Yummy Mummy Club

Stop it, ladies! I am trying to be good. Veg omelette for lunch and a salad

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I've only been back on the wagon for 3 weeks and I'm losing motivation already!
I LOVE the gym & exercise, but it's the food side I struggle with.. I lost 2lb in the first week, and then put on a lb, so in three weeks I've only lost a measly pound! Baring in mind that involves 10 very hard hour long work outs at the gym..

I've not been 100% good with food, but I haven't had crisps, biscuits, cake or anything like that! (Day's food usually consists of: cheerios with semi-skimmed milk and a banana or porridge with a banana, lunch tuna/ham salad and fruit and dinner I'm TRYING to stick to chicken with rice and veg but dinner is what I struggle with and usually have something not so good like lasagne, homemade curry, cottage pie etc)

The thing is, I actually feel better in myself, but the fact the scales are saying otherwise is depressing :(

Could it be that with so much exercise I'll gain muscle/tone up/lose inches instead of losing weight?
So bloody frustrating!! Glad to see all of you ladies are doing well though!

I gained a pound! Im actually gutted. I have stuck to the plan and points completely so have to evaluate why as I did the last time. I think the gain is down to one of 2 things as it is not food related!

1 - i feel bloated and have developed spots on my face. I dont get periods and havent for about 3 years (had iui to get pregnant) so I may be pre-menstrual or going through the motions of a cycle
2 - I had some lager (all pointed) this weekend which I havent drank in a year. It did used to stall my weight loss pre pregnancy so may be that!

Im trying not to get annoyed as I really wanted to get below 10 st into the 9's. I just need to suck it up and hope for a loss next week!
Oh Laura don't be disheartened, as you said you haven't done anything wrong so the bloating would make sense.. Fingers crossed it will show itself next week. You must be so near goal now (I don't think I've ever been 9 stone anything!) so it's always going to be harder to get last bit off.

Leah maybe you should measure yourself instead of weigh? You're right muscle weighs more than fat so with all your hard work that would make sense?

And well done tigger! Xxxx
Thanks Claire! Im lucky in that I have been under my WW goal (10at 10) even after my pregnancy as I went 2 stone under it pre pregnancy. On my first post pregnancy weigh in I was still under by 3 lbs so still dont have to pay. I just want to get to my own personal target of being between 9st and 9st 6 for a buffer. I just dont feel happy just 6lbs under target.
Have you ever been that light Laura? My goal is 10.7, and even at my healthiest food and exercise wise I have never got lighter than 10.3! It's like it's not possible for me (without starving myself), so I wonder if maybe that goal is just too light for your frame? Xxx
woohoooo I've lost 16lbs now in 25 days... amazed!

Down from 18st 7lbs when pregnant to 15st 12lbs...

long way to go but I'm feeling gooooood!
Well done Ruth that's amazing!
I've lost half a stone in the last 2 weeks I've went from 16.7 stone which is what I was at end of my pregnancy to 14.1 I too have a long way to go to reach my target of 11.7 but I'm getting there been doing the 30 day shred DVD and it's brutal lol since I ain't done any excercises in a year lol! Couldn't do it yesterday as was run off my feet and I was pretty sore but got back on it today and found its getting a bit easier so gonna need to push myself a bit more
Well done tigger on ur loss at sw ur doing great! I've got my weigh in on Monday but was out for lunch yesterday had steak which wasn't so bad but had 2 glasses of prosseco and half a choc fondant an ice cream oops! Lol it was bloody lovely though and I never had any dinner just ate fruit gonna try not use up my syns too much and do more excercises so it doesn't have too much of an effect on any loss this week x
Have you ever been that light Laura? My goal is 10.7, and even at my healthiest food and exercise wise I have never got lighter than 10.3! It's like it's not possible for me (without starving myself), so I wonder if maybe that goal is just too light for your frame? Xxx

Yeah was down to 8st 9 but that was too light so hovered at 9st to 9st 3 ish most of the time pre-pregnancy. Was comfortable in a size 10 but could fit an 8.
Can I join?!

My LO is nearly 12 weeks old. At my booking in appointment (8 weeks pregnant) I was 14st 4lb. Yesterday I joined slimming world and weighed in at 14st 7lb.

I know what your thinking, In nearly back to pre pregnancy weight! But I'd put on alot if weight before my pregnancy, so that's what I want to get off!

I've done slimming world before and got down to 11st 7lb. I felt fantastic! I think realistically now, my aim would be to get to 12st.

I'm bridesmaid next July, and I'm off to centre parks in the January so need to get swim suit ready!

My aim - 1st 7lb by Xmas (take me to 13st). Have a good Xmas and new year and just forget about the diet, then back on it down to 12st by July!

Wish me luck!! Xxx
I need to join you ladies! I'm back down to pre-pregnancy weight but that's still about 10lbs heavier than I was a year before I got pregnant. I also haven't worn trousers for ages and now I'm back at work I'm horrified to find all my work trousers are too tight cos of my mum tum! I had been at WW to lose the weight so am getting back into that and I'm going to have to do some exercise. Not sure how I'll fit it in with LO and working full time though!!
Heey girlys!!

Good luck for the new starters!!

Im of to my mothers lunchtime. Guna strip off and weigh!
I dnt think ive lost this week.
AF is due in the next 3/4days and i feel really frumpy. Either the same or a gain i reckon!

Didnt help that i was over my cal intake on MFP either a few times this week.
Off to asda later to stock up on my WW stuff xx
Well I've not got off to the best of starts! Had a pizza and massive bar of chocolate last night! Whoops!

Am back on it today and planning to go 30DS tonight. I'm not too bothered about what the scales say, I just want my trousers to fit me again!!!
I'm having the worlds most rubbish diet weekend!

My inlaws arrived on Friday evening, and despite the fact my MIL is also on slimming world (I haven't told her im doing it) she's awful. We went for coffee, had a cake, because I joked with my husband about having some of his welsh cake because I couldn't decide - she buys me 2 cakes. Went out for brekkie yesterday and I was good - bacon, scrambled egg, chopped tomatoes and some toast (this was the only "naughty" bit!). We didn't have any lunch though so I snacked very badly yesterday afternoon :-(

I'm gonna be really good the rest of the week!!!
I've got my weigh in tomo eek! Been pretty good this week apart from a couple glasses of prosseco for mine an Dh 10 year anniversary. Been doing the 30ds too but think I might have a rest day tomo as my right leg is a but iffy today.
Wish me luck! X
Aarrrgghhh! Woke up today with my period again! Only had one just over 2 weeks ago I thought I felt crampy yesterday! So I weighed myself this morning and it's saying I've put in 1lb! Do u think this could b because of af? I really thought I'd lost this week as been so good with eating and exercising I'm pretty gutted and feeling a bit low today I've got a few nights out coming up and I don't wanna go cos I feel huge and look awful I don't feel like me while I'm this size I now I should b happy and just focusing on my baby but I feel like I can't fully enjoy bein a mum I only gave one photo with my son cos I hate how I look! I'm not a vain person I've always had issues with my weight and I take a pride in my appearance but I have low self esteem and this weight is not helping! I just want to feel a bit like myself and b a happy mummy I won't even let Dh near me or see me naked. I really don't wanna go to my Xmas night out with my best friends as they are all. Between 2-3 stone lighter than me and I look huge next to them god knows wot ill even b able to fit into :( sorry girls just having a bad day today and need to vent x
Oh hun don't be so hard on yourself! I definitely think it's period related, I don't even bother to go get weighed when I'm on coz I bloat up so much. Hopefully your af will be gone by next week and then it will be double weightloss that shows on the scales. You've not long had your baby, it took 9 months to put weight on so it's going to take a while to lose and that's just normal. I know it's hard to feel like that when you feel low about yourself, but no one in real life looks like themselves again post baby for quite a while xxx
Well after my midweek weigh in saying I'd lost a lb, I obviously put it back on somewhere, as I've stayed the same this week. Oh well! Onwards & downwards!

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