Yummy Mummy Club

Wow Leah!!

And well done everyone, love reading through this thread :)

Just before I had George I was 18st8lbs ... disgusting! dont even know how I managed to get so big.

I was 12st7 when I fell pregnant as it was close to Christmas and had gained a bit.

now 2 months on from having George and I'm 15st8lbs... 3 stone difference! I know I am still very overweight but I'm so chuffed with the difference. 3 more to go for my first target and then 10st7lbs here I come!!!
Vic that's amazing!! Obviously the slow losses were building up to this. I've been really good this week... Then had Chinese last night. I do it every week !! Went on mums scales and they showed a loss so fingers crossed for tomorrow night.

I'm still in my maternity clothes (bar one pair of jeans) because I refuse to buy bigger sizes. My tummy feels huge now compared to pre preg!!
Some brill loses ladies. I lost anothe pound this week so Im chuffed to bits!!
Yay well done on the losses ladies!

I need to find what dress I want for the Xmas season and have that as my goal for the next couple of months. Love Christmas! I also eat LOADS and don't want to be on a proper diet over it, so need a decent loss before then to be able to munch happily xxx
Hey Ladies how are we getting on? I lost another pound this week so Im chuffed. Was out Sat for a lot of drinks so wasnt sure how it would go! Hope it diesnt come back to bite me next week!
Well done Laura! I stayed the same this week. So pleased though because I've eaten wayyyyy too much chocolate!!!!
Been a bit quiet in here last few days so thought if ask how everyone is getting on? I've been so busy lately and I'm 99% certain that v is teething so I'm exhausted! Didn't lose anything last week but didn't gain either had af so wasn't expecting a loss anyway had my weigh in tonight and lost 3lbs! Got my first half stone award yay! So I've lost 8.5 lbs since going to a class and 1 stone since starting the diet but I've lost 3 stone in total in 13 weeks! Only another 2 stone to go lol x
Hi ladies, well done Laura and Vic on the losses, and for staying the same on a chocolate binge tigger! ;-)

Well I got weighed today and lost 1and a half! Yay! So I am officially now only 3 pound away from pre pregnancy weight - yay!! 8 pounds away from goal so hopefully will lose that by Xmas (and then put it on again!). I REALLY need to do some exercise though, my belly is really saggy and I still have loads of my pregnancy cellulite! I just cannot be bothered!

So for tonight's cheat night I had Pizza Hut Hawaiian pizza with cheesy garlic bread, Doritos and lots of chocolate. Was the best! Haha. Good luck for the week ladies! Xxx
Vic your doing so well - can you share a little motivation?! And Claire, so close to goal, must feel really good!!

I'm struggling with snacking :-( I end up eating 1 or 2 rocky bars per day then get to tea time and think "sod it, no idea what to have, so something unhealthy will do" :-(
Mmmmm Pizza Hut!!!!

Well done in this weeks weight losses. Ive been trying the Filling and Healthy WW approach all week at the asking of my WW leader so Im curious as to whether it has worked! We shall see tomorrow!
Well put on a pound! Bit gutted actually as Ive stuck to Filling and Healthy completely. It could be the drink 2weeks ago and my body working a week behind as it used to. However I looked back on my card and 5 weeks ago I put on a pound and 5 weeks before that a pound gain. Wondering although I have no cycle if im getting a 'monthly' bloat. Im not going to spit the dummy on Filling and Healthy yet. Ill try another week then make my decision!

Still having my Double Decker!!
Seems like there's a pattern at least Laura?? I used to find filling and healthy too hard - I never seem to reach "full" haha!!

I lost 1.5lb tonight :-D no idea how, I think the breastfeeding is really helping me wing this like I am!!!!
Well done Tigger! I think Im the same as you I can still eat the same portions as I did 8 stone ago. I dont often feel satisfied. I tend to go from hungry to stuffed so all Ive learned in my weight loss journey is to measure and stop when the correct portion is finished. I love the points system it reallly works for me. However as a clerk at WW the drive is to try F@H and I have trusted my leader to get me from a 22 to a 10 now and she is telling me F&H is the best way for me to try. I have said to her that I am not going to weigh as If I have to it defeats the purpose. I am a stone under target weight so can afford another gain next week but if this happens then I am never going to F&H and aive given it long enough in my oponion. I am eating healthier funnily enough as my usual 7 PP on a ww bar, 2 crisps and an options hot chocolate are no longer on my menu but if Im gaining it is not healthier in the long run! We shall see!!
People who are healthy eat loads! It's just all the right foods so it's probably your bodies way of adjusting to it? As you say, you can afford to gain a couple of pounds anyway.

Well done tigger! Xxx
I got an email about the thread which is cool. It is super quiet in here mind you! I am on it like a car bonnet this week so if no loss I may get upset. I will also blame my leader for making me try F&H! We shall see!! To be continued Wed...
I'm doing bad this week. We keep going out for good! Lunch on Friday because me and OH never do, impromptu lunch Saturday because my cousin was here and needed to see a lot of people in a short space of time and then tea out yesterday as my inlaws were here. And tonight were having pizza.

I haven't gained on SW yet, and I tell you what, if I don't on Wednesday something is wrong .

I'm really not enjoying SW (but have paid up till end of dec so have to go!) because I'm finding it really bland - eating out is really tough too. So I'm cheating. A lot! I think I'm only losing because of the breastfeeding?? All feels like a big scam! Haha!
I am on it like a car bonnet .

I thought I was the only person tht said this! people always look at me weirdly and I've even had someone respond ' pls stay off my car!'

I've joined my fitness pal now as I'm exercising and eating right and struggling to lose weight so I'm hoping it'll show me where I'm going wrong, feel free to add me I'm killing1988

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