Yummy Mummy Club

See I'm not sure about the whole eating all points thing, well possibly the normal daily allowance but the extra points you get with breastfeeding, or the extra weekly pounds would mean me eating lots more in the evening snack wise so I haven't been doing it. Maybe I'll try and use more in the mornings xx

Had chicken shish kebab last night, was sooo nice and still feels like a treat even though actually it's just grilled chicken, salad and pitta! Yum! Xx
Claire I dont eat all my weekly points all the time its just the daily points I had meant but Im not breastfeeding either so dont know about that. Is it a lot of points? Im a bit dubious about that too maybe.
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I find that i didnt use all weekly points but i use most daily ones as i allow myself a treat.
If you are exclusively breastfeeding, you get 14 extra points every day.
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i believe you burn at least 500 kcal a day. I am eating all that and still losing. It does go to 7 points once they start solids. I will be holding off as long as i can lol

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Hey there. At what point post birth did you all start Ur diets. I'm now 2weeks and feel I'd like to start making the effort. I am ebf and we are going out for walks daily. But iv been eating lots of chocolate, cake and buiscuits which isn't goof is it !! Going to start eatong more healthily I think I use my fitness pal before to loose weight. I have since a yr n half ago lost lots of weight originally I was 16.5 stone but I'm down to 12st 12 now do I need to up the calories due to bf tho as currently it says 1200 which seems low with bf. I am only 5ft4 so wud like to be around 10-11 stone really. I was 11st7 when first met my husband and stayed around 12t7 for ages I currently fit size 16jeans and size 14/16 depending on boob space in tops I'd love to be size 12/14 really 10 st is my ideal but I haven't been that weight since a teenager so not sure if that is achievable Im gunna work towards 11stone for now. What day is weigh day can I make mine Mondays? X
you need at least 500 extra kcal with BF. I wouldnt go.lower than 1800 tbh and would probably wait until 6 weeks (until your supply is established as you dont want to compromise it). However you can eat healthily anyway. I still allow myself chocolate as a treat if i eat healthily(ie salads and fruit as well as lean meat, not much fat).

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I weigh in on Mondays, stops me going overboard at the weekend. I make Friday or Saturday splurge days

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Hey there. At what point post birth did you all start Ur diets. I'm now 2weeks and feel I'd like to start making the effort. I am ebf and we are going out for walks daily. But iv been eating lots of chocolate, cake and buiscuits which isn't goof is it !! Going to start eatong more healthily I think I use my fitness pal before to loose weight. I have since a yr n half ago lost lots of weight originally I was 16.5 stone but I'm down to 12st 12 now do I need to up the calories due to bf tho as currently it says 1200 which seems low with bf. I am only 5ft4 so wud like to be around 10-11 stone really. I was 11st7 when first met my husband and stayed around 12t7 for ages I currently fit size 16jeans and size 14/16 depending on boob space in tops I'd love to be size 12/14 really 10 st is my ideal but I haven't been that weight since a teenager so not sure if that is achievable Im gunna work towards 11stone for now. What day is weigh day can I make mine Mondays? X

I started when she was 2 weeks 3 days and feeling much better for it :) my weigh day is wed just because that's when I started my diet ! I to but on weight when I met my oh naughty men feeding us up lol x
Thanks then 1800 sounds more like it il eat healthy n portion control for now n maybe make our walks longer?
Thanks then 1800 sounds more like it il eat healthy n portion control for now n maybe make our walks longer?

Dont put too much strain on yourself yet but walks are good for fresh air and exercise. I still cant run as my ankles hurt but I would urge you to take it easy for the first 6 weeks esp as you are breastfeeding. Your baby is important now and your supply needs to build up.

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I'm not ready for excersise yet but when I am I want to get a DVD .. Anyone know any good ones
you need at least 500 extra kcal with BF. I wouldnt go.lower than 1800 tbh and would probably wait until 6 weeks (until your supply is established as you dont want to compromise it). However you can eat healthily anyway. I still allow myself chocolate as a treat if i eat healthily(ie salads and fruit as well as lean meat, not much fat).

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I read somewhere that you burn a about 65kcal per feed. So if you're lo is feeding 10 times in 24hrs that's 650kcals!

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I honestly wouldnt worry too much about weight loss just yet, but try and keep off the sugar and junk and that will give you a good start.
Even breastfeeding twins didnt start shifting the weight off until about 8 weeks, which is when i knew my supply was established and now i am on a high protein, low carb and very low sugar diet and i have never felt better. I dont have to count calories and fill up on lean protein, eggs, nuts, cheese, milk and coconut milk, my supply is fab and the weight is falling off.
At 13 weeks I am just about 10lb off my prepregnancy weight and that is without any strenuous exercise because i just currently dnt have the time to get to the gym, although i walk alot.
You can enter BF'ing into MFP and it automatically does the sums to give you the right amount of calories.

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You search for breastfeeding as a food and it gives you 500 kcal on top. But its approximate, it maybe more than 500 kcal. I wouldnt start with too low as you can always drop it.

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Ran 5k in the rain this evening. Was great! Could have actually gone longer I think but did a personal best time.
Anyone who's doing WW if you miss a week are you expected to still pay? X

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