Yummy Mummy Club

Nothing particularly healthy as such, just made fresh.

I was so sick of buying frozen rubbish and ended up in a lazy habbit through pregnancy but now I actually have time and want to make meals. Plus OH & I are qualified cooks, so its a bit of a waste not to cook.

My eating habbits in general are rubbish. I don't eat anything during the day usually - but now I have to make myself eat, because I think my eating habbits are what's affecting my sleeping habbit.

So I've just made sure I start easy, then ill start to add more foods and do diff or more healthy things.

Breakfast - cereal, I usually like my weatabix but some days I go off it so I've alternated weatabix, rice crispies, and shreddies each day

Lunch - sandwich with cold meat, I got some good fresh meat from the butchers yest, I got smoked ham, honey roast ham, honey roast turkey and I made up a chicken mayo, and again ill just alternate each day.

Dinner - Yesterday I had roast potatoes, sweetcorn and chicken breast
Today I had spag bol
Tomorrow stewed sausage & mash
Thursday baked potatoes chicken mayo and salad
Friday grilled chicken wraps and salad
Sat burger and portion of home made spicy wedges with a tomato/mayo/onion blended together dip
Sunday - roast dinner

Personally for me its helped cut out because I know I've bought exactly the ingredients for the above. Obv I could make other things with the same ingredients but that's what I have planned. All home made.

Not the most exciting, I'm quite a fussy creature of habbit, OH mainly eats same as me although for his lunch he makes his subs which are a mixture of salami, pepperoni, cheese and salad. But ill get into an eating habbit first, then cut down.

I also use light alternatives when possible, like the spray oil for my wedges and anything in the pan, extra light mayo etc, I like to think it all mounts up.

I'd like to thank netty & knopk for giving me some ideas for ingredients, I was sick of the same rubbish!!



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That's a great idea to pre plan, I may try that! My down fall is snacking so I've stocked up on tinned fruit and snack a jacks, that will help me.

I've put on 1.5lb this week :( I'm a bit annoyed with myself but it's my fault for splurging last week, I'm a bit surprised its not more. :(

Had my usual treat tuesday and will be back on the wagon tomorrow. I've lost and gained every week since I started so its time to get steady. My back is getting better so I hope to start exercising again this week.

Good luck girls!!

Mmm russellmuscle that all sounds really nice! I always try and pre plan but then find something changes and I'm not home for dinner, or I just really don't fancy what I'd planned to have so I end up wasting quite a lot of food, particularly fresh veg.

Babybushie 1.5lbs is nothing! Bet it will be gone plus more next week! Xxxx
Yh u hope so. :)

I used to always end up wasting fresh food, so now I buy tinned fruit and frozen veg, its Convenient and won't go to waste.

Weigh in day tomorrow! Fx for a good loss as I've been a beast at the gym this week!
Hey girls, Ive been away to London for the Scotland vs England game so had to weigh in on Tues before I went. I couldnt make my WW class either. I stayed the same this week which Im actually really miffed at because I stuck to the plan properly and pro-pointed correctly. I know how to do it too so its like Im a newbie. The only thing I can think of is pre pregnancy at class my body was always a week behind so going by that reckoning hopefully next week I get a good loss. Im back weighing/clarking at my again so Ill be going every week. Grrr!
Good look Diane!!

Laura at least you didn't put on, I'm sure you'll get good numbers next week!

I find if ur doin WW with not much to lose it takes ages!!

I was doing it to the T and gym everyday loosing a pound a week because I wasn't overly big.

Some heavier ppl would lose like 7lbs I'm like you kidding me ?!

That's why if I do WW I do it at home, because for them to weigh me every week and I lose a pound is just demoralising lol
Yay lost 2lbs this week!!!! So proud of myself. I'm so close the 9s now! Feeling so good and motivated.

At least you didn't put on Laura xxx

I also find I never [usually] lose more than a pound a week now I'm no longer classed as overweight.

I'm gonna have to start getting on the barbell soon though, don't wanna stay flabby.

Good luck everyone for the weekend!
I think the fatter you are, the more you will lose in the beginning. Its just percetage difference.
Hence me losing 3 lb a week lol. Slow is good though

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I'm so close to the 4st mark- just another 3lb to go!!!

I totally agree that you lose weigh quicker when heavier, I think that's why my weight's going down quickly at the moment, but I'm still 13st 10lb. I still have miles to go to get to 10st for my wedding on 30th November!!

So, and don't shout at me, I'm starting the cambridge diet on Saturday as I'm now 12weeks pp.

It's pretty controversial an everyone has an opinion on these kind of diets, but they worked for me before I fell preggers and they take away the temptation of naughty food.

It's the only way I can lose 3.5st in 3.5months!!!

Well done ladies for the losses :)
I dont even know what it is. I have never done diets. Is it really low on calories? I couldnt do a diet looking after 2 children hence doing WW

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Oh jolly I decided years ago that before my wedding would be the only time I would do one of the crazy shake diets! I personally don't think it's a long term weight loss because as soon as you start eating normally it comes back, But it is perfect for something like a wedding/honeymoon so go for it! Xxx
Well done on your losses girls!!

Yeah I agree that the heavier you are the more that you loose weight. Its funny I say to all the ladies I weigh at WW all these things but when it comes to my own weight and staying the same I cant help but get demoralised. Total double standards.

Im getting a bit miffed though with being told your under target what are you worried about you look fine. I dont want to sound petty but its a personal thing. I feel heavy for me and my normal jeans dont fit. I dont want to have to spend a fortune on new clothes as money is tight. I understand that I may be a different shapet etc that people keep throwing at me but I dont think its unreasonable to expect to fit into trousers. Am I? Also the oh your only 7 weeks after giving birth you will still have retained water etc. is this a myth and if not when does your body get back to normal?
Water can defo be the culprit, i.hate to say it but 7 weeks isnt that long after a baby and you need to be easy on yourself. Your jeans will fit before you know.it. During pregnancy we put on weight.on our middle(body saves fat for breastfeeding).and it will take time for it to go plus muscles dont snap into place straight after the birth.
Do you fit on the hips or not?

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I think i will have to use my weekly allowance over 2 days, really fancy a steak tonight and a naughty dessert. I think i only will lose 2 lb this week as i have been using all my points (i get 14 extra a day). Dont know how i would cope without them

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Knopk I take it your doing Ww as I am doing it too.. I know this sounds a little obsessive but I weigh myself every day and this week 2 for me (lost 2 pounds first week) and I haven't lost anything yet! Weigh in is Monday so I guess there's still time, but I'm just surprised as weight had been coming off almost daily through breastfeeding alone and now that I'm actually watching what I eat, it seems to have stopped?! I'm not even using all of my points everyday as sometimes I don't need them. Has yours been slow but steady? Xxx
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