a pound better than nothing I suppose I thought I was gonna have a gain so I'm quite happy hoping it'll show as more next week once af has buggered off! X
I need to get back on this!
I blame the May Bank Holiday personally ha! 2 nights out sent me off course! :rolleyes:

I have been eating slightly better though recently. In fact I do really well with being healthy when am at work but when am at home or uni it just all goes to pot!

I need to improve my fluid intake, as think I may have a kidney infection so need to start taking better care of myself!

Also need to eat less bread! Am an addict!

Will jump back into the yummy mummy thread once Im feeling better, just need to eat for energy atm and eat whatever I can keep down :( xxx
Anything that's not a gain is a victory - and to be honest, even if you gain, if your trying it means it'd be less than the gain you'd of otherwise had!!!

I'm dreading weds weigh in now. Woken up with mastitis this morning - and I feel like crap, so naturally just want to eat crap!!!!
Vic I lost half a pound too! I remember first time I lost that much I was annoyed, but after quite a few times of it now I appreciate it as at least it's not a gain. It meant I have lost 1 stone now since joining WW which I'm really chuffed about. So 3 stone since day of labour.. Yay! Just half a stone to go.
Had a lush cheat night of course- cheese ham and tomato toastie with kettle chips, new galaxy bar with honeycomb, a yumyum and chocolate raisons! Love Monday nights! Xxx
lost 2lbs this week :) makes a total of 19lbs since 14th September weeeee

well done everyone on losses :) love reading how everyone is getting on xxx
Well I've gone back up to 13st 2lb but I have been eating lots of junk (I've just eaten my 3rd pack of Skips today :shock:) & I've had to abandon BF'ing :(
Well its time of the month and feel frumpy as hell :/ still being good but all i want is junk!!! X
Good Losses again ladies!! Half a pound is all in the right direction. Im over the moon as after my pound gain last week I lost 2 and a half this week! Im back in the 9 stone bracket! Double Decker will go down nicely tonight!! Mmm!
I stayed the same this week. Better than expected - I've been soooo naughty. Gonna lose 2 lb this week though, I'm determined!!!!
Question for the 30day shred girls!?

Of ur uding myfitnesspal how r u logging the excerise? Bot sure what to put it under xx
There was a 30DS option on MFP when I was using it? Xx
I thought there would be but cant seem to find it.

Ill have another browse oterwise jut put it under what sara said.

Sara whats ur username on there? Xx
Your all doing so well!!

Had my first 'weight loss' week at SW and only lost 1lb. I shouldn't be surprised, I didn't follow the plan to a T (had a meal out the day before and had fish&chips and a choc brownie!) I think I'm just annoyed cos first time round it just fell off, now I have a feeling I'm going to have to be really strict with myself - or get back into my exercise classes -? which is harder to do now with LO

Oh well - Lets hope for at least 2lb next week!

Starting weight PP - 14st 7lb
Weight to date - 14st 6lb
Total loss - 1lb

Never lost anything this week :( I feel like crap! I'd understand if I hadn't been sticking to it and cheating but I've been doing it 100%! I'm so gutted and I've got a night out next month that I was hoping I'd lose a but if weight for and now I don't even want to go cos I feel huge! :( x
Dont give up Vic it could be hormones!! If your sticking to it 100% then the weight loss will come. Bodies are strange things a week of sts is not bad!

Im chuffed this week as I lost 1 and a half. Thats 9lbs in 6 weelks of our 12 week challenge. Hope I can keep it going. Hows everyone else. The thread has moved to page 2!
Thanks laurat I keep comparing myself to my friends which doesn't help but I can't help myself especially as one of them had her son 4 days before me and she has lost so much weight that she's lighter than she was pre pregnancy I know she's extremely lucky but I hate seeing myself in the mirror I just don't feel like me I'm always too hard on myself hopefully I'll have a loss on Monday fingers crossed! I'm so grateful for this forum the support is amazing! Don't know wot id do without it sometimes! X
Thanks laurat I keep comparing myself to my friends which doesn't help but I can't help myself especially as one of them had her son 4 days before me and she has lost so much weight that she's lighter than she was pre pregnancy I know she's extremely lucky but I hate seeing myself in the mirror I just don't feel like me I'm always too hard on myself hopefully I'll have a loss on Monday fingers crossed! I'm so grateful for this forum the support is amazing! Don't know wot id do without it sometimes! X

You will have hopefully have a loss and if you dont you keep going sticking to the plan and it will come. Its easy to say but you and your friend can't be compared as all our bodies are different. You are hard on yourself but its because you really want the losses. Keep your chin up and just look at your lo and you think its all worth the extra pounds as they can be lost!
Don't give up Vic and don't be so hard on yourself it will come. I have been loosing a measley half a pound for weeks now! It's still gotta be better than gaining xxx

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