Yummy Mummy Club

Hey girls!

Been AWOL for awhile but I'm back!!

Great losses to all of you!

So last week after my major "effort" I lost a measly pound. But this week after buying kitchen scales (and realising I was so off with my measurements) I lost 3.5lbs!!! I'm sooo chuffed and its given me a boost!

I was feeling a bit off yesterday so didn't have my usual indulgence so naughtily I'll be having some today, a pack of chocolate hob nobs and a big cup of tea yummy!!


Hi girls! I intend to come and join you shortly. Did weight watchers years ago and lost about 2 and half stone, think I probably have all that to come off again plus some! Thinking about doing slimming world this time for something a bit different but not sure. First thing I need to do is get some scales so I know what I'm dealing with! Few days before birth they read 16st 4lbs, so hoping its under 15st now!!!!
Hey tigger i was 16st 3lbs day before i gave birth. Got dwn to 14st 2weeks pp so its possible!! N thats with doing sod all! Now im a actually trying to lose the remaining 2st its proving quite hard haha!!

Gd luck huni :) xxxx
Welcome Tigger!

I also lost a lot in the first 8 weeks without trying and now I'm up and down every week lol!! There's a few ladies on hear that are doing slimming world so you'll be able to get some recommendations. Good luck!

Well done to all the losses!

I lost nearly a lb this week which I'm happy with as I've not exercised as much and also had a cold. I'm now 4lbs away from my wedding weight! Can't believe it, I was 180lbs ish when I was 9mo pregnant, 154lbs pre pregnancy and now 137lbs 7mo post pregnancy!

It's my daughters christening on Sunday and I'm actually looking forward to putting my [size 10!!!!] dress on!

Well done Diane!! What a great achievement, you must post some before and after pics to inspire us all!

Hope the christening went well too :)


Hi everyone u lay have seen my recent post (moan) abouty weight gain during pregnancy and how it's been getting me really down well some of u commented and said some really nice things and invited me in here so here I am!
My name is Vicki I'm 28 and just had my first baby a beautiful little boy Vincent Lewis. I'm 5 foot 9 and pre pregnancy I was 11 and a half stone the week before I had Vincent I was almost 16 and a half stone! I'm now weighing 14 and a half so have 3 stone to lose! I'm doing slimming world and trying to walk everywhere also starting swimming tomo and believe it or not my husband is a personal trainer which u would have thought I would b taking advantage of but it could end in divorce lol but we are gonna try 1 session a week see how it goes.

Hi tigger I done ww before lost over a stone but gonna try slimming world this time as seems a bit easier to follow if u need any recipes I've got plenty lol we could share meal ideas if u wanted?
Sharing meal ideas sounds good :) I'm hoping my mum will do it with me - she's a rubbish cook so I end up doing meals for her when we do diets (she's only next door so very easy). Bit worried about how easy it'll be with a new baby - I'm not even sure how I'm gonna feed myself basics when hubby goes back to work hehe!!

Anyone dieting whilst breastfeeding? Has baby been affected? I've heard a few stories of people saying their baby was very unsettled and crying lots because they went on a diet - it has to be major calorie deficit to do this right!!?

Well done with all the weightloss girls, it's all very encouraging to read how well your doing!! I can't wait until I can be below pre-preg weight! Though, at 7 weeks I was 14st 7lb, so shouldn't be too hard... My goal is 12st. (I'm 5'7 and never really been below this - don't think my body likes it!)
Welcome to the thread girls!!!

Well I lost 1 and a half this week. Was well chuffed seen I had my birthday weekend but my body usually works a week behind with weight so Im not celebrating too much as it may come back to bite me next week!

As always a double decker on the cards tonight but also couldnt resist a teaspoon of Nutella straight from the jar!!!
I try and plan wot I'm going to have a few days in advance and I check wot I have left in my fridge etc to see wot needs to b used up first breakfast tends to be either porridge or shreddies with semi skimmed milk or a full breakfast which is bacon grilled with fat trimmed beans poached eggs mushrooms and quorn sausages and it's only 2 syns on extra easy plan :) lunch is either baked potato with beans and small amount of cheese or Tuma mayo with extra light mayo or salad or ham sand which and dinner is chilli or spaghetti or chicken with savoury rice pork chops etc I have loads of recipes if u need them.
Are u going to a class? Is it extra easy plan ur doin? X
Anybody tried the 30 day shred DVD? I'm thinking about getting it as it means I can do it in the house when lo is napping x
I want to join a class because I've not got a clue about how any of it works yet :) need to look into when they are!

I've heard very good things about the 30 day shred, I think my mum has a copy so I might try it. I've also got a yogalates DVD (yoga and Pilates) that's aimed at weightloss - when I did it before pregnancy you could really feel the pull in your abs once you'd finished! I never keep up with DVDs well though!
Ugh had such a terrible week, I've had food poisoning!! I haven't been able to exercise at all and feel really crappy. So I kinda expect a bit of a loss tomorrow, but nothing massive.

Unfortunately I don't have any before shots as I hated how I looked so didn't take any! MASSIVELY regret that now though as I would really love to be able to see the difference! It was my lo's christening on Sunday and here I am in a dress. I feel quite good about myself, but still got to get rid of the flabby .

I do 30 day shred on my non gym days. I really like it! It was hard at first but you will deffo start to see improvements in your fitness! I like it cos it uses weights and toning exercises so combats loose skin too! You can get it on youtube, so no need to buy it x
Diane ur loooking fab!!!!!

I want to get that dvd!!

I did acheeky mid week weigh in gain lastnight. Another lb off! :) hoping for another 1 or 2 by weigh day sunday x
Thanks ladies!

Well done on a cheeky loss and good luck for "official" weigh in!

I'd def recommend 30ds. Although I've never progressed past level 1 lol x
Diane you look fab chick!

Think my joints are up to me doing 30ds :) never made it through full 30 days started it then found out I was pg.

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We could all start together and motivate each other to get through it! Maybe could be an October challenge?
Oh dear.... Currently sat here with a HUGE toblerone....!!! Don't fancy my chances this week! Xxxx

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