Yummy Mummy Club

I dnt get how i managed it!
I was going to do a 'lose a stone in a week' crash doet to get me started lol and only lasted 2days.. Then since ice had mcdonalds cake and custard this week so not sure how if managed to lose and keep off the 4lbs!!

Fx it doesnt go bk on.
Ive made homemade veg soup and its bloody lovely! So tucking into that for the next few days xx
Well done on the loosing ladies! My weigh in is tomorrow 7pm, have just got back from Sainsburys where yet again i have gone crazy with getting stuff for tomorrow's cheat night! Haha xxxx
Ive made soup yesterday too Butternut Squash! Im loving it. Oph Claire make me jealous what did u get this week?

Every weigh in night I have a Double Decker and I look forward to it every week!!
I love butternut squash soup! Crushed chilis in it are yum!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Ive made soup yesterday too Butternut Squash! Im loving it. Oph Claire make me jealous what did u get this week?

Every weigh in night I have a Double Decker and I look forward to it every week!!

Mmm this sounds nice, how do u make it?
Sooo this week I'm going to make chicken and chorizo pasta bake with lashings of cheese for dinner, then have a mountain of chocolate related goods for after - Lindt milk chocolate bar, Emma's kitchen chocolate cupcakes (amazing!), chocolate raisins, and dolly mixture. Plus myself and my bigger boy made chocolate rice Krispy cakes earlier today so they will have to be eaten before they go bad! Thank god my weigh in is late in the day.. I don't think I'd ever be able to recover from a cheat DAY. Xxx
So home for a nap & a shower..

13st 3lbs, lost 2lb. Back to the same weight I was 2 weeks ago, which is good. Hopefully it stays off this time! X

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Lost another 2lbs.. Yay! Cheat night has commenced!

Lost 10 and a half lbs now since I joined WW 5 weeks ago. Another 15 and a half more till goal. Xxxx
Great thread!

I started a new diet on Saturday called 123 plan by Terri Ann Mitchell.

starts with a 10 day boost and only 3 days in I have lost 4lbs. Expecting to lose a big amount by day 10 and then diet alters. I think its great having this boost as I'm really crap with willpower

I've got 5 stone to lose and actually feeling positive that I can do it :)
Well done SarahLouise!!

Well done Claire! Im sitting here 2 days before weigh in and very jealous of your cheat night agenda! For the Butternut Squash Soup I roast 2 squashes in the oven till their soft. Cut up 3 carrots, grate 3 carrots, slice 3 leeks. Put 3 stock pots or cubes in a big pan of water. Boil it all up and then either blend it or leave it chunky depending on which I feel like. When its finished I put in some chopped parsley. Salt to taste. Dead simple but lovley. I get loads of soup out it and in total its 3 PP for the stock! So usually just put the points in for the day make the soup!
Well done girls!!

Claire I love your mammoth treats lol!! If only we lived closed we could have a massive spread every week lol! :)

I've really tried hard this week, been really careful and not had any naughtiness, did some power walking too so I really hope I've lost at least 3lbs. I put on 2lb last week so I've already missed a week so fingers crossed my suffering has paid off ha!!

I've already bought some revels and a kit kat for tomorrow lol I plan to get a lot more from sainsbury's - it's been the only thing keeping me going lol.



Thanks for that Laura, sounds delish!

Haha thanks babybushie.. You're only a train ride away as I see yours east London and I'm south! Although can also see it being the end of any weight loss for us if we are actually arranging to meet to stuff our faces haha! I never manage to eat as my much as I hope which makes oh and my bigger boy happy as they get to eat the rest during the week! It's the only thing that keeps me going too. Good luck for tomorrow and well done on the power walking! Xxx
Wow this thread was on the second page!! Weigh in tonight and another half a pound off. I would like more but a loss is a loss. I know that under target weight can take longer.

Double Decker and my square wrap pizza night for me! Mmmm
Yay well done Laura! It's all going in the right direction which is the main thing. Mmm yum I could totally eat a double decker right now! Enjoy! Xxx
Well done to all the losses!

I lost nearly a lb this week which I'm happy with as I've not exercised as much and also had a cold. I'm now 4lbs away from my wedding weight! Can't believe it, I was 180lbs ish when I was 9mo pregnant, 154lbs pre pregnancy and now 137lbs 7mo post pregnancy!

It's my daughters christening on Sunday and I'm actually looking forward to putting my [size 10!!!!] dress on!
I've only just noticed this thread! I've started slimming world a week ago don't know if I've lost anything as not going to a class and my scales were broken got weighed at doctors yesterday and I'm 13 stone 10! Eek! Last June I was 11 stone 7 and I thought I was heavy then! I'd give anything to b that again lol! My goal is my Xmas night out on 30th nov with my girlfriends who are all skinnier than me so don't wanna b the fat one lol anyone else doing sw? Be good to share recipes/food diaries :) x
Well done Diane! I can't wait to get into my pre pregnancy clothes again! Xxx

Welcome Vic! I'm doing weight watchers but I'm pretty sure some of the other ladies are doing slimming world. Xxx
So I only lost half a pound at ww weigh in tonight!!! If I'm honest I don't think it's right as I weigh myself on my home scales before I go everytime, and they were telling me I'd lost 2 pounds! Ah well hopefully will catch up again next week.

How's everyone else getting on? Xxx
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Still a loss Claire so well done! Im not holding out much hope for this week as its been my birthday weekend and Ive ate and drank worse than normal. Its been within my points but when I do eat out and have a drink now I either put on or best case scenario stay the same! It really annoys me that!
I weighed saturday and lost a lb.
but not sure how well ill do this week tho!! I feel a naughty week brewing lol x

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