Yummy Mummy Club

Don't give up Vic and don't be so hard on yourself it will come. I have been loosing a measley half a pound for weeks now! It's still gotta be better than gaining xxx

The old cliche Claire if you held that half a pound in your hand and straightened your arm out and not moved it then its really heavy. My leader makes us do it and you realise that it is a good achievement! Well done for loosing. I would be happy for half a pound the next few weeks. Got a lot on!!
That's very true Laura.. Thanks! What's ridiculous is I'm desperate to loose weight before Xmas.. So that I can put it on again! Ha! I just don't want to gain even more weight than now, but a couple pounds on will be ok if I get off enough before then xxx
That's very true Laura.. Thanks! What's ridiculous is I'm desperate to loose weight before Xmas.. So that I can put it on again! Ha! I just don't want to gain even more weight than now, but a couple pounds on will be ok if I get off enough before then xxx

Im exactly the same about Christmas!! Mad isnt it. Loose more now then have a bigger buffer for weight gain at Christmas. Also ive got the vain part of me that is desperate to go to my works Christmas night out in a lovely dress and keep up with the young non mummy's in my work for the night!

Im also contemplating a filling and healthy christmas approach too. Currently doing it on a Thursday and loving it. Dont feel hungry. You tried it?
I stayed the same on Wednesday... AGAIN! Not impressed. I keep getting mega chocolate cravings, and rather than have maybe a small rocky bar, I eat 5 or 6 (no wonder I'm overweight eh...!!)

I'm trying to be a bit better this week. I say that every week though. Having curry tonight per slimming world recipe - so free. Small taster so far from the pan tastes gooood :)
That's very true Laura.. Thanks! What's ridiculous is I'm desperate to loose weight before Xmas.. So that I can put it on again! Ha! I just don't want to gain even more weight than now, but a couple pounds on will be ok if I get off enough before then xxx

Im exactly the same about Christmas!! Mad isnt it. Loose more now then have a bigger buffer for weight gain at Christmas. Also ive got the vain part of me that is desperate to go to my works Christmas night out in a lovely dress and keep up with the young non mummy's in my work for the night!

Im also contemplating a filling and healthy christmas approach too. Currently doing it on a Thursday and loving it. Dont feel hungry. You tried it?

NOooo but sounds super interesting do tell!! Xxx haha tigger, I LOVE the chocolate too! Xxx
It is WW your on isnt it?

Filling and Healthy approach is that yoy can eat any food that is green on the tracker and not need to point it. You do nor have to weigh it etc just dont go mental. You still have your 49 'party pointss' to use in the week for anything that is not green eg chocolate, wine, crisps etc. You can do one day F&H or a whole week. Now thinking about Christmas dinner.

Turkey - Green
Potatoes - Green
Peas, corn, etc - green

I find its brilliant when Im hungry as a whole load of things are green you wouldnt expect

Porridge, crumpets, potatoes, fish, streak, baked beans, ww bagels, low fat yoghurt, skimmed milk, shredded wheat, wholemeal pasta, ww wraps, calorie controlled bread!!

You can eat all of these portions not needing counted. Ive done a day of F &H the last few weeks and been really full. Lost 2and a half and 1 and a half. If you use the app you to to settings and change from counting preference to f&h. To fund all the foods you can use the app too through find foods-foods-filling and healthy. I dont know if I could trust myself to do a week of it but a few days maybe weekends and Christmas day etc yeah!
I've surprised myself and am still on the wagon!! Clean high protein diet with lots of salad & veg, along with 4 hours of gym a week. I've lost 4lb this week and now down to 9st 7lb. Ultimate goal is 8st 7lb, so 1 stone to go!
Very self indulgent post I know ladies sorry, but I'm so proud of my progress & I'm starting to like my body now :)
Went out on a night out last night & actually felt comfortable!



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Christ Leah, you're a hot mamma!! :eek:
You should be proud, you look great!! And check out your boobs! Boob envy! :D xxx
Christ Leah, you're a hot mamma!! :eek:
You should be proud, you look great!! And check out your boobs! Boob envy! :D xxx

Thanks chick!
It's taken a lot of hard work & I'm so pleased to be seeing results :) xx
Well done leah, you look fab! You should be proud of yourself x
Leah you look amazing!!! Can't believe you have another stone to lose; I'd kill to look like you do! I'm the same height and weight but flabby :-( can I ask what type of things do you do at gym? All cardio or weights? And what's a typical food day? I really need to tone up!
Christ Leah, you're a hot mamma!! :eek:
You should be proud, you look great!! And check out your boobs! Boob envy! :D xxx

Thanks chick!
It's taken a lot of hard work & I'm so pleased to be seeing results :) xx

Youre welcome hun! How long have you been gymming it for? Think I need to join! I give up home exercise once the novelty wears off! Gonna have to kick my bum into gear and get toned up. Miss my ballet bod haha! ;) xxx
Leah you look amazing!!! Can't believe you have another stone to lose; I'd kill to look like you do! I'm the same height and weight but flabby :-( can I ask what type of things do you do at gym? All cardio or weights? And what's a typical food day? I really need to tone up!

Aww thanks my lovely!
I've got two exercise plans, one for arms & one for legs. I aim to do each one twice a week.
First plan consists of: chest press, bench press, flys, leg raises, shoulder dumbbell press (all 3 sets of 15) plus 4 sets of 20 crunches and 30mins cardio.
Second plan consists of: lunges with weights, squats, leg curls, leg raises (all 3 sets of 15), plus 30 second wall sits (3 sets), 4 sets of 20 crunches and 30mins cardio.

I've been told doing cardio after weights is much more effective as your muscles have already been worked.

My diet is the most boring diet ever! :( lol but as I work so hard at the gym, I find it easy to stick to as I don't want to ruin it & waste all the time & effort I've put in at the gym.
Breakfast: bowl of Special K with skimmed milk or 4 eggs scrambled (1 whole egg, 3 just egg whites) plus a cereal bar
Lunch: pasta salad with tuna or chicken. Or chicken breast, brown rice & veg
Dinner: salad of some sort with meat (chicken, turkey, ham etc)
Plus 3 litres of water per day

I've been gymming it for 6 weeks now and not lost a huge amount of weight, but I think some of the fat has been replaced by muscle, so just generally feel better in myself.

Sounds like a good plan. And full on!

I think Im gonna join the gym, but probably once Im driving so sometime before Christmas.

Will also need to invest in a new pair of trainers lol xxx
Thanks Hun for posting this! I'm gonna try it out this week as I've become a cardio bunny haha so need to change it up! Do you use free weights or the machines? Xx
Thanks Hun for posting this! I'm gonna try it out this week as I've become a cardio bunny haha so need to change it up! Do you use free weights or the machines? Xx

You're welcome :)
I use mainly machines. The only things I use free weights for is the shoulder dumbbell press and when I do lunges & squats xx
Lost another half a pound... I know any loss is good so will probably just accept that it will always be half a pound so that I don't get disappointed! Only have 6 pounds to go till pre preg weight and 11 pounds till goal though! Yay!
Sooo for those of you who know I love a cheat night... Tonight's was homemade burger sbd chips, followed by warm chocolate cake and ice cream, and more chocolate! Haha! Xxx
Mmmm I love your cheat night Claire!! All Ican do is read it mind you for another 2 days!!! Well done on your half a pound! Target in sight!!
Had my weigh in at sw last night and I lost 5lbs and got slimmer of the week! I couldn't believe it! I'm so happy cos I worked bloody hard for it lol still doing 30ds on day 7 of level 2 it's a killer! X

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