Yummy Mummy Club

Fab Loss's everyone, my arms ache and lower stomach muscles feel a bit tender but other than that surprisingly ok.
Off out this morning so will do day 2 when madam has a nap later or I'll dig out the door bouncer and she can laugh at me lol
Ladies, with the 30 day shred, do you literally do the exercises everyday for 30 days?

Possibly the dumbest question I've asked.

I've found level 1 on YouTube - is that the one?


That's the one, I'm going to prob have one rest day a week, you do level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days then level 3 for 10 days.
Hi baby bee I usually do it on my non gym days so mon wed fri xxx
Thanks ladies!!

Diane, you are so active!! I need to learn!
Hey ladies

I'm still floating about, still trying to shift that last stone.

Today I joined my local (very expensive) gym. I'm hoping the cost is enough to make me get off my fat ass and go!

I'm doing ok food wise, I'm not on the wagon, but not particularly off it either. I just want to be fit again (exercise fit, not good looking fit as you can't polish a shite!)
I'm in :D I'm lucky in that I'm the same weight as pe-pregnancy, but it's still WAY to much. I'm setting myself little goals. My first is to lose 12lb by Boxing Day (which is the day Jensen is 3months), I'm aiming to do lots of walking due to selling both my exercise machines while I was pregnant. Ultimate goal is to get down to 9st by Christmas 2014 x
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Hahaha that really made me giggle "can't polish a shite". Haha! Xxx
Well no go today for DVD the babe is sleeping on me but tomorrow is another day.
ordered a couple of exercise DVDs online so I should be back with u ladies in the very near future, my successes in the past couple of weeks have stretched as far as walking to dominos...oops!
Every little counts though Kat :) glad we don't have a domino 's closer it could be lethal.

Day 2 done! Better late than never.
How soon after a section can you exercise? I've lost 4lb already which is really spurring me on x
Hello me too I wanna exercise but im now just under 3 weeks since c section. Pre preg I was 9st 7lb . Pregnancy I got to 12st. Im now 10st 4lb im hoping some more will come of naturally? ! U til.i can exercise! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
mummy to dd 16/9/13
Thanks hun, will stick to walking until my 6 week check x
Started Zumba today it was fab!!

Anyone else do it?

I did about 3 classes before I was preggo and loved it, I was so tired and sore that I didn't go once during pregnancy and I regret that now.

Having a good food week so far, just hope it lasts till Tuesdays weigh in!


Argh bad day yesterday! Breakfast lunch and tea were fine... It's the snacking that was bad. Nutri grain and 4 breakfast biscuits just because. Then 2 rolls with butter alongside my soup for lunch!!

I'm struggling to use up all my healthy extras (slimming world plan) because I get so many as I'm feeding!!!! Hope that doesn't stall my weightloss (or indeed starve poor Jake!)
I had a bad evening. Im really ill atm and after being healthy and losing 2lbs this week i decided id stuff a share sized pizza to myself!!! Xx
Did day 2 yesterday and don't feel too bad today.

I used to do zumba I loved it lost weight and toned up :)
No loss, no gain this week! Bit disappointed as I really wanted to just lose at least 1lb so I could see those 12s again! But will have to be very good this week, and see them next week.
Lost 2lbs this week that's half a stone in 2 weeks!
Started the 30 day shred today and omg I'm sore already lol! X

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