Yummy Mummy Club

It's £5 on Amazon ladies I'm gonna order it tonight we can do this! :) x
Ordered! Should b here by 2nd October it was £5 wit free delivery :) I'm kind of shittin it now lol I'm gonna die! Not done any excercises in almost a year! X
You really are a yummy Mummy Diane!

You look fab.

I am back here after losing my way (again!!) and I weigh 4lbs more than I did the day after I had James :wall2: :wall2:

Not sure what has been going on but I've just not been in the right frame of mind and I've lost half a stone, gained 10lbs back!!!!!

I have had a few physio sessions and am not back to being able to exercise but I can walk without pain so I walked nearly 3 hours today lol.

I'm back on MFP too. Ultimate goal is 9st by June (so that is 24lbs to lose) but I'd be fine with 9st 7lbs. Which is my goal on MFP.

Will post when I have a loss, not weighing in weekly (fortnightly) so we'll see.

Diane you look amazing!! Fab dress :)

What is 30 day shred? I must google it


Just ordered mine off amazon aswell, the one on ebay ppl started bidding up to tenner / 15 quid!!?? Sod thaaaat!
Shoul be here next week :)
Hope noah gives me time to do this lol x
Hey ladies!

I've been AWOL for agessss! But here I am back on the wagon (again)!
I was 10st 3lb pre-pregnancy (overweight as I'm only 5ft 3), went up to 13st 3lb after I had Ethan. He's now 12 months old, last week when I started my diet/exercise, I weighed in at 9st 12.75. This week ive joined the gym as well to keep me motivated. I've also got a friend who is a personal trainer, so I've benefitted from him sorting out my diet and exercise plans!

The diet is horrible, but all the work I'm putting into the gym is discouraging me from being naughty! I have 4 egg white and 1 yolk scrambled for breakfast, tuna/chicken salad for lunch and chicken/fish with brown rice and veg (green beans, spinach etc) for dinner.
This week I've done 4 sessions at the gym (1hr at a time). I weighed myself this morning and have lost 2lb, so I'm now 9st 10.75! My first goal is 9st and see how I feel then, possibly 8st 7lb to be comfortable.

I'm so so motivated at the moment so I'm hoping it doesn't wear off! Off to the gym again today :)

Well I do good lose half a stone and then give up and put it all back on :( 2moz I start again .. Again lol your all doing so well x
I dno what im doing but ive lost 3lbs this week!! Weigh in is tomorrow normally but at mums today x
Hi ladies! So at weigh in this week I lost only half a pound again! Think I'm
Going to have to start doing some exercise otherwise this last stone is going to take forever to come off! Any exercise DVD recommendations that aren't too hardcore? After having spd during pregnancy I have literally done nothing more than walking short distances for about 6 months so I am sooo massively weak and unfit so I need to start slow. Xxx
Hey ladies so had my weigh in this morning and I've lost 5lbs in a week! I'm really chuffed although still got my af visiting so hoping when it's gone it'll b a bit more lol hoping this time next week I'll have lost half a stone just can wait to get out of the 14 stone range it's well depressing lol how's everyone else doing? X
Hi ladies! So at weigh in this week I lost only half a pound again! Think I'm
Going to have to start doing some exercise otherwise this last stone is going to take forever to come off! Any exercise DVD recommendations that aren't too hardcore? After having spd during pregnancy I have literally done nothing more than walking short distances for about 6 months so I am sooo massively weak and unfit so I need to start slow. Xxx

I'm not sure of any DVDs I've orders the 30 day shred but it's meant to b pretty solid ill prob die as not done any exercise apart from walking in almost a year! Are u able to go swimming? X
Well done on all the losses!

Well today I start the 30ds. I did it this morning and found it easier than I remember so I'm glad I seem to have become fitter! The worst part for me is in circuit 3 doing the side lunge things... Omg they are killer!

Good luck to anyone else starting it today!
I'm starting it on Thursday eek! I'm scared lol! X
5lbs is so good Vic!!! I weighed the other day and am 14 st 11lbs - so about 2 and a half stone to lose. I realised yesterday I'm going to be totally useless unless my little one gets a bit better at night - 5 hrs broken sleep on Sunday night rendered me totally useless yesterday! Had 8 hours last night though and hubby's home today so gonna do our menu for the weekend go shopping etc today :)
Wow well done Vic thats a great loss!! You will be down a half stone by next week no probs!

Claire I found that I had to start exercising the closer to goal I got and still have to. Think the eating is really important but as you go down in weight you have to work a little more. Im not sure about this week my body usually goes a week behind and last week I had a meal and drinks out. Ususlly either sts or might put on after this but I really dont want to!!
Thanks girls it means I'm doing something right lol!
Tigger u shoukd like a few pages on FB they have loads of recipes on them the first one is weight loss bitch and the other one is slimming world recipe share. Are u doing extra easy plan? I'm joining a class on mon wbu? X
Wow Vic brilliant loss! I'm the same tigger, the thought of exercise kills me, sometimes I can barely be bothered to shower!! Wish baby slept through the night too... I average 5/6 hours of broken sleep a night a I reckon.. Wish that alone was enough to lose weight haha!
I think you're right Laura.. Gonna have to bite the bullet. May give swimming a go actually... Although that requires keeping the lady garden tidy which is a right chore ha! Need to lose this last stone though, I want to wear some of my old clothes again! Xxx
Well done vic!!!!!

Im waiting for the postman! I hope he has my jodie marsh semtex capsules and 30Day shred DVD!!!!! Xx
I agree with laura... Now that I'm at goal and "healthy" weight its difficult to lose. I'm happy with 1/2 a lb a week now. I think my goal will be 126lbs by Christmas... 10lbs to go. Hmm, may not actually achieve that haha!

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