Yummy Mummy Club

Still not 100% better but after a naughty weekend of pizza pizza and mcdonalds i NEED to start my 30day shred and get bk on my WWs as ive lost alot over the last few weeks.

2lb loss lastweek but prob put it bk on from the massive crap ive had this weekend lol xx
Day 3 done easier and harder if that makes sense lol

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Well done on the losses/no gains ladies! Ohhh Dani I might go for pizza tonight for cheat night! You've got to enjoy yourself sometimes, and if u can't when you're I'll, when can u!?
I'm doing the usual trying not to eat anything heavy day until weigh in tonight. I'm hoping a pound off after a could of weeks of half pounds! Xxxx
Naughty days help sometimes - gives your body a bit of a kick start when you eat well again ;-)
Yay lost 2 pounds! Had a tremendous cheat night of pizza chocolate and crisps.. Yum yum! That's 3 stone down from full term now ;-) I reckon another 5 pounds and I might start fitting int stuff again and leggings will no longer be my main fashion trend!! Xxx
Well done Claire! That's a great loss!

I'm 2 stone down since baby and another 2 to go to get me to my ideal size 10 skinniness!! Weigh in tomorrow, I'm hoping for at least 1lb!!

Well done on your losses girls! As always Claire your cheat night just sounds brill! Is thatvyour 49 pp you use or is it a total cheat night on top of them?

I fear the worst for this week as I dont feel like I have lost anything and last week I lost 3 which is a very big loss for me so dont think that I will get more. I just dont want a gain. I have beesn really good as well. Even half a pound and ill be back in the 9's!!!
I know it's all water atm but I've lost 7lb since Jensen was born :D I've not done anything different, still eating a treat now & then & eating our normal food (which unfortunately is not particularly healthy) x
I soo wanna see the 12s on Monday but there is a packet of Crunchie Chocolate Biscuits in the kitchen calling my name!
Thanks Laura. To be honest I reckon cheat light goes beyond the 49 points haha! I don't ever dip into them during the week though so I just go all out. Seems to work for me, especially as it's the only thing that keeps me going most of the time. 3 pounds is a huge loss so know what you mean about the half pound.
Excellent weightloss so far from you babybushie and doodles! Xxx
Scrap my last post, just weighed naked & I've hit 13st which means I've actually lost 9lb :dance:
Eurgh stayed the same :(

I must speak to my leader for advice as its really de-motivating. I stayed within my points this week, didn't use my extra points and (apart from cheat night) my only naughtiness was a mini roll on Sunday.

T is 5 months today and I genuinely thought I'd be back to my pre pregnancy weight by now, I seem to lose it and put it back on again :( :( :(

Mummy to the most amazing Little boy - Trey Jacob 08/05/13

I really must update my ticker!
Great losses girls!

Babybushie- I used to find that sometimes you have to use all your points! Your body needs those extra calories sometimes and without them, it just kinda shuts down so you don't lose anything. You need to experiment and see what works for you - some people eat all their points and lose weight, some have to only use a few to do it. Good luck though I hope it works. Also - do you do much exercise? On WW I found regular walks (fast walks!) were a major boost to my weightloss. It can lag a little behind in weeks though!

I don't think I'm gonna do as well as I'd hoped for my first week :-( it's so hard with the baby to get my food sorted and eaten before he wants feeding again. I'm grabbing things that aren't good, and not weighing things like cheese. Still, I suppose a small loss will be positive. Took me a long time to gain all this weight so will take me a while to lose it!!
Tigger I walk everywhere but have just started Zumba this week, so I was expecting a better loss. My leader has said excersice dill re shape me so ill see the difference in the mirror but not necessarily on take scales.

Also he pointed out a pattern in my weight loss and its after 3 weeks that i'll have a gain/ stay the same so it seems I'm heavier when it's time of the month! Annoying but I'm pleased I know it's not me!

Fx for a decent loss next week!


Mummy to the most amazing Little boy - Trey Jacob 08/05/13

I really must update my ticker!
Hi ladies, I havent lost anything as been quite bad. Still doing buggyfit and actually feel quite fit - muscles on my legs are impressive now. Have booked a photoshoot for 26th so need to shift weight. no food for me after 6 pm. I will be having tea with my son.
Hoping to up exercise to 3 times a week - there is a class on a Saturday near me - bootybarre

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Cheeky midweek weigh in &... I have finally seen the 12s woohoo!! 12stone 13lbs.

36lbs lost, 6lbs to go til I'm back to prepreg weight, and 20lbs to go til im at my target!

Bring on the salad..
Well done SaraLouise!

I've stayed the same for a few weeks, just waiting for her ladyship to nod off then shred time :)
I just are 8 aero biscuits because they were there. And today is weigh day. Oh dear!

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